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Sunday morning from PITTSBURGH Pa
Originally posted by Simon-JG-hr View PostBut more importantly... is that the only way you'll format your posts. It's absolutely awful to read in that colour and formatting.
Originally posted by monkey66 View PostHi Vince, any chance of changing your fonts. Would like to enjoy your posts but find green, bold, italic really hard to read for more than a sentence.Originally posted by Simon BolivarLittle medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these
Originally posted by RyanI think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes
I will try to remember to change fonts when I post here ,sometimes I write it on word pad & use that to proof read some times ( most of the time I just post it as I write) .... I did go back to the black for a few posts when some one asked before, But then it just slipped my mind to change ...... I sould put a note on the screen to remind my self, , I use the larger font , bold so I can see it , at my advanced age I need the Bigger size so I can see it , there are some sites that the type comes out so small I have stopped posting there, I know there is some thing I can click on to enlage it but I havent found the right button to click on as yet,, the green is just an affectation I picked up years ago , I was selling cars & trucks at a local Pontiac/GMC dealer ship , gave the guy a price on my card & when he came back the numbers were changed from 2100 trade to 2400 , so I switched to green ink & was never stuck again....... No one had the same color of Green I was using, as I mixed it my self, & used a fountain pen, hard to duplicate .... I have been using green ever since ,,,, But I can change IF I remember ! Enjoy, VinceEnjoy, Vince
Originally posted by vince View Postthe green is just an affectation I picked up years ago , I was selling cars & trucks at a local Pontiac/GMC dealer ship , gave the guy a price on my card & when he came back the numbers were changed from 2100 trade to 2400 , so I switched to green ink & was never stuck again....... No one had the same color of Green I was using, as I mixed it my self, & used a fountain pen, hard to duplicate .... I have been using green ever since ,,,, But I can change IF I remember ! Enjoy, VinceLove Life - Love Cigars
Good morning , it is Sunday 24 Oct. 2010, a cool bright morning here in da Burgh , the trees are almost at there peak coloe for the fall, still a touch of green here & there but lots of reds,golds yellows & oranges , looks fantastic in the morning sun, BUT next comes the withered browns & soon the leaves are on the ground & time for the rake & the blower to clean up the yard.... times like this I wish I was in the city in a high rise apt. , I could look at the colors & not need to clean it up !!! I am getting LAZY in my old age , But with age comes wisdom Yea right , & now I just save my energy for the more inportaint things in live like walking , breathing , eating & drinking, got to conserve my energy, who knows when a bear might walk out of the woods next to me & want my cigar , , he will be in for the fight of my life hahahaha
& speaking of getting lazy , right now I feel as if I have the right, I retired a few dozen years ago & still "work" 40 plus hours a week, nothing like the hours I put in as a young man making a name for himslf in the world, working 2 jobs at the same time , picking up odd jobs that paid cash , doing anything I could to make a better life for my wife & daughter , Now my baby girl is almost 38 & her sons are 15 & 12 & she & her husband provide for them as well as I did for her , I taught her well But NOW is the time of my life I can spend time with the grandsons like I did when I was a young lad I spent time with my grandparents, I remember fishing with Pappy , drinking beer with Gramps & Uncle John( I got a shot glass of draft beef) & they had large mugs with a whiskey chaser ..... Fond memories of a great childhood , & I want to give my grandsons the same as I had , & they seam to enjoy it & they dont complain about the cigars !!!
