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Sunday morning from PITTSBURGH Pa
Good morning , it is Sunday the 29th day of May 2011 a Humid muggy overcast day here in da Burgh I have all ready been to the store , & took the wife out for breakfast, now we have returned to do what we do best...... NOTHING .... she is reading the Sunday paper & I am ready to head out for a cigar ,,,, Imagine that ! well last weekend was the 13th wpcc ( western pa cigar crawl) BUT we did venture into eastern OHIO for a stop at Cordys cigar box ... a nice place to visit & I have been there a few times before, Nice bunch of guys & a great selection ,,,, there were donuts & other sweets along with coffee& soft drinks, & the Hooch was passed out before we all got on the Big bus & the bloody marys were passed out ON the bus , so by the time we got to cordys we were all ready in the bag....... next stop was Klafters in New Castle Pa & there I won a $10.00 gift card along with a few cigars ..... from there it was off to lunch at Lock #6 on the Ohio river , the chef had s FEAST waiting for us, Prime rib , Pasta, meat balls & sausage with onions & peppers , REAL mashed potatos with a fair brown gravy ,,,, Not a great gravy , but the spuds were fine.... then it was back on the bus for the 5 mile run to KING BEAVER CIGARS, in Monaca Pa ... the place was wall to wall & we got rid of a lot of slow moving stock, then off to Blawnoxto the smoke works for More BS & cigars ....... it was a Smooooth day up till then & when we got to Chipinios for our dinner it just seamed like the day was flying by & I was still excited & full of pep, the booze was flowing on the bus & we were all smoking ( thats right we were all smoking on the bus,,,, the bus company had a change of heart & allowed us to smoke )& enjoying the BS ... I took the seat farthest from the front door at the end of a table .... room to strech out & relax ( & it was close to the rest rooms , see there is a methoid to my madness) we all had pre ordered our meals a week ago, & every one had a different colored Dot on our name badges so the servers knew what we were eating , I had ordered the pork chop this time , & for some strange reason , I get mine still COLD to the touch ...... just a little Undercooked was the word of the day, so I ask the server to give it back to the chef & put it close to the heat again...... it came back a few minutes later warm but still rare in the center , had it been a hunk of Beef it was PERFECT , but pork ...... well I like it a little more 'Done' than rare ,, so I sent it back Again......and again it came back a few minutes later I butterflyed the double chop to check the center, Still RARE but the outside edge was chared black, a sure sign the temp was way to high & the pork was chilled or even frozen when it went on the grill..... send it back AGAIN ,,, by this time I have had the better part of a quart of Whisky over the day & was feeling NO PAIN or any inhabitions ,,, not that I ever have any inhabitions , but when I drink I get a little more conservitive as to NOT blame my actions of the whisky ... so I was verry nice with the manager & gave him a cigar , & since we were all pre paid there was "Nothing " he could do that night, so he set me up the a snifter of Peat monster he told me that they would "take care" of me the next time I come in , he gave me his card & his cell phone number & told me to call him & not the front desk to make my reservations.... Sounds good now , BUT by the time my Anniversary hits he might be working some place else or just not remember me ... hahahah fat change of that happening !!!, well after the dinner the bus ride back to the hotel was QUIET,,,, Dammm kids have no stamana , I think I was the oldest fart on the bus & was still running at top RPM at midnight , there were sleeping , BUNCH of WIMPS when we got back to the hotel most of them went to bed, but a few of us harty souls stayed up drinking smoking & filling the room with Bull $hit, at 2:30AM we all dropped our cigar buts out the window & went to bed, we gathered at a place for breakfast about 11 AM the next morning & headed south to Slippery Rock cigars for an afternoon of recovery & GOD knows I need the time ,,, BUT there was a Bottle of 16YO Laugavulin...... Just glad I was NOT driving , so I had monday to sober up, Tuesday came & I had to head to the shop, then Wendsday & Finally on Thursday I was feeling a little better,,,,, looks like I am still able to hang with the big dogs but I just need a LOT more recovery time ...... so that was my lost weekend, friday Night at Penn Ohio cigars in Sharon Pa then to Quaker state & lub for wings, Cigars, booze & BS , up Saturday the bus was wheels rolling ay 7:58 AM & we were out of the parking lot befor 8..... all ready DRUNK ,, yea baby .... well thats about all I can remember from last week, its a booze filled hazy weekend , & I think I had a great time, if you check out
you might be able to see some of the photos from this & past cigar crawls ...... Time for me to go turn on the A/C in the qtr.deck , its getting Hot outside... Enjoy, Vince
Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday 5 June 2011 the day defore D Day & the start of the downfall of Hitler..... I am sure some of you read about it in your history books..... hahahah, well lets get down to business... Breakfast, ahh yes breakfast one of my favorite meals, ranks right up there with Lunch, Brunch , supper or dinner, what ever you want to call any meal I like it !
