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Cigars - Thinking and The First Toke

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  • Cigars - Thinking and The First Toke

    Do cigars help you to think more clearly?

    Like playing muisc, they take my brain when I'm knackered with a head like a bowl of spaghetti and straighten it all out like a map of New York.

    I'm... ashamed is not the right word... but surprised that at the start of a day of four strong smokes yesterday, when I toked the very first toke on a good one, it immediately calmed me down and rested me. It was tangible.

    I've never noticed that before.

    Am I now an addict?
    (Not bothered cos I'll take a fortnight off if I want. Easy).

  • #2
    I find that a cigar on the drive home from work helps take the stress of the day away. It also helps my miles per gallon, as my foot is a lot lighter with a cigar on the go.

    My wife said she has noticed a huge difference in my moods since i started with cigars, im a lot nicer to be around apparently, that will help when she sees the EL list i want this year.

    I think your spot on Brian, and no i dont think your addicted, well maybe a little, but arent we all?


    • #3
      Yes you are an addict,there is no turning back now


      • #4
        An Addiction?

        Mi pappy, Pappy Coro used to have a Martini every night after a long day at work.

        For me, its' fine puros. I can't remember a day when I didn't enjoy at least one puro (exception being sick), expecially after work.

        Some of you may recall an article in an early edition of Cigar Magazine which discussed the lithium content in cuban soil and it's impact on those of us lucky enough to enjoy the fruits of the soil - fine Habana puros!

        Maybe that's what keeps us coming back for more!!!

        sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


        • #5
          The only detriments I can see to the habit - skipping, I suppose, the most patently health-threatening oral cancers... I just kind of let that go by, you know... The only detriments I can see to the habit and reeking of cigars in your clothes and your goatees and your breath. If I've just had one in the car and I'm going to dep with a group, I stand WELL back and shake hands with outstrectched arm. I did that with someone I've never met before on Tuesday and I think they thought I was a complete tosser. Every time someone offered to help carry kit upstairs, I stepped aside.

          I have to say thatI am acutely aware of this smell thing and don't like to put it on my wife.

          BUT APART FROM THAT...

          It's fucking brilliant.

          Like you, Lee, I am calmer. I'm easier to speak to and with. I don't lose my temper. I STOP in a life that makes me rush.

          My kids love it. 17 and 22, I've given them lessons and counselling here and in Havana. (I was hiding from my Dad til I was... oh... about 40).

          I am minorly creative, but the brown and blue helps me to think more wordily and... this sounds shite... fluently.

          I still worry a bit about people "discovering" I smoke. Especially other teachers. Some people are still very prudish, I find. Straight-laced people still seem to be around in numbers in my job.

          We had a Police lecture that said (in essence) that nothing was now banned in porn. I lobbed in the paedophile question and asked them to explain what was considered tolerable. I didn't list off twenty filth-backed sex antics, but some of my colleagues were surprised I asked questions.

          I shall learn to knit and think of nothing.

          Cigars help me to sleep like a log. I used to be up regularly wide awake til 0400 ten years ago watching now-legal specialist documentaries. Now, one cigar and it's goodbye spaghetti.

          I took a P2 up to London and I brought her back. It's Med-like sunny today. The wife and the kids are out.

          So I'm whipping her up and kicking back.

          Life is sweet for addicts.

          And Lithium is, I believe, the most reactive of metals.

          So that's nice to know.

          TJ - Our posts crossed. Good on the Lithium point, mate!


          • #6
            The opposite for me, I'm afraid. A fine cigar makes me forget about everything. My mind wonders and I feel at peace.

            Originally posted by Robusto View Post
            Do cigars help you to think more clearly?

            Like playing muisc, they take my brain when I'm knackered with a head like a bowl of spaghetti and straighten it all out like a map of New York.

            I'm... ashamed is not the right word... but surprised that at the start of a day of four strong smokes yesterday, when I toked the very first toke on a good one, it immediately calmed me down and rested me. It was tangible.

            I've never noticed that before.