What I have a hard time understanding is the lack of work ethic in todays youth , I dont see my grandsons ever NOT working , but some of todays youth & young adults are just worthless BUMS Give me this Give me that, GET A JOB YOU LAZY S.O.B. you say there are no jobs, I say BULL$H!T, the news paper is loaded with want adds , OH you dont want to get dirty, Oh you dont want to work at night Oh that pay is less than you welfair checks , SO what GET off your Lazy MFING @$$ & get to work, , I will never have to worry about my grandsons , they see there parents working hard all the time going to school, & holding a job , sure they spend time on the x box & nintendo & what ever else they have hooked up to the Tv & computer, But they all have jobs , even the young one has a set of things that he will do in the yard & in the house, EVERYONE pulls there own weight , they all go to church & take life for what it is , NOT a Lazy bone in thier bodys , & as they should be , kids learn form there home life , if dads a drunk or a drug addict Or just not in the home the kids will get off the path & end up lost like the father or mother , , yes Moms get there kids taken from them , what man wants a drug dependent or boozed up woman taking care of his kids? No matter how good she is in bed, she must be a good Mother to his children & well as the man being a good FATHER to his children, way to many lost souls out there My daughter has a foster child living with her now, & nice girl a Senior in high school, she was living with her drunk aunt , her mother is in jail her father is Gone to find himself in California growing pot , so this girl was floundering .... not a structured life by any interpation of the word & when she came to live with my daughters family there were a few hard times but she settled in & is a great kid , there were some problems but there was a hot meal every nigh clean sheets on a bed clean clothes & a family that cared about her , TALKING at the supper table, telling everyone How your day was , hearing how others day went , a feeling of FAMILY, nothing like she had at her aunts place , she was told she could go back to her aunts place any time she wanted , but she had to decide where she wanted to live if you get grounded you cant just pack up & go back to the aunts place , you serve your goounding before you can go & if you go you dont come back, well a few times she got grounded lost use of her cell phone & had a 9PM bed time for a few weeks , but it all worked out , now she is working at a pet grooming shop, loves the job grades are not as high as they could be , but she is doing better than she was before she moved in with the family ...... it makes a Father pround to see his daughrts family make a difference in a young girls life & give her a better chance at a much better live than her own family was willing to show her.
"GET OFF YOUR LAZY @$$ & do some thing with your life , Simple & true ."
OK the soap box has been put away & the BS from the week will be hitting the screen soon !
Breakfast this morning was a HOT sausage patty on a toasted muffin, with swiss cheese ,tomato, & egg , a nice zippy sausage realy started the day with a little spice , so I am passing on the middle light roast kona this moring & went for a full city roast eithopian bean , Mixed with a dark roast mexican bean that was as bright as a newly pained black car in the sun, a BOLD flavor to be sure , & I think I will go with some thing from the Camacho line this morning to get past the heat from the sausage ,,, it did bring on a runny nose & watering eyes ....... GOOD STUFF ! hahahaha
The weather forcast for today is in the low 70's so I will be tosing a few Porterhouse steaks on the grill later today , a few Yams with get the grill treatment as well as a few apples , peaches & plantains .... should be a fun day on the back deck & I might end up later tonight in the Qtr.Deck as the temp will fall like a rock when the sun drops below the horizon & I hate to get cold whn I an enjoying a fine cigar sipping scotch & drinking coffee, , if I get into the Qtr.Deck Before it gets chilly out I never feel that urge to get out the quilt & take a nap hahahahahaha
This past Friday night we had the Oliva sales rep in the shop & had a great time sold a lot of cigars & drank a lot of Irish coffee ....... when I went in Saturday morning one of the guys trucks was still there from the night before , but he was no whare to be found, I guess he went fishing with one of the other guys or some one took him home as I did find an EMPTY bourbon bottle where he had been sitting the night before ... Pore Tony Every one picks on him........ But his Brother mike what a guy , he finds a Jose Llopis MADURO corona in his humi, & he gives it to me , well I did give him one back should have been 2 , as this cigar has been out of production for MANY ,MANY years a Costa Rico cigar that I used to smoke a ton of, but as my tastes changed & new things came out I tryed them all & soon forgot about them , well a few months ago a stash was Found in the basement of the Pittsburgh shop,& with 10 plus years of age on them WOW is all I can say , I bought all I could afford at the time * soon they were sold out, But Mike had one stashed away & he saved it for me , Bless his heart , hahahaha, I say that because he I know he reads this BS every week & it give me a boost to hear about the BS at the shop, , well I have to get my foemerly fat @$$ in gear & get on with the day , TIME FOR A CIGAR, Enjoy, VinceEnjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday 31 Oct. 2010 a cold over cast morning here in da burgh , the trees have given up most of the leaves & the yard got a good raking yeasterday & & I was able to use the leaf blower to clean out the gutters & down spouts on the roof over the back deck, not a fun job at all, I just dont like yard work no matter how easy it is hahahaha, One good thing about the cold nights & frost , the STINK BUGS have gone into hibernation , we did get a few in the house last night , but nothing like we have had in the past, they are sickening, ...... but now the cold will keep them at bay for a few months , look out next spring ....... BUT for as many as we have here at home I have yet to find ONE at work, ........ this past thursday I went to Pittsburgh Rivers Club for a fund raiser, rolled a lot of cigars for the people there , it was a fun night , Fellowship of Christain Athlete's , yep & the Christain Athletes smoked cigars & drank scotch .... I might join this group if I were an athlete hahahaha ....... I have a slab of ribs to meet the heat later today , looks like the BBQ will give way to the oven today , I just dont want to sit outside & watch it , way to cold, I will be turning on the heat in the Qtr.Deck soon & getting my self in a relaxed position for an afternoon of cigars ,coffee, single malt scotch & some great music ... if your in the area stop in & enjoy your self....... we had a roof leak at work, there was a high wind warning , & a heavy down pour on Tuesay after closing , there were a few guys still in the shop having a BS session & a smoke , I was in the Qtr.deck with a scotch & a cigar , when the phone rang, , dammmmm I went in & started to move product out & from under the leak, , we lost a few sticks But salavaged a lot & smoked a few semi wet ones , , the reallly wet ones a box of hoya rothchilds , went on the grill to add smoke to the burghers .... I have not made up my mind as my judgement was clouded by 18 Y.O. Macallen , & a lot of it .... more than I should have had ...... good, bad or indefferent the burghers filled the void in the gut so I guess they were good .....The grandsons have been quiet this past week, havent had much time with them as school is taking up a lot of thier time , I will see them Monday as I take one to his Gutar & art lessons & the other to his Piano lesson, so we have a budding Vladamire Horiwitz & Les Paul, 2 different styles of music , 2 different personalitys , hard to believe they are brothers ...... Tuesday is election day & from all the negative adds , mud slinging & & personal attacks , I dont want A N Y of them repersenting me , to lesten to them talk each other is the antichrist , But we the people need to select one or the other ....... I have never missed an election in my life & will be voting this Tuesay but I plan on a lot of write in votes for Captain Kirk & Mister Spock for some of the race's , these guys are way out in space if they want my vote , I will toss imy vote away before I vote for a few of the CLOWNS running for office as you all know opinions are like @$$holes , every one has one , & thats my opinion on this years election.... we need to dig up Jefferson,Washington,Hamilton,Franklin & Adams & clone them , not to run anything but to add wisdom & Thought to the political charged left leaning government we have now , , WHAT THE H3LL DO WE NEED GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE , I dont want some burocrat tell me to wait 6 months to have a hammer toe fixed or 3 weeks to have Xray of my back ... lets do it NOW , I pay almost 500 bucks a month for medical insurance , I can afford it , if you cant then you get the government plan fine all is well but when you tell me I will give up my insurance & pay the government directly for coverage & the next guy gets his free, then there is smothing wrong .... redistrubation of wealth might be fine for the have nots but it creates more have nots when they see they can get some thing for nothing , making me work that much harder to give my share to the LAZY BUMS who cant find a job , because they dont want get out of bed & go to work..... or start at the bottom , I washed a lot of dishes & scrubed a lot of floors before I was allowed to clean the deep fryer, many years were spent learning & perfecting my craft before I was called CHEF.