I did get off to a slow start this morning , it is Hot & humid out & I had the A/C running all night & was in the "Arms of Morphious" till well past 9 Am this moring..... but I have recovered thanks to a pot of Panama Red Coffee, NO ... NOT the world famous Pamama Red weed, grass,pot or what ever you want to call it , BUT a real deep red roasted coffee from Panama , not a bad way to start the day, but right now the press pot of kona is brewing & as soon as I am finished posting my weekly BS it will get paird with the Don Carlos #3 & the Sunday break will be in full swing...... I plan on starting out on the back deck but I am sure I will end up in the QtrDeck as the temp & humidity climb,,, I still havent solved the photo problem that a few of you have asked for , But its a simple lawn building most people keep the gardening tools lawn mower & snow shovels & such stuff in them BUT I added a a 50 amp breaker box ,R32 insolation in the walls & ceiling, added a CHEEP covering of Paneling to keep the walls looking better than the batting of R32 ,, there is a set of track lights on one of the exposed beams holding up the roof & a cheep indoor ,outdoor carpet on the floor a couch , & some chairs a CD radio combo & a phone , there is an A/C unit in one of the 6 windows as well as a baseboard heater for the Cold winter nights , the outside is covered in T-11 siding & pained a cream brown & trimmed in forest green,,,,, I will try to get some photos posted soon , or maybe later.....
I have a nice set of Rib Steaks all ready for the grill today , hanging for the past 28 days they will get trimed & grilled about 4 Pm today along with a few yams all done on the grill & a peach cobbler that will also get done on the grill, its to hot to fire up the oven in the kitchen so everything will get cooked outside today , but Breakfast a few sausage links & a couple of eggs a slice of toast & a nice slice of FRESHtomato, what could be better on a hot Humid morning here in da burgh. with last monday being Memorial day & my grandson had his piano lesson moved to tuesday I wasnt able to take him as I keep the shop open till 6 Pm on Tuesday & when I get to the lesson with my grandson there is always a wee dram waiting for me & I get to share a drink & a cigar with my friend Tom. well he was suprised when my daughter showed up with OUT a cigar for him & passed on the wee dram,,,, Tom was FORCED to drink his own & mine since I wasnt there The Poor B@$t@rd, I am sure he suffered through it with a heavy heart, But when a job need done you just dig in & DO IT.
last Tuesday we hit a high temp of over 90F & I roasted my Buns off & wendesday was a little cooler & I got the A/c working , the breaker was tripped & i was just to hot & tired to go look for any trouble, so I got one of the customers to reset it .... he is a heating & air conditioning contractor ,,, he had it running in 30 seconds ...... dammmmm where were you yesterday !
It hasn't been a good week for my brother , his Mother in law passed away this week she was 83 & has had health probles the last few years , a nice lady who will be missed by a lot of family & friends .
