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Sunday morning from PITTSBURGH Pa
Good morning , it is a wonderful morning here in da Burgh all ready it is 54F the sky is a gray blue & the tempature is going to the High 70's maybe hit 80 !!! , looks like I can pass on the heat in the Qtr.Deck today , in fact I might just drag out a few chairs & park on the back deck today , or in the yard & watch the birds at the feeder, , as the lawn shows signs of getting green & needing trimmed, dammmmm I hate that , not that I will cut the grass butI hate to listen to the wife telling me how tuff the yard is to cut anymore hahahaha, , I guess its time to move from this rural bliss & move back to the city & get an appartment ........ dammm that sounds so bad, after 35 plus years here , I enjoy the quiet, the wildlife, & the space to relax with a cigar & no one telling me the smoke is in violation to the local smoking ban .... (Note to self make sure you DONT move into the City of Pittsburgh or Alleghney County ) as the pleasure police have laws to enforce.... even the Pirate baseball statium, one of the last bastions of male freedom has removed the Montecristo lounge & made the ball park NON SMOKING.... dammmmm S.O.B.'s , even one of my favorite watering holes has removed all the ashtrys , & with over 100 Single malt scotches behind the bar........ I will not be darkening the doorway for a long time ......well untill the sting of the smoking ban goes away or they get a few new malts I havent tasted yet..... dammmm politial BASTARDS .... nanny state here we come ........" Land of the free " up to a point when some elected Jackass thinks he or she can pass a law to make life better for "We the people"& line there own pockets from the tax money ...... we need Statesmen NOT politions ,,, as Jefferson said the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of pataroits & tyrants from time to time .... or some thing like that , right now I am just to lazy to do the proper research but you get the idea anyway I hope .... , Not only is the Federal government spending our grandchildrens money but the state & local governments are also in trouble with Finances...... what ever happened to the citizen who served for a few years & then went back to his farm or business? , now they are elected or appointed for all eternity , with pentions going to the family & tax payer funded health care.... right now I pay almost 600 bucks a month for health care for myself & the wife together, but I still have $1800.00 a year out of pocket expences for each of us before the dammm insurence pays,,,, BUT the JACKOFFS in Washington pay ZERO for the health care ...... almost makes me want to go back in the Navy ........... but I am way to old to do that again. , I like sleeping in , I like doing what I want , I like taking a day off when I feel like it ....... I guess thats why I retired......... ahhh yes the freedom of retirement..... YES DEAR I will be right there .... dammmm caught again hahahaha ....... dammm Bug in the bathroom light .... maybe going back to the navy isnt so bad hahahahah
well the Cigar line up is a fantastic dip into the old storage humidor ,,, first up is the traditional Don Carlos #3 with the kona , Then a Contraband Partagas series D #4 with more kona & a wee dram of Macallen 18 , by then it should be time to drop a nice set of T bones on the grill along with a few Yams seasoned with fresh grated nutmeg & cinninimon ... after that a bit of strawberrys & cream maybe a glass of port & an Opus X or a nice Padron anniv . I love the 64 Princeappe maduro .... But I do have a Room 101 by Camacho that might blend well with a snifter of scotch....... ( AND what dosent blend well with a snifter of 18 Y.O. scotch ? )
Havent seen the grandsons since last monday they have been BUSY all week, there was a fire in a house that my daughter & son in law rent out , it had 2 appartments , everyone got out ok but for one dog who was 17 years old & the excitement was just to much for the old guy ... the building is a total loss But they did have coverage for fire loss & damage... but the house was OLD & historic, as a land mark building in town...... now its gone & the rent money is lost so the life style of my daughters family will change a bit with out that extra income ,,,, Invest the settlement & collect the proceeds from that But dammmmm Nothing is paying any amount of return ..... so I tell her just keep working hahahaha I still am
well thats your little insite into my life this past week, the middle east & things in nothern Africia , & Japan are all making the news, as well as the good old boys in Washington DC , No matter what way you turn there is some one ready to shove it up your @ $ $ weather you want it or NOT .