...........GET A JOB ...... ANY JOB .... apply your self, learn, get promated , move up the rungs of the ladder ... if you dont like what you are doing , change your attitude or the job it self, or the location & people you work with , stand up for yourself & dont become a ward of the state have self respect ... BE a MAN , not a lazy drunken dope smoker .... Sure I drink & smoke But I am able to enjoy the fruits of my labor , no food stanps or government cheese here , I didnt get a big cash influx from the death of my parents, no mony at all, just a few photos & a pocket watch, that sits in my Chest , right next to my undershorts & t shirts .... , & a set of cuffliks I gave to my father for a Christmas gift may years ago.... , I do use them every time I get dressed with a shirt & tie & thats about all I have but for the memories ,,,, no stocks, no bonds ,,, no property other than a plot in the family section behind the church I was baptised in ........ & my family will get the same from me , the grandsons might get a little more, but my daughter has all ready got everything, she all ready has the deed to the house I live in , & I rent it from her , I pay the taxes, so when the day comes that the boss & I are no longer here she will be free & clear to do what ever she wants with the house , no probate to worry about as she will have clear title to everything before we go ,,,, & I hope thats not for a long time hahahahaha, I am having to much fun to get old & sit down to die .... there are cigars to smoke scotch to drink & music to listen to as well as see the USA before it becomes the USSR of Americia ...... The founders gave us a wonderfull country , but big government has taken a lot of the fun out of it, way to many regulation& no recourse , if an elected offical votes for a law or bill that we dont like we can vote them out , but if a deptment CZAR has a itch to scratch , we have no power to vote them out as they serve at the request of the President & he isnt up for reelection anytime soon ........ dammm I dont want to get political this morning , but I need to get in then kitchen so I will fire up a pot of kona , turn on the heat ,in the Qtr.Deck, & get going on the ribs & buy the time they are in the oven the Qtr.Deck will be warm & ready for me to enjoy a day of RELAXATION........... Enjoy, Vince
Enjoy, Vince
Good Morning , it is Sunday 7 Nov. 2010, a sunny but cool day here in da Burgh , Daylight savings time ended last night , well early this morning at 2 AM , & we rolled the clocks back to 1AM , got an extra hour of sleep , But the kidneys didnt know that & got me up at the same time as they always do , when you got to GO ,you Got to GO ..... , so I went back to bed to toss & turn for an hour or so, , , should have just got up stayed up & went on with the day ........ We had a verrrrry slow week at the shop, , the first week of the month is usually very good , but this week was worse than the last week of Oct. ..... I have a few guys who I carry on the books till they get paid on the first of the month, only one guy was in to settle up , they were all in but no complete settlement, , this is the first time in 4 years they didnt settle up in the first week, so now it looks like I need to rethink the credit situation .... they are all good guys & I have known all of them a long time before I started to run King Beaver Cigars ..... I dont mind pulling stock out for a customer & leaving it in there locker , I get paid the next time I see them , during regular hours, , sure a few of them have keys to the front door, I trust them, I find cash in the till for the soda & bottled water they drink watching TV or just hanging out.... but some guys just come in a few times a month, get a few handfulls of cigars & pay me at the end of the month , all works out well, I have one Guy who has had a balance over a year, but he sends a few bucks when I call him & remind him, he has a balance, he claims he is having a hard time getting in as he needs a knee replacement , we have ONE Step up from the curb........& No steps up from the back door...... ...... I think he has gone back to the cheep machine rolled stogies ............ his loss , I will just find some one else to fill his late paying shoes ..... , My frugal pilot friend just came back from Germany , with a liter of Johnny Walker Green & 2 tubes of mustard ,,, one is Hot & the other ids mild, the hot one has a great flavor but reminds me more of Asian mustard, , yes I did say tubes, like toothpaste comes in , not a jar or bottle like American mustard is packaged in , I like it , no knife or spoon is needed , just give it a squeeze ,,, I had some of both types on a cheese sandwich , cant say with any athority which one was better, they were both good in different ways .... just like a cigar , good but different than the last one !
