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"Something nasty in the woodshed"

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  • "Something nasty in the woodshed"

    I know that a few of you have smoking shacks so I thought I would recount this little cautionary tale for you and for those of you who might be considering it.

    My Cybershed doubles as an office and smokeden. As it's basically a workshop on the back of the garage and in a wooden shed stylee it can get a little damp so in the winter I keep a small oil filled radiator on a low heat to keep my papers dry.

    I use it a little less in the winter because, despite lining and insulating it the place is not as warm as the house but I will pop out for a cigar when it reaches a nice temperature.

    Many of us have remarked about how great it is to walk into our smokeshacks to the smell of cigars (so rare these days) and I love it too but I have smoked less in there recently, mainly because I have been getting my stogies in town with the boys as the weather has warmed up.

    As the smell of cigars has dissipated another odour has revealed itself and it wasn't pleasant.

    So After a hectic few days I decided that a major spring clean was in order.

    What I found was that a colony of field mice had taken up residence in a drawer. Shredded the contents to make a nice warm bed (quite near the heater, they aren't dumb!). Done their business all over the inside of the drawer and they proceeded to shuffle of this mortal coil without having the decency to take them selves out into the snow like good Englishmen do.

    The result was an ungodly honk emanating from the drawer.

    A man with rubber gloves on is not a pretty site but it's done now and today I intend to smoke off a good big one in there to get rid of the disgusting smell of cleaning fluid.

    You have been warned.

    Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine

  • #2
    Most unpleasant!
    "In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock!"


    • #3
      In Mouse-enegger style
      "Dey'll be back!"
      "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


      • #4
        Could be worse, read in the news yesterday that some bloke whacked his wife over the head and kept her in a fridge in the garden shed for 3 years. His current girlfriend had no idea and only came to light when he had to sell the house.
        Bet that wasnt in the home information pack!!
        Free the UKCF one


        • #5
          Lol. Reminds me of years ago, my hobby was keeping and breeding reptiles. I had everything from 8 feet boas to a 4ft long monitor lizard. A friend of mine said we should get into breeding tarantulas, so we set up breedings tanks at his house and bought in some pregnant females. All was well until workmen , working on a new heating system, knocked the tank lid off. Couldn't find it anywhere, about 2 weeks later he was in the attic checking the new water tank and work done, when he noticed huge egg sacks attached to the lagging.She had gone to the warmest place she could find. Still never found the mother, but the eggs transferred ok. I have photos in an album somewhere, I will have to find it


          • #6
            Good thing you didn't leave your humidors there! The mice would have a nice cigar festival!


            • #7
              Little buggers get in everywhere, they ate their way through one of my punchbags once.


              • #8
                They actually managed to gnaw through the concrete underneath my front door and get under the florboards! I bought some plastic traps with ble/green poson block in them and came out to the porch one day to find six dead field mice on the floor. Jeez, the stuff worked quickly!

                Needless to say, the hole was blocked up as soon as I was sure there were no more!
                No man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation.
                No man has the right to say to his country, "Thus far shalt thou go and no further."

                CS Parnell


                • #9
                  Little vermin!


                  • #10
                    Mickey mouse type story ! Little bitches you can't at the least clean up after holiday in the UK.


                    • #11
                      Little buggers! The tarantula story was even more unpleasant!


                      • #12
                        Just restoring the balance with a really tasty Hoyo Epicure no 2 (thanks Whisky, - it's my last hint hint!!)

                        The place is starting to smell like home again!
                        Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                        • #13
                          There used to be mice in the office I worked at in London, and that was on the 5th floor! Memo's went round often asking people to not leave food/sweet bars etc in their drawers as the mice would get in and eat them.

                          At night it was quite common for people to have mice run across their desks while they were working! Was always funny to hear the belly roar of colleagues as a critter ran over their keyboard.
                          "Come in here, dear Boy, have a cigar" ....Roger Waters (Pink Floyd)


                          • #14
                            What's even more scary is why I had to give up my collection. It started with a nasty imperator boa constrictor, used to take chunks out of me. That started the wife on the rampage, though to be fair, I had about 40 tanks. One particular day I was pulling the back legs off a box of crickets, stopped them jumping so easier for the lizards to catch, I knocked the box of 250 on to kitchen floor. The bastards went everywhere. The noise for the next week was terrible, we were finding them everwhere. I came home one day with an ultimatum, her or my reptiles.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Lee Nub View Post
                              What's even more scary is why I had to give up my collection. It started with a nasty imperator boa constrictor, used to take chunks out of me. That started the wife on the rampage, though to be fair, I had about 40 tanks. One particular day I was pulling the back legs off a box of crickets, stopped them jumping so easier for the lizards to catch, I knocked the box of 250 on to kitchen floor. The bastards went everywhere. The noise for the next week was terrible, we were finding them everwhere. I came home one day with an ultimatum, her or my reptiles.
                              Man, that put's my couple of deceased mickeys in perspective.
                              Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine

