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  • #31
    Did she get ring sting, or a coffee pot in the face?


    • #32
      Originally posted by Pantomimehorse View Post
      I might give one of those aeropress's a go actually, how many cups does it make?
      It can make up to four typical size espresso shots at once, though I find it works better with up to two shots. I usually make singles and top up to half mug size with hot water.

      If you do get one, the trick to it (though not well documented, and something I've learned through a combination of lots of research and trial and error) is to grind your beans quite coarsely (slightly finer than for a jug grind) so that it takes about 8-10 seconds to push the water through it using only the weight of your forearm held vertically above it (and no extra pressure).

      From what I've read, most people who've ended up poo-pooing the Aeropress have done so because they've struggled until they're blue in the face trying to press the plunger (grind way too fine) and got fed up with it. It's just a knack, that's all. Awesome thing. I would've saved a load of money if I'd discovered it years ago. Dead easy to use, and clean too, once you establish a little routine for yourself (took me about a week of making two shots a day to really get the hang of the ritual, after I'd got the grind size right).

      I get my beans freshly roasted (the biggest factor for great tasting, smooth coffee) and ground from an internet supplier who worked with me to get the grind size right, but most halfway-decent supermarket coffee eg. Sainsbury's Taste The Difference range isn't too far off the mark for the size of grind you want (for reference).
      There are 10 kinds of people in this world.
      Those that understand binary, and those that don't.

      Sent from a keyboard using my fingers.


      • #33
        Accidentally knock something of hers over ;D


        • #34
          ...oooor put some nail varnish remover on a tampon, rewrap it and put it in her handbag and hope the bitch uses it 8)


          • #35
            You lot are horrible!


            • #36
              well I didn't poison her like most of you seem to be suggesting! , hit her in the pocket instead, she hasn't noticed yet :-D


              • #37
                You hit her instead? good on you!
                Normally I dont agree with violence against women, but this in case it's ok I guess. A good slap should make her see the errors of her ways.
                Sometimes these women need a gentle reminder. lol.
                Free the UKCF one


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Mrs Leper View Post
                  Accidentally knock something of hers over ;D
                  This would be my choice. Find something either valuable in a money sense or an emotional sense and make sure it is ruined beyond recovery. If nothing fits the bill break everything on her desk, her cup, her anything you can find and leave it all in a pile on her desk! Guy, girl I dont care. Common human decency is called for and if it is not to be found then neanderthal is next. LOL.
                  What would I know? I'm just a backwoods roo packin crim from New Holland! LOL. (Thankyou El Cat)


                  • #39

