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Quitting sucks

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  • #16
    Chris, I'm stopping fags as well, but just for me and my dole money. I'n on licquorice gum and it works physically, but psychologically, it's a bummer. I didn't realise I had such an oral fixation!

    Anyway, good luck on your quest and I hope it works out for you.
    No man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation.
    No man has the right to say to his country, "Thus far shalt thou go and no further."

    CS Parnell


    • #17
      Good luck with the fertility thing Chris.
      Hope you beat the fag bug. They're crap anyway.
      Spend your brass on good cigars, you know it makes sense!
      Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.


      • #18
        Originally posted by ChrisMClark View Post
        It's spurred me on to look seriously at SCUBA diving again (used to dive regularly), and quitting the ciggies will only help my diving.

        Always a bright side Chris. And if it results in a little scuba diver for you to teach ? can't be bad.

        Anyway, fags are bad for you. Will fair ruin your trumpet playin'!
        If you want to, you can.
        And, if you can, you must!


        • #19
          Good luck, keep the faith. It will all be worth it and you'll come through the other end and appreciate those fine cigars even more ...and perhaps give the fags a miss for good.
          Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
          Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

          Originally posted by Ryan
          I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


          • #20
            Tip, I like the trumpet argument...but I'm a percussionist

            I've decided that I'm going to get into cooking. It makes sense as quitting smoking will improve my senses of taste and smell. Besides, Ive been married for going on 4 years and I'm still pretty poor in the kitchen. So tomorrow night I'll be cooking a decent meal from scratch!

            Starter of Chicken Noodle and Corn soup
            Followed by Chicken Wontons with Sweet Chill dip
            Main course of Penaut and Sesame Chicken with egg noodle

            All from scratch! Off to the Asian market tomorrow morning!

            May well looking into this ECig too...
            My photoblog:
            Pretty ladies, pretty landscapes and fuzzy animals! Tell your friends!


            • #21
              Good for you -- its tough, but worth it.


              • #22
                Great idea! I love cooking. I'm a big fan of Italian cooking. I love tomatoes, garlic and pasta, so it's ideal, plus it's relatively straightforward, usually pretty quick and almost always healthy.

                Let us know how the cooking goes though - a nice sounding menu you've got lined up.
                My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
                My Company:
                Siparium Sporting


                • #23
                  We got as far as the stuffed so saving the stir fry for tomorrow night Went very well though, but I've already tweaked the recepies for next time I make them.

                  Was a nice end to a really crap couple of weeks. My wife has been in hospital with an 11cm cyst on her ovary, a side effect of the fertility medication she's on. They won't operate so she's off her head on Tramadol
                  My photoblog:
                  Pretty ladies, pretty landscapes and fuzzy animals! Tell your friends!

