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  • #31
    Must .. not .. give in .. temptation .. and post .. something .. I'll regret .. later...

    Ahh, Bol**ks to it!

    Anyone ever see the film 'Lawrence of Arabia'?
    Bare with me it's relevant.

    It's about a (Welsh!!) explorer called T.E. Lawrence who travelled to .. you guessed it, Arabia during the First World War in order to co-ordinate the Arab revolt (we call it 'insurgency' these days) against the Ottoman (Turkish) empire.

    In the film (brilliantly directed by the late, great, Sir David Lean), Lawrence attempts to organise the various disparate Arabic tribal groups into a united force, bringing them together to fight a common enemy (united we stand, divided we fall).

    However, it fails, all they do is bicker and fight among each other, leading to Lawrence breaking down in frustration and telling them:

    "So long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people - greedy, barbarous, and cruel, as you are."

    Who says you can't learn anything from history?

    If the European bureaucrats who are trying to shoe-horn the various countries of Europe together had bothered to look and learn from the experiences of 'Great Britain' they would have realised that the exercise is utterly doomed to failure.

    If we can't get along and support each other, and we share the same (small) island, language (well mostly), history and heritage. What chance have they got?

    As for trying to justify petty minded prejudices by blaming it on the .. media!
    Don't get me started.
    Last edited by El Catador; 15-06-2010, 10:17 AM.
    Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
    Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


    • #32
      Silly question, GERMANY, but historically I wanted them to win EVERYTHING anyway.

      "In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock!"


      • #33
        I just don't see what all the fuss is about myself. The same story pops up every time there is a international sporting event where England are involved and none or hardly any of the other members of the UK are taking part.

        It is a tongue in cheek laugh which should not be taken the least bit seriously. I admit that some people take it too far and that is not on, but in any large society there are always going to be extremists.

        Personally I think it is disgraceful that a St George's Flag is being ripped down, or any flag for that matter.

        Regarding the media, I will say though that the UK media does have a bais towards England in everything, not just sport. I would even go as far to say a bias for the South East and London. Re-nationalising of people from British to English or Scottish/Welsh/Northern Irish and vice versa is just one example countlessly displayed.

        However I do see it from another point of view which is roughly 84% of the UK population live in England, so the media should have a more English leaning, but not to the detriment of the other nation's. Something which sadly a vast majority of the 16% believe it has.
        "Come in here, dear Boy, have a cigar" ....Roger Waters (Pink Floyd)


        • #34
          No, I'm not bitter at all! Just stating the facts! I'm supporting Spain or Germany for the cup. England aren't strong enough, Brazil aren't advernturous enough, Argentina play in fits and starts. I'm looking forward to the Spanish game to see if my hopes are misplaced. Germany look awesome.....
          No man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation.
          No man has the right to say to his country, "Thus far shalt thou go and no further."

          CS Parnell

