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The Bill Hicks Story

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  • The Bill Hicks Story

    Just released today, please let it come to a cinema near me. This guy changed my life.

    The award winning true life story of the outlaw comic Bill Hicks, told by the people who knew him best.

  • #2
    He was brilliant.
    There are 10 kinds of people in this world.
    Those that understand binary, and those that don't.

    Sent from a keyboard using my fingers.


    • #3
      He is a legend. I still guffaw like a loon during the Goatboy and 'We got ourselves a reader..' sketches. Reminds me though that my friend has my copy of the book. Got to get that back!


      • #4
        "Let me wear you like a feedbag"


        • #5
          Even at that typed quote I physically laughed out loud. Legend.


          • #6
            Bill Hicks is IMHO by some margin the greatest prophet of the modern era ...and fucking hilarious to boot. Wonder if anyone has started a church yet?

            Cannot wait for this film, looking at the praise sounds like they have done a good job.

            " send in MC Hammer"
            Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
            Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

            Originally posted by Ryan
            I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


            • #7
              Some of my Favourites -

              "Children are smarter than any of us. Know how I know that? I don't know one child with a full time job and children"

              "If you don't think drugs have done good things for us, then take all of your records, tapes and CD's and burn them"

              "Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves"

              And a very fitting one i remember him by -

              "I left in love, in laughter, and in truth, and wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit"

              A genius who was taken from us far too early.


              • #8
                Originally posted by monkey66 View Post
                Bill Hicks is IMHO by some margin the greatest prophet of the modern era ...and fucking hilarious to boot. Wonder if anyone has started a church yet?

                Cannot wait for this film, looking at the praise sounds like they have done a good job.

                " send in MC Hammer"

                Yes the documentary looks great. Im not so sure on the movie they are making, with Russell Crowe tipped as playing Bill . I like Russell Crowe but im not sure as Playing Hicks, though i suppose only time will tell.


                • #9
                  I don't think Charlton Heston was available.

                  On the plus side BH is so respected and revered I would hope they will do a good job, either way it won't change my feelings.

                  " send in Vanilla Ice"
                  Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                  Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                  Originally posted by Ryan
                  I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


                  • #10
                    My favourite comic ever - such a clever fellow and such a loss. And utterly stolen from by people like Dennis Leary

                    Can't wait to see this, fellow READERS


                    • #11
                      Re: The Bill Hicks Story

                      Deffo want to see this film. I adore Hicks and what he stood for. A brave man who didn't give a toss what others thought of him....fearless.
                      Every time I hear something by him or about him I choke when I think of a great loss to the world his death was. I don't think anyone could ever come close again.


                      • #12
                        Steve, the disc came yesterday , and in great condition I cant thank you enough


                        • #13
                          This is great news! I embrace completely his forthright honesty and rational, logical and compassionate, but so desperate, view of humanity. One of the true losses of our generation.

                          Another great loss, different but wonderful and equally talented, was Mitch Hedberg. If you haven't been introduced to his short but amazing body of work you owe it to yourself to check him out.


                          • #14
                            The Bill Hicks Story

                            If you all like Hicks check out Doug Stanhope, will have to go see this film


                            • #15
                              I'll be looking forward to seeing this also. Although, it's showing here on the 10th/11th so some time to wait.

