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Bingo Government

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  • Bingo Government

    Place your bets.

    We shall have Cameron as PM with N. Ireland MP's support by tea time.


    And you?

  • #2
    Sounds reasonable to me.
    There are 10 kinds of people in this world.
    Those that understand binary, and those that don't.

    Sent from a keyboard using my fingers.


    • #3
      Me too, markets already reflecting how bad a hung parliament will be, the pound is at its lowest against the dollar for a year


      • #4
        A hung parliament is OK by me ..... piano wire would be my choice!
        If you want to, you can.
        And, if you can, you must!


        • #5
          I suspect Gordon Brown won't relinquish power until it is prised from his metaphorical cold, dead hands. I think we could be getting a Labour-Lib Dem pact which will be used to thrust through proportional representation in a (and I am a total cynic here) bid to keep the Conservatives out of power for another generation.

          My personal opinion - give the English independance. Clear majority there ;-)


          • #6
            With you on the English independence. I'd have voted for the English Democrats if I'd thought they would've stood a chance.
            There are 10 kinds of people in this world.
            Those that understand binary, and those that don't.

            Sent from a keyboard using my fingers.


            • #7
              Hope they just get a wriggle on, do their shady deals, and get a decision made on who's to be PM. DC I presume.
              Then get on with it.
              Let the ritual breaking of the pre election promises and the spinning of "what we really meant when we said that was" begin.



              • #8
                I stayed up until 4am, and it was sickening watching every labour politician blatantly say they wanted a Lab Lib partnership.

                It sickens me to see that Brown could stay in .


                • #9
                  Whys that Lee

                  We have had brown in the white house for some time now and its killing us.2 countries 2 browns ! Whats the world comming to LOL.
                  Government heads are just puppets run by big money. and as far a our president he tries but cant fight off all the money mongers with power.

                  Originally posted by Lee Nub View Post
                  I stayed up until 4am, and it was sickening watching every labour politician blatantly say they wanted a Lab Lib partnership.

                  It sickens me to see that Brown could stay in .


                  • #10
                    Looks like the end of the UK. Cameron has no mandate in Scotland and even with Ulster support, they won't have majority. The Labour sheep voted in Scotland as usual, but I can't see Englsih tories putting up with the Scottish tail wagging the English dog!

                    Even though the SNP only kept the seats they had at the last electon, they may be the big winners, indirectly......
                    No man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation.
                    No man has the right to say to his country, "Thus far shalt thou go and no further."

                    CS Parnell


                    • #11
                      Looks like the Lib Dems are backing the Tories. Tories + Lib Dems a possibility? I can't see how Labour can dare to try to hold on.


                      • #12
                        They are trying, they should bow out gracefully. I cant see the Tories/ Libs forming ,but i can see them agreeing to certain things which will allow the Conservs to Govern.

                        Nick Clegg did confirm that whoever gets the most seats and votes should be allowed to have the first shot at forming a government.


                        • #13
                          I suspect Cameron will manage to form his minority Government, and there will be no electoral reform. Same as usual...
                          Originally posted by Lee Nub View Post
                          Me too, markets already reflecting how bad a hung parliament will be, the pound is at its lowest against the dollar for a year
                          I think that's more a reflection of how the dollar has performed in that time, as the Euro has followed a similar path.


                          • #14
                            Yet all indicators for the dollar are negative, thus the financial spectators are saying technically it should have improved cable in sterlings favour.


                            • #15
                              Re: Bingo Government

                              Sickening to watch unelected mandelson telling us how labour should stay on

