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Have to say Vince I'm totally glued to this thread! Only started reading it today and I'm absorbed, never had so much malt and scrambled eggs in 1 day!
Would love some pics, am trying to picture the qtr deck.....
Good health
The Qtr.Deck is my smoking room, it is along the walkway to the front door, a 10x12 building, with a wide double door in the front with a short ramp leading in , I have a buddy in a chair & he cant get in any other way, there are 6 windows, a sky light , 220V baseboard heating , window mounted A/C unit, , the walls & roof are insulated & panneled with a CHEEP 5/16 light brown poto print of wood grain , & a nice thick 1 inch thick carpet pad uner an indoor/outdoor carpet, every wall has 2 electric outlets & there is track lighting on one of the rafters, an exhaust fan & lots of photos & posters all cigar or Navy related .....inside I have a a CD player & radio combo, a telephone & an intercom to the house........ a Couch that will set 3 comfortably, a chair for my self & 2 lawn chairs ,a few foot stools & lots of tables , ashtrays ,cutters( V cuts , dbl blades & cigar punches so you can use what ever you like ) I just BITE mine hahaha & lighters all over the place I would post a few photos but I do not have a digetal camera ( nor do I have a cell phone ) , all I have is an OLD NIKON 35MM SLR that uses FILM, some of the young people have never heard of that stuff ! , If you want to visit you can take all the photos you want !!!!! Enjoy, Vince
Haha love it as an ex navy man myself I'd love a place I could hang my memorabilia,( the boss won't have it lol makes her think I'm gonna run off and re enlist) maybe one day we could swap stories over rum n CGars! Might be a few years yet tho....
I tried to buy 35mm film for a lovely compact I have but couldn't find any anywhere.
Good morning it is Sunday May FIRST,2011 Mayday ..... a wet chilly morning here in da Burgh, , it seams like it has been raining here for the past month, the yard is like a swamp, the rivers are flooding & the grass, DEEP dark & beautful GREEN, thick & lush , & in the need of a trim, but the ground under it is so soft it is like walking on a wet sponge, But the birds are churping the wind is blowing the wind chimes are doing what they were made to do & the boss is a happy but sore camper, she did brave the wilds of the yard yesterday & cut the grass, & the place looks great, nice lines to fallow the curves of the lawn, the robins were having a feast on the worms who came to the surface to avoid being drowned by the high water.... the bunnys have found the feeder as have the squirrels BUT sadly one of them found a car & tryed to car jack it ,,,, dammm foolish thing to do when you weigh in about 2 pounds & what your trying to attack tops the scales at 3500 pounds .... you get flattend with out any problem , so I had to dig out a shovel & scrape the road before it started to stink,,, to bad ,,,it might have made a nice watch band...... the shop has been SUPER SLOW , last friday was a bust, I didnt cover payroll for the second week in a row....... cant keep this up for long....... Lent was a killer this year, Now that Easter has come & gone & the golfers are out I was hoping to see a slight upturn in traffic at the shop but it has been more of the same..... I need a new roof & with the rainy season here I have my share of buckets & cans at the ready, better bring an umbrella if you need to use the bathroom hahahahah...... the moring coffee is a pot of Pacific monkey mix, I had a few ounces of a few different Pacific coffees, so they are all one big happy family this morning , some dark roasted , some light & a few mediums, all tossed into the burr grinder & mixed up ....... a little light for my taste but later the kona will be making that Don Carlos #3 tase a whole lot better ...... breakfast this morning was a spinich omlet with bacon, hot peppers & cheese, a bit of tosted garlic & onion with a dash of horseraddish for a weee bit of fire as the peppers were not all that hot..... a slice of dark bread tosted with some blueberry jam & that was breakfast..... I have a slab of ribs in the smoker getting some hickory smoke right now, they should be ready about 4 Pm , a few ears of corn will hit the grill some time today & the strawberry shortcake will add to the festivitys that come with the first day of May ( every day above ground is a reason to CELEBRATE) , holidays give the celebration a different theme.... But the libations are about the same for me no matter what the occasion..... Cigars, scotch & coffee..... the only thing that