I know counting posts isn't something particularly do on here, it's more about the quality, the sharing of info & experience we might have accrued before we joined & of course afterwards.
Although have had people become members before they even smoked their first cigar (asking advice on what to try first), to those who joined, already having enough stock to justify a Walk in Humi & presumably an equivalent amount of knowledge learned along the way.
Records show I joined in Jan 2010, after being told about this club from members of the old Club Havana, a fore runner that sadly came to a natural end; it might have been Martyn Robusto. I was looking for a new club as the prev had taken a special place in my life & had taken me from advanced novice (had been smoking Havana's over a decade when I joined) with a collection of 128stix to 800 by the end. This included my first collection buy of 300stix. I had also attended my first herfs & made sime very solid friendships that continue to the day.
On joining UKCF I was please to see a few of the old faces, although I think only Martyn & I are still active. Luckily we were warmly welcomed & new feiend's were firmed, more herf's attended, Martyn's becoming legendry. We raised lots for charity & sacrificed many boxes of fine smokes to the cigar gods.
I check the site several times a day onboard, at least daily at home. If you're hoping to pick up the odd sale, several times a day is probably required, to get lucky.
Many members will pass through, some just stay for a few months, others may give up due to Doctor's orders of move on to other expensive hobbies & can' t keep both going.
I just wanted ro say to those who have joined recently, keep asking questions, buy a couple of good cigar books, try as many different cigars as you can, yes - even NC's! 🤪 Then you'll learn what you enjoy most & don't buy too many of a particular cigar too soon, as you'll be suprised how much your tastes will change in the first few years .
Thanks to those members who made me welcome, hope I have made others feel to? I have tried to share experiences, rather than just tasting notes, as I feel they occasion & surroundings make up so much of the experience that a stellar cigar smoked on hol's in Havana, doesn't rock your boat as much in a cold, damp UK back garden. Just like many wines tried the same way.
With my big move back to ol' Blighty in Sept, I am hoping to attend herf's & meet up with members, as we cross the country visiting relatives ect.
So thanks to our Host Deano, fellow contributors, special mentions in no particular order to: PJ, Vitola, Puff of Wind, Moondancer, Henrik, Mike, Banos, Stevieboy & our new blood Max, who appears to becoming on in leaps & bounds & organising our virtual herf's & Pandora for being brave enough to give this otherwise male bastion a chance & hopefully we can look fwd to more SOTL in future.
Sent from my H3113 using Tapatalk
Although have had people become members before they even smoked their first cigar (asking advice on what to try first), to those who joined, already having enough stock to justify a Walk in Humi & presumably an equivalent amount of knowledge learned along the way.
Records show I joined in Jan 2010, after being told about this club from members of the old Club Havana, a fore runner that sadly came to a natural end; it might have been Martyn Robusto. I was looking for a new club as the prev had taken a special place in my life & had taken me from advanced novice (had been smoking Havana's over a decade when I joined) with a collection of 128stix to 800 by the end. This included my first collection buy of 300stix. I had also attended my first herfs & made sime very solid friendships that continue to the day.
On joining UKCF I was please to see a few of the old faces, although I think only Martyn & I are still active. Luckily we were warmly welcomed & new feiend's were firmed, more herf's attended, Martyn's becoming legendry. We raised lots for charity & sacrificed many boxes of fine smokes to the cigar gods.
I check the site several times a day onboard, at least daily at home. If you're hoping to pick up the odd sale, several times a day is probably required, to get lucky.
Many members will pass through, some just stay for a few months, others may give up due to Doctor's orders of move on to other expensive hobbies & can' t keep both going.
I just wanted ro say to those who have joined recently, keep asking questions, buy a couple of good cigar books, try as many different cigars as you can, yes - even NC's! 🤪 Then you'll learn what you enjoy most & don't buy too many of a particular cigar too soon, as you'll be suprised how much your tastes will change in the first few years .
Thanks to those members who made me welcome, hope I have made others feel to? I have tried to share experiences, rather than just tasting notes, as I feel they occasion & surroundings make up so much of the experience that a stellar cigar smoked on hol's in Havana, doesn't rock your boat as much in a cold, damp UK back garden. Just like many wines tried the same way.
With my big move back to ol' Blighty in Sept, I am hoping to attend herf's & meet up with members, as we cross the country visiting relatives ect.
So thanks to our Host Deano, fellow contributors, special mentions in no particular order to: PJ, Vitola, Puff of Wind, Moondancer, Henrik, Mike, Banos, Stevieboy & our new blood Max, who appears to becoming on in leaps & bounds & organising our virtual herf's & Pandora for being brave enough to give this otherwise male bastion a chance & hopefully we can look fwd to more SOTL in future.

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