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My wife is coming home!

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  • My wife is coming home!

    Well, the above says it all.

    My wife is from Antioch in California and we had been living in Ireland quite happilly until I was made redundant. We then decided to come back to Scotland, only to find that she had to go back to CA to apply for a visa to live with me as we couldn't do it here!

    I still find it ridiculous! We've been togther five years but we were told "rules are rules!" It cost me $970 for her visa and while reading through all the rules and regs, I found that if I had held an Irish passport instead of a feckin Brit one, I wouldn't have had to pay for the visa, it would've been free!

    I'm gonna be getting onto my useless Labour MP to try and get this worked out and see if I can get by money back! Maybe I should just go straight to the Home Secretary to see if his eminence will do something!

    I'm really bloody annoyed! I'm also annoyed at myself for thinking that in this country of rules, regulations and cameras that I could be so stupid as to think that it would be easy!

    Weird thing is that I lived on my own for years, but I've really missed her!
    No man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation.
    No man has the right to say to his country, "Thus far shalt thou go and no further."

    CS Parnell

  • #2
    $970 that's insane! Very glad for you that you have her back, once you have them you cannot go without them.


    • #3
      Damn red tape ! glad you will be together soon, pour yourself a whisky, all the best.


      • #4
        Should have known better. You know this is the land of beaurocracy and jumping through hoops. We do it with the European Laws that the rest of Europe manage to avoid, so we're bound to do it in UK based ones. "got to play it by the book old chap, don'tcha know".
        However had she been from the EU she could have come over no prob.
        The usual shit. Absolutely no reason why she should go all the way over to the states, surely our new greenish coalition could see the sense in doing it from here to keep the carbon footprint down!!!

        Glad to hear you'll soon have her home. I'm sure she's worth many times the best part of a grand that you've put out, but its not the cost, its the pointlessness of it all.

        Welcome home Mrs Celsis.


        • #5
          And have a cigar, before the wife smells them!
          But seriously, what a PITA having to fork out and all the beaurocracy to boot.
          Happy reunion
          "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


          • #6
            Please to hear she is coming home despite the traumtic idocy of our government...


            • #7
              Just when you thought life couldn't suck any more this happens. FTW and when the man upstairs realizes the injustice they did to both of you he will make good.
              In our lives things happen for a reason and then the good prevails over the greedy.


              • #8
                Sorry to hear of your difficulties, Mike!

                It's great news that the Mrs. is coming home!


                • #9
                  Not to be fussy but "His eminence" is actually "her eminence".
                  "Come in here, dear Boy, have a cigar" ....Roger Waters (Pink Floyd)


                  • #10
                    Politicians and refunds - oil and water I suspect.
                    Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                    Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                    Originally posted by Ryan
                    I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


                    • #11
                      Thats good news for you.
                      As the wife is from the US, would you not think about taking advantage of that and move over to LA with her? Although I guess that would probably mean even more paper work.
                      Free the UKCF one


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Boss Hog View Post
                        Thats good news for you.
                        As the wife is from the US, would you not think about taking advantage of that and move over to LA with her? Although I guess that would probably mean even more paper work.
                        Na.... I love the US, but for a holiday! I'm a northern European and I'm quite happy with that. If I ever changed that, it would probably be so that I could live around the Med.

                        Talking about that however, I've been surprised how easy it is to get into the US since we got married! If we travel together, we even go through the US passport queue!
                        No man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation.
                        No man has the right to say to his country, "Thus far shalt thou go and no further."

                        CS Parnell


                        • #13
                          Well congrats she's back mate, I'd certainly miss my other half after that long!


                          • #14
                            Great news!


                            • #15
                              great to hear mate. Is she bringing your allowance of stogies back with her also, would be a shame not to.
                              I started out with nothing and i've still got most of it left - Seasick Steve

