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Castro's Finally Lost It
I don't think he's 'lost it' at all, and I think I would want to see a fuller transcript of his comments first anyway as that is an extremely small article that may have lifted things out of context.
But as has been said, Bin Laden was indeed in the pay of the CIA for many, many years. All this is well documented. It was the Ameircans through the CIA and via Pakistan that armed and lavishly funded groups like Bin Ladens when they were fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. When, exactly, that funding stopped is unclear, but let's face it Bin Laden has been very useful to US foreign policy since then, it is almost as if he didn't exist you would need to invent him.
And let's not forget that this is not an isolated example. Saddam Hussain was also on the american payroll for decades since he acted on their orders to arrest and murder thousands of Iraqi trade unionists and socialists in the 70s, and then recieved substantial aid and support when at war with Iran. We could also look at the likes of dictator General Noriaga in Panama was supported and funded by the americans for many years when they were happy that he was killing trade unionists and human rights activists there."The socialism I believe in is everyone working for each other, everyone having a share of the rewards. It's the way I see football, the way I see life"
Bill Shankly
I don't think its a mad statement. I'm not in a position to categorically say its true or false, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest that if it did turn out to be true. There are some disturbing facts and even more disturbing claims that led up to the start of this "war on terror". Many are ridiculous, some are unlikely, some seem blindingly obvious but have been ignored.
Fidel is barking. Bush made a big error with Iraq in the response to 9/11 it was the kind of repressive state that the west could deal with whereas Iran is a different matter and will have to be addressed sooner or later. Fiddy C also predicted the world cup would be cancelled and that didn't quite pan out.
I agree with the Cap--America has a long, sordid history of installing and funding useful though morally corrupt people in power for various reasons, and these actions are done in the express name of freedom and democracy. One could add to the list the installation of the Shaw in Iran. None of this, obviously, proves Castro right.
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