changes is the style of scotch, the growing location of the coffee & the make up of the cigar..... as much as I like the Camacho trippple maduro I dont want it with a light heathery lowland scotch with a light fruity coffee..... it would just kill the taste of the whisky & coffee but later today I will be firing one up but it will be with a laugavulin 16 YO single malt & a dark roast kenya Peaberry..... a little exparmentation has gone in to developing my taste buds , I might not be a grand master but I do know what I like & I am the only one I have to please .... if you like some of my recomendations let me know, if you dont ...... TUFF $hit ... hahahaha ... I have no idea with out looking it up how long I have been posting my ramblings on Sunday mornings ... it goes back many years a few of the web sites I was posting on have closed or taken over by new owners & I have just moved on to tick off other people but I still find time to put some BS out every week..... & it is a BS fest here today hahahaha .... on the 13th day of the 5th month I will be one year older than I was last May 13... please dont send well wishes,,,, send cigars hahahahaha !!!! I took my car ( yes I did get a used car to replace my old sable,,,, a 2002 sable, with 30K miles on it, ) but no sunroof, or vent shades on the windows, so I went to the local car shop & ordered the vent shades for the windows, they have put them on my last 4 or 5 cars , but the wrong shaped vents have been comming from the supplyer, so yesterday he took photos of the car & the vents they have been supplying, so I hope they get the correct ones soon ..... I was going to have them put in a sun roof but this isnt a good sign....... ,, BUT as far as the car .... I filled it up when I got it & last night I had to fill it back up...... I dont even want to think about the price per gallon & what the total cost came to but I did get 22.1 MPG on the car..... That makes me verrrrrrrrry happy!!!!!... I still need to get a set of mudflaps on the back wheels & my grandsons tell me it all ready smells like my old car.... Mission accomplished!!!!! the only thing this car is missing is my stuffed dog in the back seat, it went into my wifes car when we got rid of the last sable & it has a new home now in her car, so there it will stay untill that car becomes mine & she gets a new one.... BUT her car is 2 years newer than mine but has 20K more miles on it..... that will soon change her car will stay in the driveway& we will use mine for the daily running & with the price of gas ( now over 4 Bucks a gallon ) we have cut out our Saturday & Sunday night cigar rides ,,, back when W was President gas was a whole lot cheeper, & the critice were bitching about his old oil buddys getting weathly off the backs of the American consumers, Now that the "HOPE & CHANGE" has kicked in gas is Up, wages are down, employment it DOWN, the national debt is UP & I for one have seen better times back when Kennedy Lowered the tax rate & showed the government was better off lowering the tax rate to allow more money to stay in the hands of the people & they Spent it ,creating more jobs & more income for the government, Trickle down Economics was not Reagans idea but JFK's , & with out doing any research I am sure some one before JFK had the same idea...... I wonder if barrock ever read anyting that JFK a real democtate had to say about econimics not the socilist agenda that is comming out of the white house today.... I just dont know what to do , what to plan for & what direction this country is heading..... I am glad to be here & not in some third world $hitHole wondering where my next sip of clean water will be comming from... I know I am blessed to be living the life I have , as I didnt work all that hard to get where I am today ,,,, sure when I was putting in the 12 , 16 or 20 hour days when I was so tired at the end of a shift I had to take a break before I had the strenght to shower up & go home but right now sitting here in my robe & slippers being the lazy bum I am , I dont remember it being all that hard hahahahaha as tey say time heals all wounds.... & I havent been wounded in a long time hahahaha ...... time to get out outside & add a bit of wood to the smoker & get the ribs a little brush with the marinade to keep the dryrub from charing to bad.... My wife is telling me the kona is Ready & the QTR.DECK need a bit of heat as it is just 58F right now, well I will just put on a long sleave shirt & long pants & Suffer untill it gets to 68F , the sky is gray & the radar will be showing rain all week........ anyone got an arc? hahaha , Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday the 8th of May 2011 , Mothers day so happy Mothers day to all you Mothers out there,,,, now that being said do you know when fathers day is ? 