I have a nice selection of cigars to try today , we have a new line in the shop Don Abrims Harris a new stick from Perto Rico & it sold well friday night , I have had a few of them all ready But when your working & not paying 100 % of your attention to the cigar , it needs a second & third opinion, one with a cup of coffee & the other with a libation of Fine Distilled spirits ...... I plan on trying BOTH hahahaha there is a customer who brings me a stick from his personal humidor ever once in a while , there was no band on this robusto , with a slight crack on the foot & he just winked & said smoke it AFTER a meal& NOT BREAKFAT ,,, well i plan on having that one FIRST, will some one please tell me WHY I would do that ? he told me not after breakfast, But as sooin as I was told that , I had my mind made up to do it ...... what better time could you smoke a mystery cigar, I know what the kona will taste like & I know what the scotch will taste like so I might as well try the damm contraband cigar .... hahahaha
My wife is having trouble watering her hanging baskets of flowers we have on both the front & back decks ..... So i have to unhook the baskets for her to water them & wait till they draina bit & rehang them ..... Interupting my cigar....... hahahaha
I am taking my car to the shop in the morning to have a sun roof installed , its been a long month with out one , But its better than taking my wifes car, with a sun roof & not allowed to smoke in it ! I should be able to pick it up on Tuesday morning... then off to work. , it is a busy week , I have a doctor appointment Monday after I drop off the car, Tuesday pick up the car, wendsday I will be working till 9 Pm as my relife man is in Canada fishing with a few of our customers , Thursay I will be rolling cigars at a charity event in Pittsburgh & Friday I work till 11 Pm .... its a busy weekcomming up, but I just dont want to be an outher Pretty face in the crowd, I want to be busy & dammmmm I am BUSY ..... time to take a break, its coffee & cigar time here in da burgh , come join me some time ! Enjoy, Vince
Enjoy, Vince
Good morning, it is Sunday 12 June 2011 a warm & Humid start of the day here in da Burgh . This past week has been like an OVEN ,,,, in the 90's & humid all week, not the type of weather we are ready for this early in the season , we went from winter to summer with out much of a spring. No Matter what the weather out some one will complain about it ! Its to hot ,its to cold, to wet ,to dry,, , , , I want to find some place on this earth to live that you dont need a furnace or an air conditioner , low taxes ,ample power to make electricty, be it from wind ,solar, or tide generated, & Gas to cook with , a good supply of fresh water , No snakes ,rodents ,misquetos,FLYS , sharks, spyders,jellyfish, or large preditors that will be hunting me , & GREAT CIGARS, Fine old aged single malt scotch's & an abundance of coffee's & teas....... Oh yea a great Jazz station on the radio..... I like to let the DJ play the music, that way I dont need to mess with the cd player myself..... I think the place I am looking for is called Utopia ...... But it never hurts to dream anyway ! or maybe I could just go & live with my parents when I was about 10 or 11 , I had all I needed or wanted, hadnt started puberty so I wasnt distracted by by the lour of a smiling face or a glimce of cleaveage, I had my bike , a baseball glove & bat , a sled for the winter & 3 meals a day & all i had to do was empty the trash on saturdays, keep the grass trimed, keep the snow off the driveway & walkways & make my bed every morning ( great training for the navy ) ,,,,, Oh to be a Kid again, but not like the kid I am today , but a real kid with out the worrys of the world, the political BS that fills the news shows & papers, back then all I ever worryed about was getting home before the street lights came on or when I got hungry...... Dammm I have no idea where all that came from , I never know what I am going to tell you on Sunday mornings , I just sit down & type , what ever comes out .... well left to one's own imagination I can get far from the subject & distracted by a smile or Cleveage .... it was a much simpler time before Cleveage ruled my world..... Last night