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Anyone got any jokes?
Originally posted by Robusto View PostWE muck up spelling! Hehehe...
Make fun of the Yank.
So please explain the rationale behind the extra "u" you Limeys favo(u)r sticking into words for no apparent reason.
And what about the extra "i" in alumin(i)um? Just to make it sound funnier?rokkitsci
My sister is very Transatlantic after 30 years of life in the States. When she's out there, she's perceived to be English because of all the quirky expressions that we brothers and sisters picked up from our Cockney Dad. She comes out with them when shopping in WalMart, and folk turn round to stare at her as if she were a babe with a cigar on. Yet when she comes over here to visit us, she is Mistress Of All That Is Yank! Song in the voice. Habits and expressions. It's very amusing in a warm way.
It's a bit like being a fish out of water, I guess. I'm a fluent French speaker, and a passable German speaker, and when I play bingo with languages when we are abroad, I realise this is the same swapping going on as my sister carries out in English and Yank-English.
Our spelling system is weird and largely built on Latin. We added the letter U to lots of words, so when you Yank Bros take it out, you are really reverting words to their Latin origin.
I have had nothing but good times in the States, Mr Rocket Man... I think it's gonna be a long, long time... Nothing but warm, fuzzy memories of times out there.
Your telly needs more English stuff on it, though. It seems really sloshy to a head with half an English brain in it.
A lovers look at the female
From 15 to 20, women are like Africa
Part virgin and part explored.
From 21 to 35, women are like Asia
Hot and exotic.
From 35 to 45, they are like the United States
Fully explored and free with their resources.
From 45 to 55, they are like Europe
Exhausted, but still interesting in places.
From 55 on, they are like Australia
Everybody knows it's down there but nobody cares very much.Love Life - Love Cigars
A man walks into a bar. He sees a good looking, smartly dressed woman perched on a bar stool. He walks up behind her and says “Hi there good looking, how’s it going?”
She turns around, faces him, looks him straight in the eye and says “Listen, I’ll screw anybody, anytime, anywhere, your place, my place, it doesn’t matter. I’ve been doing it ever since I got out of college. I just flat out love it.”
To which he says “No kidding? I’m a lawyer too! What firm are you with?”
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