9 months before mothers day !.... we have a nice cool DRY morning here in da Burgh , no rain on the radar & there is a BIG hot orange ball in the sky ,,,, I think its called the SUN... there are shadows on the ground, & the Birds are crapping all over the cars & chirpping on the back deck the feeder is full & the day looks like a 3 or 4 cigar day before I need to get busy with the grill & cook up a few rib steaks that I have in a light marinade of Italian dressing & red wine. The yams will hit the grill a few minutes before the beef hits it , I love the smokey flavor of a yam that has been grilled over FLAMES, it adds a rustic flavor that you can't duplicate in the kitchen, well I can't anyway ... so it outside on the grill that way I can enjoy a fine cigar as I cook ,,, something my wife will not let me do in the house ! & maybe a few ashes get mixed in the food..... adds FLAVOR ! , we have a new grocery shop that just opened this past week , it is a few miles from my home so last night we went out to check out the bargans,,,, a nice olive bar & cheese shop an average bakery & butcher shop , nothing outstanding in the produce dept. BUT there was a Ton of people & a lot of FRIENDLY help, right through the check out lines & some one to bag you stuff for you , a take it to your car, dammm GREAT Customer service will keep me going back there ... granted the service stays at the same level,,,,, the prices were competative & it is close to home & with the price of Fuel ..... dammmmmmm Well on to a happy thought ...... Good BY OBL Congrats to the NAVY SEALS .... GO NAVY ... I did !!!! from a long line of Army , Marines & Airforce Members I was only the second one in my family to go to the Navy , My Uncle Bill was was also a Navy man he was a machinest mate & went on to become a tool & die maker for General Motors In Flint Michigan,,, I spent a lot of time there in the summers ........ we are grearing up for the 13th annuial Cigar crawl, you can check it out at www.cigarcrawl.com I have a bad feeling that number 13 will be the last one , this is the first year the bus company has told us NO SMOKING ON THE BUS .... damm enviormental weenies , the Nanny state is here , cant smoke cant dance cant eat,cant drink , keep your pants on .... dammmm what kind of FUN is that ! hahaha ... Not that I want to dance but I like to watch a great dancer shake her BUTT ......... the Pleasure police have taken over & I for one am not happy with it .... I carry a roll of tape with me to Cover the NO on the no smoking signs ....Cigar smoking should be ENCOURAGED ,,,,,it creates jobs in Manufacturing, sales , distrubition & farming , it also helps boost sales in the related industrys of lighters & cutters, ashtrys , Humidors & even the sale of stick Matches ,,,,, Pipe carvers & all the related growth associated with that craft..... you want to raise taxes fine let me have my cigars ! , you want me to pay a tax on my cigar but I am not allowd to smoke it ..... dammmmm i just dont get the thought process of some of the @ $ $ holes we have running our government..... makes me want to PUKE at times , makes me so angry I want to kick the $hit out of all of them.... if your called to serve do it & get out , go back to your JOB, dont feed on the public all your life , politicians are just like wellfair deadbeats , 3 & 4 Generations of peole never having a job & who pays for it all? WE do the people who have JOBS, I see the BUMS walking the street in front of the shop, No job , but the first of the month they are at the bank with a check in hand ,a Payment from the government , paid for by the taxes I pay every day,,,, Lazy BUMS ....... No jobs but they have Beer money , I see them with a six pack EVERY DAY walking by the shop , Pulling cigar butts out of the ashtray in front of the shop , Now I empty it every day its bad enough smoking a butt you have no idea who had it in there mouth , BUT not spening MY money in my shop just ticks me off , you dont get anything for Free, Now we do have a few who need the help, some one who need help should get some , BUT the Able body Citizens who for generations have lived on the public wellfair system I say Enough is enough & the same for the politicans, the best thing I can think of is TERM LIMITS get in steal as much as you can( because they ALL do ) & get out, Go back to work & NO pentions for ELECTED office holders ...... OK I am getting my blood pressure up & thats not good, I have a few cigars picked out for today , a little lighter smokes are in store for today ,,,,, AFTER the Don Carlos #3 with its great Cameroon wrapper , all of the stuff has no band on it so I have no idea what it is ,,,, when I got them the bands were missing as if some one removed them before they we sent to me from an Island South of Miami Via Hong Kong, London & Zurich & other place arround this third rock from the Sun..... the kona is in the press pot as I finish off the 50/50 mix of light & dark roast Columbian,,,,, looks like we are going to have a fine day here in da burgh & I entend to enjoy it starting NOW! Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday 15th of May 2011 & the rain is still comming down here in da Burgh ,,,,,, with all the rain we are getting here & the flooding of the local streams & lakes & with all the over flow heading down the Ohio River into the Mississippi River & all the rain they are getting south west of here & adding all that from the Upper Mississippi & all the other tributarys its a wonder that New Orleans isnt under 20 feet of water all ready . I live one mile south of the highest point in my County & my yard is a swamp...... I can just guess what its like in lower areas of the County , there is standing water along the roads & lots of washouts of the hill sides along the road , a few friends have had large trees just tip over in the winds as the ground is so wet that it cant support the trees in the heavy winds & if & when any of you ever get to the cigar shop, you can take a shower when its time to drain the kidneys as the roof is leaking AGAIN & dripping right in front of the Toilet ....... well last Friday ( the 13th) was my birthday & I had to work all day BUT I did get a chance to celebrate a bit , a Bottle of Laphroaig Qtr.Cask was consumed as well as a few bottles of wine ( I had one glass of red BUT I know from experence not to mix grapes & grain ) But I Payed for it Saturday at work, I needed a nap big time hahahaha. But my family & frinds came through with some great gifts, a lot of Cigars , an ashtray & a big bag of New Orleans blend coffee & 2 new shirts for the Cigar crawl next weekend & that reminds me to tell you now that Next Sunday I will be away from the computer & most likely so Hung over I will not be able to type let alone thing of what to type so you all get a week off from the exploits of the Burgh & the BS that is Me ....... Barb is heading out to a play at the school with her sister , so she tells me But I have the afternoon all planed out..... cigars, coffee ,scotch & jazz , so if she is home or not my day will remain the same BUT I dont have to cook today ..... I did make breakfast , a bacon ,cheese & vidalia onion omlet but the kitchen is closed for the rest of the day as I need the space for the still..... yes its time again to break the law & make a little BRANDY , this run should make about 3 bottles & by next Sunday it will have added to the flooding of the local rivers as it is flushed out after filtering through the liver & kidneys of the Cigar crawlers next weekend....... I would be glad to pay the tax on the stuff But dammm for the few bottles I make evey year the permit & tax stamp would cost more than my entire house & I would need to build a seperate manufacturing space , get it zoned & approved by the local , state & federal athorties & pass a number of inspections at varroius stages of building & a bonded wharehouse to store the finished product & all of that for less than 10 Bottles a year........ I dont make it to sell it , I make it to drink with friends on the cigar crawl every year ...... Since I have no time to cook supper & will be using the stove anyway I think I will have a Pizza delivered ....... now thats an all time low for a retired chef..... delivery from a pizza shop........ How lazy can I get hahahahahaha ..... But just think of the nice tip the driver will get when he can get a taste right out of the still .... warm .........Sultry.... & loaded with a magic BUZZ of 100+ proof .... but by next friday it will have had a chance to AGE a bit..... hahahahahaha havent seen the grandsons since last Monday & will be there to take them to there piano & art lessons Monday evening, I am getting a painting for the Qtr.Deck from the younger one & it should be ready this week some time ..... I havent seen it but what ever it is he told me it will look good in the Qtr.Deck .... & I almost trust him hahahaha ,,,, well what ever it is I will hang it where every one can see it ....... Remember No news next Sunday from me ....... just go back & re read this one hahahaha Enjoy, Vince