No news about the grandsons this week, havent seen them sice last Monday ..... I dont know if thats good or bad, as they say no news is good news, , so they havent got in any trouble this past week or I would have heard about it , I will see them again Monday as I take one to his art/gutiar lesson & take the other to piano lessons, I get to have a cigar withthe teachers husband as well as a weee dram of Irish whisky , as he perfers Irish to Scotch, but if I gave him a lowlands Scotch with out any peat he would be happy I am sure ....... ME , I like the PEAT... Laphroaig in the winter, Laugavulin in the spring & autumn....... the summer well I tend to move about in the Highlands , Lowlands ,Spay, & Cambelltown , & leave the Islays till the cooler times of the year to get the all over warmming effect of the whisky .... But there are a lot of whiskys that I havent tasted yet & I will stick to the quest to sample them ALL before i pass on to the big distellery in heaven.... , as Mark Twain said , if there are no cigars in heaven... I will not go .... well I hope we get to sample some of the good whiskys the Lord has maturing in the from the Angles share that disapears from the kegs each year ........... a chance to speak with some of the Giants of the cigar & whisky industry, a chance to talk with Sparticus,Alexander,Plato, Eric the red, kings ,queens Founding Fathers , Not that I am in any hurry to get to heaven if I get to heaven is also a good question...... we are looking for a high temp today in the low 40's so I will get the oven all fired up toss in a chuck roast & be putting on the feed bag about 4 this afternoon........ Oh dammm I almost for got to say GOODBY TO NANCY POLIOCY, looks like she will be giving back the airforce broom come January, , ms. you must pass the bill before you know whats in it .... & a few years ago I was thinking bill & hillary were bad, not as bad as what we have now, IMHO ........ time to tighten the belt, stop spening our grandchilderns money with prices going up on EVERYTHING & my savings /retirement account going down , I will be out of cash in a few years UNLESS I cut back on my cash out go , or if the cigar shop starts to bring in a TON of profit, right now its paying for it self & giving me a small income & keeping me in Cigars , a small loss for the cigar shop as I tend to smoke a great amount of the high end stuff just because I can .... to be honest there are a LOT of LOW priced Bundles that are better than the BIG ticket sticks , the wholesale cost of some great bundles of 25 cigars are less than the retail of ONE Davidoff , or Padron Anniv. cheeper than a Casa Fuente , or a contraband Monte#2... ...... if your High Buck smoke gets YOUR rating of 92 or 93 & you give your bundle smoke an 88/89 ,,,, for the few points difference, I go cheep & save the big $$$ cigars for special occasions, for me the sun comming up is a special occasion or it getting dark at night.Yep a celebration cigar is in order hahahaha , just got to cut that out & remember I am not a Senator .... I am the one who is paying , not the taxpayer....... Time to turn on the heat in the Qtr.Deck & get the hunk O beef in the oven...... Don Carlos, WhanValdez, & Johnny Walker Green calling me...... Enjoy, Vince
Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday 14 Nov.2010 A wet cool Morning here in da Burgh, it has been raining all morning but the local weather radar shows it will be clearing soon & it better , as I have a set of rib steaks to go on the grill about 4 PM, it is a bit cool to grill out in the low 50's , but with a cup of coffee & a cigar , I will stand by the grill & make sure the baked apples & sweet potatos get done just right ...... I just might need a weee dram to ward off the cold ........