was my Son in laws 40th Birthday there was a small gathering of the assorted drunks, family & friends ,,, kids ,dogs , Bikers , Hicks , hillbillys , gangbangers , hookers ,pimps ,even the gay & lesbions were there a true melting pot party , its great to see the local Harley owners group (HOG's) & the pimps standing by the beer keg trying to come up with the 'rightprice ' for service to be rendered, with a ton of kids running arround with water guns & the bull mastive wondering in & out eating what ever he could reach ,,,, it was an adventure to be sure ... an eclectic mix of epic statis , the only thing we were missing was a Priest or a nun , but we didnt want to scare the kids hahahahaha
we had a good week at the shop, I did a rolling event in Pittsburgh on Thursday night got to meet the new football coach of the Pittsburgh panters football team ( PITT ) as in Univ. of Pittsburgh it was at the annual Fundraiser for the FCA ,, Fellowship of Christian Athletes , this is the second time I have rolled for this event, but this is the first time I didnt sell out. Over 300 people there & I had prerolled a few hundred cigars & brought most of them back home, I barely had enough to cover the cost of the tabacco , But I covered the bill with a few bucks left over & a lot of cigars to add to the inventory at home ,, hey I might as well smoke them.... ,,, then I got a call from the local Funeral director, he was holding a wake for a local tavern owner & needed about 100 cigars ...... Timing is everything, I was "semi" stuck with a large amout of hand rolled cigars & he needed a lot of cigars fast & @ low cost , Win ,Win for both of us , I took a slight hit but I turned over product for cash & he got a deal on the cigars, so now when I need his Professional service 's,,, he owes me a favor .....hahahaha like I want to collect on that one fast ! , well lets see, that brings us to the grill & the Ribs that will be done about 4 Pm. A rack of baby back rib's went on the coals early this morning ... 4 AM , so 12 hours of S L O W & LOW , there will be a little corn on the cob & some grilled egg plant to go with the ribs. I might have a cold beer with it or an iced tea there is a few Saint Pauly Girl darks in the fridge along with a few Smithwicks that my brother in law left here last Sunday ,,,, hummm maybe one or 2 of each & speaking of my B-I-L ,his wife( my wifes sister) missed a step & tumbled down the stairs & broke her arm ........ I feel sorry for him as now she will be more demading that ever , if that is possable hahahaha
Saturday morning My grandson has a tryout to become a JR.Stineway Artist , I dont know when he will be told if he gets the position ... Stineway is a piano manufacture , it might not be spelled correctly but then if you have ever read my posting you will soon realize I cant spell for $hit!
right now my wife is grinding coffee for our sunday pot of kona , the AROMA is HEAVENLY , I might forgo the Don Carlos #3 this moring in favor of a Pre embargo upman corona that has a some what large crack on the foot , it should be as mellow & smooth as a stick of Butter ,,, But I had my taste buds all fired up a while back & found it was for nothing as the cigar had passed its prime & was so bland there was no soul left in the stick, so before that happens & before I join my parents & leave my cigars to my brother & friends I will SMOKE them,,,, Enjoy, Vince
Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday 19 June 2011 , Fathers day ...... I did get a phone call from my daughter , she & her family are on vacation in NYC, so I got a call instead of a card & a pair of sox haha, it has been a BUSY week at the shop, lots of one time buyers in for a quick gift for dad, but salea were brisk all week & I sold more pipes this week than I have since Christmas ., it is a hot & humid day here in da Burgh & I plan on spending it in the A/C comfort of the Qtr.Deck , before I have to fire up the grill for todays NY strip steaks , there will be a few Zuccuni 's on the grill with them & a roasted vadallia Onion & if I feel like it I might do a potato or 2 but maybe not,,,, I will play it by ear & what ever the boss wants , she gets , it might be Fathers day But if Mother isnt happy , NO ONE is happy.....
