OH god, I am not starting a "mines better than yours" thread. All I know is that after years of working in IT, when a user of an Apple at home has a problem with the PC on the work desk they always break into a tired old diatribe about how shit PC's are and how great Apples are. If an Apple user has a problem with an Apple on the work desk somehow its an entirely different thing. It is more like a fluffy kitten is ill and needs nursing back to health. It makes me sick at the warped hypocrisy of it all. They are all just tools, just computers. Some are better at one job, some are better at others.
Tired old story of Apple users feeling outnumbered and so they ghettoise themselves into little support groups to touch each other in caring and slightly creepy ways.
Just look at the idiocy over the iPad. Going into a shop to buy a new electronic consumable by clapping, doing "high-fives" and congratulating each other.
Try getting LAID, it is worse than Star Trek fans!
Tired old story of Apple users feeling outnumbered and so they ghettoise themselves into little support groups to touch each other in caring and slightly creepy ways.
Just look at the idiocy over the iPad. Going into a shop to buy a new electronic consumable by clapping, doing "high-fives" and congratulating each other.
Try getting LAID, it is worse than Star Trek fans!