the shop was slow this past week, I dont have any idea what has happened to the cogar smokers, just as the turn down in the econemy I did notice a switch in the price of the cigars the guys were smoking , they passed on the Montes & Diamond Crowns & slid back to the lower priced stuff, well it looks like they ( well some of them ) have stopped all together or switched to the machine made gas station stogies, .... I would rather NOT have a cigar rather than smoke a Chocolate Phillies Blunt ......... Sure I started with Marsh Wheelings & Graduated to Grenideres & then to the cut filler & before you know it , I was loving the 8.5 X 52 maduro Fuente , its been so long I dont remember when I had my first hand rolled .... that was thousands of cigars ago.... , I dont even want to think of how much CASH has gone up in smoke ..... BUT IT WAS F U N.......& its all my Uncle Rileys fault he got me started back in the mid 50's when I was just a weee lad , hahahaha , well my parents didnt help , as both were smokers , as well as 3 of the 4 Grandparents , back in the 50's everyone had a cigerette hanging out of there mouth, I didnt , just didnt like the taste , But I enjoyed the aroma of Uncle Rileys Marsh Wheelings & my Dad's Carter Hall Pipe tobacco ,,, I ended up a pipe smoker in High school, 3 piece suits , pipes & patches on the elbows of the jackets, a tweed vest when I was at the shotgun range & a great Dog at my side ... I was the happy teen ager of all the fiction stories ....... then I went to work for real , not just working For my Grandmothers bestro but woring at a Country Club in a fast paced kitchen, didnt have time for a smoke , didnt have time to date much , had to be sharp at my craft, had to be 100% all the time , & when I got the running shoes broke in & saw the light at the end of the tunnel & was sure it was the end & NOT an on comming train I was able to relax a bit , & start to enjoy life & I have been doing so for many years now ... I have turned coffee, scotch ,beer ,wine & lots of other distilled spirits into urine , & I am GOOD at it for sure ,,, DAMMMMM good at it hahahaha ...... I will be heading out to the Qtr.deck to turn on the heat soon, it is 50F here with a cool 10 MPH wind out of the NW , it is gray & overcast & I want to be comfortable when I fire up that Don Carlos #3 the Sunday moring coffee is a great 50/50 mix of Dark roast Sumartra & a med.dark Columbian, Ground a little fire to use in the press pot so I made it in the drip pot with a gold mesh basket ... I have the Kona on standby in the Press pot as soon as I head out to relax & get my Sunday traditional day started & forget all the cares of the world, loose my self in the smoke , Coffee & scotch ,,, a little jazz in the backgroind... HEAVEN.
I havent seen or even heard form the grandsons since last Monday , Busy times for Busy people ... Them Not me , I have it down to a science , get up east, $hit, Shower, go to work, come home, eat , talk to the wife, go to bed, repeat....... Sunday post BS on the Cigar site hahahaha , Monday start all over again...... Last night we went for our Saturday night Starbucks coffee & cigar ride, , all most was run into by a big doe , but she slid on the asphalt when she jumped over the fence on the side of the road, I didnt hit her but the guy going the other way did get smashed ,,,,, later as we were heading home I slowed down & made a left turn a few miles from our home to take a country lane over to a different road & there were a few dear in the field & a nice 6 point buck crossed the road in front of us ... Good Eats on the hoof.... , But My car would have been totaled had I used it as a battering ram ... So we sat & watched him & the does wonder around the old corn field for a few minutes & when a second car came down the lane they all scattered, so much for watching the wild life.