I have a pot of Indian Malabar working right now , a nice smooth coffee medium dark roast , a good flavor & a nice Body & mouth feel almost a syrup like quality to the brew, next up is the Kona & the Don Carlos #3 , right now I am waiting on a tree service for an estamate on trimming the 2 maples in the yard & removing 2 pines from the other side of the yard, so far I have 2 bids & they are 220 bucks apart , so if this guy is some place in the middle I will call back the high bidder & give him a chance to match or lower one of the other bids , I got a price last year & the guy must have been smoking what ever he cut down as his bid for the 2 maples was higher than the highest bid I got this year including the pines ...... so who knows what will happen, I loved people who shopped for a car back when I was selling,,, you just dont go on price alone , the service & salesmanship seal the deal & I did just fine , I might not have been the lowest price But I would pick up & deliver your car for service & make sure it got a nice clean up when it was in the shop, I sent flowers on Birthdays & annivasarys & made my customers my friends, well I have the same attitude when I am Buying some thing be it goods or service , I want to deal with a friend not a Vendor, & I understand a profit must be made to stay in Business , if your government subsedized, I most likely will NOT do business with you ,,,, GM & Chrystler are off the table for me since they took Big bucks from Uncle Sam , Ford got a few bucks in a round about way for the finance dept , but didnt get the treasury to buy stock in the company like GM & Chrystler did ,,,,, my next car I hope will be an OLD Mustang Convertable , or some kind of OLD convertable , I just missed a GTO last week , a real head turner, BRIGHT red with White leather but it was a few thousand out of my price range ( about 15 K ) out of my price range hahahahaha , so maybe that Kit car I was looking at isnt so bad afterall, BUT I dont want to build a kit car, Now if some on wants to do it & sell it for a small profit I will be in line to buy one , but for me to bust my knuckles & get Dirty..... I will just relax & keep my Sable , the sun roof will be my drop top !
well the kids are on Vacation In NYC so I have the week off BUT I do have to go to my daughers place & feed the Mutt , he can go in & out by himself but if you put out a weeks worth of food he will eat it all the first day .......
I picked up a few cigars this week 3 boxes, to be exact, a toro size H.Upman Sungrown, a Santa Demina Corona & a La Travitia Corona, along with a bottle of Bushmills, Glenmorangie& Glenfiddich , since its warm out I wanted something lighter & less peat than the Lagavulin & Laphroaig,,,, lighter taste for the warmer weather , looks like the Press pot of Kona is done so its off to the races for me , a day of doing what I do best, Turning coffee & single malt whisky into PI$$ ...... Enjoy, Vince
Enjoy, Vince
If we punish the companies who took handouts does that mean they will just get more
Mopars, goats and ponys ...all sounds good from over here.Originally posted by Simon BolivarLittle medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these
Originally posted by RyanI think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes
Good morning , it is Sunday the 26th of June 2011 a nice start to the day here in da Burgh 66 F with low humidity & about half the blue sky is covered in gray/white clouds ... looks like its going to be a Good cigar & scotch day here in da Burgh , just finished breakfast & all ready thinking about what cigars & what scotches I will be tasteing today , for sure the 10YO Glenmorangie will be sampled & I might have a weee bit of Bushmills with the stuffed peppers that we are having later today , peppers & Bushmills a tall glass with ice & a splash of water & then fill with Bushmills .... 99% of the time I sip my whiskys from a brandy snifter or a noseing glass , but with a plate of stuffed peppers with mashed spuds I want that Cold Zip of the whisky to "bring out the flavor" of the peppers , I do love my Islay whiskys but something about a cool crisp whisky that I enjoy with a bell pepper & onions ,,,, Now when its snowing outside & the temp is below freezing , I want a smokey peaty Islay ......
There are a lot of golf outtings this time of the year a lot of fundraisers & memorial theamed events & the cigars have moved well & I was able to get rid of a lot of dog rockets , left overs & broken boxes ,I did well in the last few days & the customers got a BIG break on the price, for guys who smoke one cigar a year , & golf one time a year , the BIG dog rockets are are a good way to clear the shelves of the stuff that didnt sell., I have found out that if you remove the band & place them in a plain box call them seconds , they sell like mad, & no one complains, seconds of what? who knows !!! its good tobacco, & good construction, aged a few months or a year or so , the orginal package & name might have been a pore job of marketing , so you remove all the bad paper ( the dreaded cigar band)from the cigar & are left with a nice looking stick of tobacco ,,,, all that ring of paper tells you is the stattus & price of the cigar ,,, well you dont smoke the band, so what good is it, I dont know about what your personal habbits are BUT I remove my band as soon as its loose , I might be smoking a Pre Embargo Davidoff or a Graycliff , I might be smoking one that I rolled myself that never had a band to start with BUT I go for the taste not the stattus of the cigar ...... I smoke a lot of seconds , they taste just fine & who cares if the color is a bit different from one end to the other or there are a few green spots on the dark brown wrapper , its all good , some are just better than others.