            Am I now an addict?
            (Not bothered cos I'll take a fortnight off if I want. Easy).


            • #7
              Originally posted by Lee Nub View Post
              I find that a cigar on the drive home from work helps take the stress of the day away. It also helps my miles per gallon, as my foot is a lot lighter with a cigar on the go.
              Your right on, Lee. That's one of the reasons I like to smoke cigars in my car.


              • #8
                I love a fat one on a drive. Fantastic.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Lee Nub View Post
                  I find that a cigar on the drive home from work helps take the stress of the day away. It also helps my miles per gallon, as my foot is a lot lighter with a cigar on the go.
                  Indeed! That's one of the reasons I enjoy smoking a cigar while i'm driving.


                  • #10
                    Brian, my daughter calls me a sad bastard lol, i think i get into Tony Soprano mode when smoking a cigar, or i like to think i do. My son loves the fact i smoke them. He is collecting my tubes, some bands , coffins etc until the day he can have one. I have promised him a box of something very nice for his 18th birthday


                    • #11
                      Same for me--I find that cigars are a form of meditative retreat. On the one hand, it forces one to slow down and pay attention to the present moment. On the other hand, the repetitive process of inhalation, attention to the variations in flavor, and, no doubt, the oral factor (this is Freud speaking), have a soothing, calming process. And then, of course, there are the drugs we are ingesting.

                      For myself, the fact of sitting down for an hour or so and simply enjoying the passing of time whilst ruminating on various and sundry is a privilege and the main reason I love the whole process.

                      I think much of this has to do with the requirements of modern life, which is rubbish. As I get older, it seems that my free time is taken up with an increasing number of requirements big and small (sometimes I think I wash dishes simply to make room for more dishes to be washed). In that sense, smoking a cigar is a luxurious form of rebellion against the shackles of the mundane.


                      • #12
                        "smoking a cigar is a luxurious form of rebellion against the shackles of the mundane

                        I would consider having that tattooed somewere, thats a great line.


                        • #13
                          Me Head Hurts!

                          Originally posted by Robusto View Post
                          The only detriments I can see to the habit - skipping, I suppose, the most patently health-threatening oral cancers... I just kind of let that go by, you know... Life is sweet for addicts.

                          [NOTE: Large portions of this quote were edited out to save time and spare yer head]

                          And Lithium is, I believe, the most reactive of metals.

                          So that's nice to know.

                          TJ - Our posts crossed. Good on the Lithium point, mate!

                          El Perro inquired: "JESUS H. CHST!!! Who the FK let the the Robusto back in?"

                          Deano responded: "Ooops! Sorry, el Perro....I forgot to close the forum door when I went to bed last night!"

                          Hey el Perro! Senor serious didn't really say that, did he?

                          (ahem!) Yes...yes he did!
                          sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                          • #14
                            A Wise Man Once Said....

                            Originally posted by Soulmanure View Post
                            Same for me--I find that cigars are a form of meditative retreat. On the one hand, it forces one to slow down and pay attention to the present moment. On the other hand, the repetitive process of inhalation, attention to the variations in flavor, and, no doubt, the oral factor (this is Freud speaking), have a soothing, calming process. And then, of course, there are the drugs we are ingesting.

                            For myself, the fact of sitting down for an hour or so and simply enjoying the passing of time whilst ruminating on various and sundry is a privilege and the main reason I love the whole process.

                            I think much of this has to do with the requirements of modern life, which is rubbish. As I get older, it seems that my free time is taken up with an increasing number of requirements big and small (sometimes I think I wash dishes simply to make room for more dishes to be washed). In that sense, smoking a cigar is a luxurious form of rebellion against the shackles of the mundane.

                            Well said, senor soulhombre....well said, indeed!

                            sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Lee Nub View Post
                              "smoking a cigar is a luxurious form of rebellion against the shackles of the mundane

                              I would consider having that tattooed somewere, thats a great line.
                              I'll stick it next to the Dead Head wotsits on my Thunderwing fender.

                              Spot on.