The holiday season is getting into high gear, so many sales have started all ready , seams like the day of Christmas has turned into a MONEY maker for the stores ,,,, Some thing that ha made me wonder for a few years, Christanity is based on the life of Jesus.... but it seam like the Birth is celebrated more than the RESERECTION......... that is what should be celebrated , more than the birth IMHO anyway .... Sure Christmas is a great time , but EASTER is what sets us apart for the rest, ..... How many others have come back from the grave ? ..... Lets not get to Deep here I dont want this to turn into a political, religion , or moral issue, it should be a FUN time for all , especally ME as I am the one writing this BS ! , I have been hard at work about 20/25 minutes now, hunting & pecking on the key board , the index fingers are getting blisters & the knuckles on both hands are starting to hurt, . so its time to end this BS & get on with my DAY ..... Enjoy, Vince
Enjoy, Vince
update 24 Nov. 2010, Wed.Evening.... it is chilly, the bird is in the brine & will be comming out in the morning,, the bread is in the oven for the stuffing in the morning, , the wine is in the fridge, the cranberry sauce is made & in the fridge , all I need is some time to get the turkey stuffed & in the oven.... mash the spuds & brown the brussel sprouts....... & what ever else I need to do ....... I am sure my wife will tell me what ever it is ! , have a happy Turkey day, , dont eat to much, drink to much or watch to much football, Enjoy, Vince
Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday the 28th of November, 2010 a cold clear morning here in da burgh , a bit of frost on the cars & grass this morning...... we have had a "bitch" of a time the past few months at the shop sales are way down from last year, the roof needs work, the car, well has been reduced to a pile of scrap, the motor went just under 200,000 miles , the body is rusting, the shocks need replaced , the tie rod ends & idler arm are loose, as well as a few ball joints, the cruse control hasnt worked in years & the heater core is leaking, well comming home from the shop last week, the head cracked , so its time to start smoking in the wifes car hahahaha,, , we had a quiet Thanksgiving meal, just the 2 of us , the kid & grandkids & in laws did show up till later & just for pie & coffee, I passed on the pie had a cigar with a big mug & a weee drammm, hahaha , just like any other day ..... , my son in law & brother in law went outto the Qtr.Deck with me & we fired up a few nice celebration sticks to go with the single malts , but my son in law went for the dark beer & brandy on the rocks, ...... got to put some learnin' in the boy, drink the brandy warm, savor the flavor, dont freeze out the taste buds & wash it down with a chilled beer, Oh well Kids , what can you do about them? ... So the car died, we ate well, & the shop is slow, Oh yea i did get new glasses, I went back tio the trifocals , .... even with the implants in both eyes , I still need help seeing to read, , & the computer is just out of my reach for the bi focals , & the long distance lens at the top is not working for the screen so back to the tripple lens ... I have the line in between , I like it better than the no line , it gives you a sharp line between focal lengths, no blured area ...... the grandsons are doing just fine, I took them both to there lessons last Monday, enjoyed the Irish whisky at the piano lesson , looking forward to this weeks lesson also ..... & the redbreast ..... I have the afternoon planned out, I will empty the trunk & glove box of the car, get the paper work out to take it to the junk yard, maybe get a few bucks for it ... AFTER I drain the gas tank, , just filled it before the motor went ..... the car is worth more with a full tank, but the tires & wheels are good , nice 6 spoke aluminum wheels with touring tires , the CD player will come out of the trunk ...... I have no idea what to do with it as the boss has a cd player in her car, maybe I can get a 12 volt inverter & put it in the Qtr.deck, , the cd player in there has 5 cds, the one in the car holds 10...... to much to bother with, I would need an amp & all that BS... dont want to just let in in the car, as the scrap man will end up stripping the car, I might be able to get a few bucks for it , paid over 400 bucks for it 10 years ago, it has never missed a beat jammed or skipped , maybe when I get a new cigar car it will just get installed it that ride , as I dont see me being allowd to keep the bosses car & getting her a new one... I will most likely get some used bucket of bolts for the winter & look for some thing in the spring or summer .... I have my eye on a 63 Monza Spyder convertable , just like the one I had when we got married ...... I dont see her letting me spend the bucks on that one hahahaha ...... well I have a lot to do today, I will be in the shop Monday's till the Holiday season is over , so no more work 5 off 2 , now its a 6 day work week & one day off..... it Sucks I am just to old for this, I retired to get out of work & here I am burning the candle at both ends again.. I got talked into cooking a bit again, dammmmm this is hard work, no wonder I retired !!!
Time for a big mug of coffee ,a scotch & a cigar ... Enjoy, Vince
Enjoy, Vince
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