I just got off the phone with my daughter & they are on the road headed for the Holland tunnel & out of NYC on there way home after a week in the big apple , tired & broke BUT enjoyed the entire time , from Ellis Island all the way to Long Island they covered the city Non stop .... My son in law has to go back to work in the morning .... Good luck getting up & being there on time hahahaha , I think they are getting out just ahead of the Gay Pride march today........ Nuff said about that can of worms ....... I am not much of a sports fan , but living here its hard to miss hearing about it ,,,, right now for the first time in 18 years the Pittsburgh Pirates are winning more games than they have lost for the season...... 18 YEARS of loosing seasons is enough to turn off the best of fans , at lest we now have a little hope ,,, slim Hope but the candle is burning , & the wind is blowing....... as Far as football this season well WHO knows its a big fight between the Millionair players against the Billionair owners & the fight is about a few hundred thousand in income from the sales of the food & other Bull$hit items ,,, play or dont play , I couldnt give a good $hit one way or the other ... B U T , it brings in customers to the shop to watch the games , & that is INCOME I dont have when they Dont play ........ yes I am a Capitalist & proud of it , I work hard Sometimes, & I pay my fair shre of tax, what burns My @ $ $ is the able bodyed wellfair wanting me to support them. Right in town not far from the Cigar shop are a few business advertising for help & right next door is the pub that cashes the wellfair checks for them....... JUST DRIVE ME CRAZY ...... I refused to take a wellfair check , its my tax money backing it up, I might as well just give him the cigars & save the cost of the paper work & the government taking there CUT out of the sale. dammm I am getting bitter in my old age , BUT I have been working all my life ...... even a some what retarted citizen can wash dishes or work in a car wash , put parts in a bag, or sell me a burgher & frys ...... LAZY BUMS who have family history back 3 generations or more living in public housing collecting food stamps & getting cash payments from the state as they cant ( or are just too damm lazy ) to support there own familys ..... & some of the Baby factorys out there 6 or 7 kids or more all with different fathers & Not knowing who the father is all collecting from the state..... BULL$HIT , I have worked all my life & taken care of my family & my daugher saw that I worked & now she is WORKING her kids are seeing it & they want to Earn there way in life , if no one will hire them , they will be self employed ,,,, even if the only thing they can do is clean up DOG $hit , they will make fertilizer out of it & sell it .... The work ethic is instilled in my children & grandchildren,,, I wish I could instill it in some adults ......... Enjoy, Vince
Enjoy, Vince
Good Morning , it is Sunday 3 July 2011 , a HOT HUMID day here in da Burgh, looks like I will be spending the day in the Qtr.Deck with the A/C on , I had hoped to be on the back deck watching the birds at the feeder & the traffic going by , But I will be content with the 4 walls & the A/C today !!! we had a nice breakfast, a toasted muffin with bacon & egg , a slice of Hot Pepper cheese & fresh tomato right out of the garden next door !!!! a pot of fair trade Purivian coffee is in the pot right now, fair trade is just a price fixing tool , it dosent make the coffee taste any better , just cost more, , I think you sell your coffee at a competitive rate & make your cash up front , you dont need to hide behind a fair trade commision who takes a cut of your end of the deal as well as my end of the deal, the only one who makes anything out of the deal is the fair trade commision, & they dont add any value to the product, they take there "admisinatration" fee & add to the price, like the owners of an auction, the seller pays to be there & the buyer pays a % to buy there, , the auction house gets money from both ends of the deal, & since your there , they make all the profit on the refreshments , last time I was at an auction they were charging $3.00 for a cup of coffee or a bottle of water, I buy the same water at Costco for $4.25 a case of 24 bottles ......... some times I wonder where will it all end , sure I am all for profit & making a buck , I have been known to leave money on the table when I make a deal just to ensure repeat customers .... FAIR & Equitable to Both sides , I dont need a commision to take a cut , Unless its "family" , like my cousin Vito who makes sure I dont get held up by some crack head & if I do he makes sure I get my money back.....catch my drift?
