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Bollocks, talk about crap timing.

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  • Bollocks, talk about crap timing.

    Lucky white heather anyone?

    Start of November last year I did my knee in playing rugby. After 1 visit to casualty, 2 visits to gp and 2 x-rays was finally referred to consultant who I eventually got seen by in Feb. He diagnosed wrecked cruciate ligaments and cartilage, but, as had been so long since initial injury, he wanted me to have MRI scan so he could see what he was dealing with. This took up another few weeks. Was seen again by consultant who confirmed I'd have to have total reconstruction of cruciate plus repair/removal of cartilage. This to be done under general anaesthetic followed by 3 to 4 weeks non weight bearing on crutches, about 6 weeks minimum of doing next to nothing while undergoing physio and approx 6 months total recovery time.
    Then had pre op check on 23rd April, and expected to be in for op the next week.
    Never happened. Instead got letter requesting me to go for another pre op check on 28th this month as op now 7th June so original pre op out of date. More wasted NHS cash/time.
    Anyway, as if spending best part of summer unable to do anything (including fly anywhere for min 6weeks after op) wasn't bad enough, I've just (after being made redundant over a year ago) been offered a second interview for a job, first in ages, due to start 1st week June. The job is quite physical so I can do nothing other than admit that I can't start when they need me and that I won't be fit for 6 months.

    So , bollocks, as I said crap timing. Understatement. Oh well as Eggy says "thats the way the cookie crumbles".

    Sorry for the rant guys. Pissed off doesn't come close to current feelings.

  • #2
    I feel your pain Mr. Lion.
    But if your up front with the co. giving you a second look they might consider you an honest fellow and if another position arise give you a shout. Take care of your body and it will take care of you. Another job will come along but another knee ? We only get two,one right and the other left. Jobs we can get in time knees don't heel by themselves,


    • #3
      sorry to here bud, when it rains it pours.
      Lover of fine Cubans since 2006


      • #4
        That sucks,, as for the canellation this is how mine went..

        Saw the surgeon on 26th April and scheduled for my op on 28th April, went in on 27th NIL by mouth to be operated on on 28th Spent the whole of 27th running around hospital, having previously had a heart attack when i was 28, they are being 'too' cautious..

        Had Xrays, MRI scan on the screwed up bones, ECG and Ultra Sound tests to get the all clear on the heart,... pre op tests body fat mass, weight, hight etc, back to the ward.. Nil by mouth, 2pm that afternoon, surgeon comes in.. Sorry Mr Gooderson says he... operation cancelled.. i was starving!! and now pissed off..

        Operation will now take place before July (yeah right) and put on cancellation list if someones op gets canelled.. with 48 hours notice..

        Welcome to my world.. Oh but with the exception ive got a job, just wont get paid whilst off sick as ive used up my full pay allowance when i was off work between September and February,,,...

        NHS sucks and like you say... its gonna cost em more money to do all the silly tests again..


        • #5
          Sounds like you guys are having a bad time there with your health care--is the issue the efficiency, or the whole system?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Soulmanure View Post
            Sounds like you guys are having a bad time there with your health care--is the issue the efficiency, or the whole system?
            In my opinion its both, because of the system they are under funded (they also waste funding) and therefore inefficient...

            To top it we are currently without government as they are argueing over who is going to govern due to poor elections.. Dont you just love the UK haha


            • #7
              Originally posted by Soulmanure View Post
              Sounds like you guys are having a bad time there with your health care--is the issue the efficiency, or the whole system?
              Too many chiefs not enough Indians leads to inefficiency. Care is good, nurses/docs generally do all they can but understaffed on the floor. The management seem to ensure their own survival in any cuts but in real life, if I'm ill I want a doctor and a nurse, not a bloody manager.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Lionhound View Post
                Too many chiefs not enough Indians leads to inefficiency. Care is good, nurses/docs generally do all they can but understaffed on the floor. The management seem to ensure their own survival in any cuts but in real life, if I'm ill I want a doctor and a nurse, not a bloody manager.
                Argh--sounds a bit like what happens in education over here. Do you think the solution is to dump the system or give it a thorough overhaul?