Well it is the 4th of July weekend & we went to the fireworks last night , a rousing 20 minute display of Pyrotecknics that left a lot of the area dogs & cats hiding under the beds & in the basements a fantastic skyshow of flashing lights, sounds & BOOOOOOMS, shot from a barge in the middle of the Ohio river where the Beaver river emptys into it , the sounds echoed off the hills ..... my ears are still ringing a bit !
we spent the day at the Ellwood City arts fest , a great time set in the park with vendors & "FOOD" a lot of crafts & some nice professional made stuff But mostly a fundraiser for the local community clubs & churchs , they provide a service & we willing give to the cause , I picked up a custom made sign for the Qtr.Deck a snifter & a cigar with a nice green frame , I will hang it today ....... If I find the time ! hahahaha , I had a great pepperoni roll , so light & flakey , just the right amout of cheese , it was like a pepperoni pizza with out the sauce made in a light ,buttery & flakey crust , & to confuse my taste buds I went to a sweet & hot tumpura shrimp a bit later in the day , it was hot & humid & I was drained when we got home ... a quick shower & off to bed, it wa a long day, BUT today I have a different idea for myself, RELAXATION is the order of the day , I have the BBQ ribs all ready on , the rack should be done about 4 maybe 5 PM depending on when I get the side dishes done, grilled veggies & yams , with a desert of apples & peaches in a crustless pie served on a chocolate chip cookie & vanilla ice cream. ..... I was going to make some corn on the cob but dammm I have enough food all ready..... I did slice up a watermellon & I have that in the fridge to chill with a splash of Smirnoff Silver..... I was never a big vodka fan but it might help the wife relax a bit tonight, my luck it will relax he to much & she will go to sleep..... maybe a blessing ,,, a little Quiet with out the PIECE might be better than the peace & quiet...... after 41 years with her she still acts like a pain in the @ $ $ every time I get the urge........ some one told me put a penny in a jar for the first 2 years your married every time you do the wild thing , & then after the first 2 years you take a penny out, when you get lucky, By the time your 50th anniversary hits there will still be money in the jar....... & by looking at my jar I have under 9 years to empty a half a jar...... that just shows that when we were young we were HORNY B@st@rds, & now that we are old .... not so much ... tuff choice go to bed or have a cigar.... Hummmmmm, well if I go to bed she will want something ,,,,, if I have a cigar she will be angry for a few days , & get over it & I will NOT have to do what ever she wants done , like clean the gutters for the third time this summer,,,, thats what we have grandsons for, I hold the ladder & they climb up with a scraper & scoop out the pine needles & maple seeds ..... soon 2 of the pines will be gone & a good section of the maples will be trimmed ,,, the tree cutting service is got me on the list , how far from the top I have no idea but I am on the list hahahaha . The Pot of kona is about ready to press & I have my Buddie Don Carlos #3 ready to go , the a/c is on & the Qtr.Deck is calling ...... OH dammmmm I almost forgot, 90.5 WDUQ the Jazz station here in Pittsburgh was bought out & now has become a 24 hour NEWS station ........... THIS SUCKS , so now I have to go out & buy a HD radio or satalight radio to get Jazz if I dont want to listen to a CD ,,, some times I like the radio, they pick the mix of songs & I get udates on the weather outside & if the world has gone to war again , or if I need to bail out of the qtr.deck & head for the basement as Heavy weather is on the way ( or I need to hide from the wife hahahaha ),,, Both can cause major damage hahahaha
The Shop had a slow down after fathers day , & the gradsons are back from the trip to NYC & I have filled my I love NY ashtray with great cigar ashes & butts ....... looks like its time for Kona & Don Carlos ,,, I might ask Johnny Walker to join us but I dont have any so it looks like a snifter of Glenmoranggie will Take up the slack.... Enjoy, Vince
Enjoy, Vince
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