                • #9
                  Yes it can get worse!!!

                  My cousin just off phone. She and her husband are living in India just now having previously been in Hong Kong for years and as such we only get to see them about once a year at most.
                  Why did she phone? Would love if me and the wife would join them for a week in Italy at start of July, villa paid, will only cost you the flight!!!!
                  Can't go, not allowed to fly then!! Could have cried. Wife been flat out at work and could do with the break and I can't bloody fly.
                  Oh well, life goes on and things will pick up. I'm normally quite a positive person but sometimes you get a couple of days when you get all the shit thrown at you.
                  Sorry guys, sometimes better just to get it off your chest, as they say.
                  Anyway, its sunny here, I'm off out to the greenhouse to water the tomatoes, then into the garage to sand the garden furniture in the hope of a good spell of summer sunshine.


                  • #10
                    Damn, it sounds like a run of back luck for you then. As they say, it can only get better............

                    Have a cigar!
                    "Come in here, dear Boy, have a cigar" ....Roger Waters (Pink Floyd)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Paulie View Post
                      Damn, it sounds like a run of back luck for you then. As they say, it can only get better............

                      Have a cigar!
                      Or two!!


                      • #12
                        While we are bitching about the NHS I may as well throw mine in.....
                        two years ago I was due to have an op, went in three times at the crack of dawn gowned up the works, first time they lost my file so sent me home, second time they had my file but had no bed for me so sent me home, third time the surgeon and another Doctor spent ten mins arguing whether I needed the op or not, so again cancelled. Went to my GP to try and sort out, got in a row with him when it was clear he had no idea about my condition... and two years later still no op.... cheers NHS


                        • #13
                          Because I was made redundant I managed to get on a course through the jobcentre. It's an IT course followed by a forktruck refresher licence thing.
                          Get to the place. It's a four week course.
                          "No problem" thinks I.
                          Go to sign on for the first time proper,
                          "And how's your jobsearch going, Mr chamberlain?"
                          "Well, I'm actually on a four week course that you sent me on"
                          Here we go. Ready...
                          "You can only do 2weeks training per 52 weeks or we stop your money."
                          "But you sent me on this course."
                          "It doesn't matter. You can only do 2 weeks...etc"
                          "But you sent me on...etc"
                          "Yes but if you work more than...etc"
                          What you gotta do around here. Is it me?
                          Did I live a previously really bad life?
                          Anybody got an Uzi surplus to requirements?
                          Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.


                          • #14
                            You have my sympathy.

                            The one and only time I have attempted to draw unemployment in my life (about 16 years ago) I got shafted in a similar way. Unfortunately our system is designed to punish hard work and generally only benefits the lazy bastards who spend their time learning how to play the system.

                            If only we could have an election, change the govt and get some changes going on ......

                            Originally posted by satch View Post
                            Because I was made redundant I managed to get on a course through the jobcentre. It's an IT course followed by a forktruck refresher licence thing.
                            Get to the place. It's a four week course.
                            "No problem" thinks I.
                            Go to sign on for the first time proper,
                            "And how's your jobsearch going, Mr chamberlain?"
                            "Well, I'm actually on a four week course that you sent me on"
                            Here we go. Ready...
                            "You can only do 2weeks training per 52 weeks or we stop your money."
                            "But you sent me on this course."
                            "It doesn't matter. You can only do 2 weeks...etc"
                            "But you sent me on...etc"
                            "Yes but if you work more than...etc"
                            What you gotta do around here. Is it me?
                            Did I live a previously really bad life?
                            Anybody got an Uzi surplus to requirements?
                            Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                            Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                            Originally posted by Ryan
                            I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by monkey66 View Post
                              You have my sympathy.

                              If only we could have an election, change the govt and get some changes going on ......

                              Hey! That might work. But then again....
                              Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