Enjoy, Vince
Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday 17 April 2010, my fathers Birthday, he would have been 92... Happy Birthday DAD .... wish I could have a scotch & cigar with you one more time !
well its WET & Cool here in da Burgh ..... rain in the forcast all week, & the roof has a leak at the shop, I have 4 coffee cans in the bathroom, 2 in the hall & 3 in the humidor, lucky that its in the center of the room & not near any of the cigars , & all the pipe tobacco in tubs had to be moved off of the floor , not that it would hurt anything in the plastic tubs & the snap top lids will keep it dry, BUT the poor house keeping isnt a good image for the shop..... , I want the customers to say I am an old fart with a nice shop, not a nice guy with a dirty shop....... & I hope I can live up to that , EVERYONE is treated with an equal amount of contempt ..... Just ask any of my regulars hahahaha My wife went out & turned on the heat in the QtrDeck for me, I wonder if she is telling me to get out of the house ??? hahahaha
She has even boiled some water for the press pot of Sunday morning kona to go with the Sunday morning cigar ,,,, right now I have a mug of Margoheppi done in a Medium/ Light roast, nice flavor & body but not BOLD enough for me , the kona is a light rost , I want to taste the coffee not be over powered by the roast.... but a pot of Italian roast is on todays dinner menu , the traditional but boring hunk of beef that is my wifes favorite, ....... what she wants she gets , as her being unhappy is BAD for me & the rest of the world ......... Good thing she wasnt in Japan, it could have been worse !!!!
I am picking up a used car this comming Thursday , I found a 2002 Mercuty sable , almost identical to the last one i had, with out the sunroof dammmmm I hated to spend the money on it with out the roof BUT it only has 33,000 miles on it , there is a small scuff on the rear qtr.panel , it matched the paint on the garage door , , I guess a little to much Guiness when he was putting it in the garage , there are a few burn holes in the seat, BUT that means I have a head start on smelling up the car , I dont know it I will get a hole cut in the roof or just live with it the way it is , one thing for sure is a remote starter ... for a hundred bucks you cant beat it , cheepest garage I have ever had, set the heater or A/C the night before , & hit the button in the morning , when you go out the car is warm or cool what ever you want , beats scraping ice off of the windshield......
Not a lot going on here in da burgh , every one is getting ready for Easter & Passover , I dont have any idea what they need to do to get ready for anything, it just happens , you get the easter ham or lamb & get out the good dishes ( there is some thing I have never understood,,, Good dishes vs Dishes , a plate is a plate a bowl is a bowl..... if it holds the soup its a wonderfull bowl or cup, NO we need fine bone china to set the table, we need the real silver ware , not the stainless steel we use everyday or the stone ware plates ..... dammmm all the money spent on the "FINE " stuff, & we never use it unless company is here or its a holiday, BS use the silver every day, use the China & chrystal .... thats what it is for.... USE it !
When I have coffee ( witch is 99% of my awaking hours) I drink out of a mug , but when I have a snifter of scotch I have it in a Irish brandy snifter , when I have the occasional pot of tea it is in the Wedgewood pot & cups , I dont wait for company or a holiday to get out the good stuff, I use it daily , why keep it on display for all the world to see & never take it out of the case, if you were married to a sexy beautiful lady , you sure as hell wouldnt be just looking at her , dammmmm I think I am getting a little arroused just thinking about it ........ all for not , she is just to busy with the Sunday paper to stop mid paragraph , hahahahaha , yea like even if she was finished with the paper there would be some thing she had to do that would take her time .... after 40+ years I guess you cant teach an old dog new tricks hahahaha ....... its about time for me to head out & fire up a cigar, & pull the cork on a 200 ml Aberfeldy & sip a wee bit of kona coffee & listen to some smooooooth jazz ,,,, dammmm I love my life & family & friends, right now I am feeling fine , the wife just brought me a mug of kona , the cutter, lighter & a Don Carlos #3 ..... I guess I better get out to the Qtr.Deck before she finds some thing that needs Fixed , delivered or picked up.... Enjoy, Vince
Enjoy, Vince
Originally posted by Moon Dancer View PostEnjoy you're rest day, Vince
But not all day, doesn't the roof need fixingEnjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is EASTER SUNDAY , 24 April 2011 a wet but warm morning here in da Burgh , Sunrise services were wet & dark with a heavy over cast of dark clouds not much different than it is right now..... but the Easter bunny was here & left me a nice Jim Brinkman CD of witch I will be playing later today , as soon as the ham gets in the oven & the yams get mashed , I have a fair line up of cigars for today , starting off with the ever popular ( with me anyway) the Don Carlos #3 & a mug of kona , I wait for Sunday to have that combo & its worth the wait..... just a great match in my book , you might not care for it , but my taste buds say its the best...... & after I get the DC3 finished & grab a bite for lunch I think I will be heading to a Big island about 90 miles from Key west for a Partagas series D #4 ... & speaking of that , it is the FIRST cigar I smoked in my new (used ) car , I found a 2002 mercury sable, with 30K miles on it , garage kept , a family car a few burn holes in the drivers seat.... not like I will not add to the collection , but a sharp looking car almost Identical to my 2000 sable that was towed away a few months ago , BUT , NO SUNROOF, so I will be getting it cut in as soon as I have the extra cash to get it done ,,,, well I am not going to do it , I will have a Pro do it , there are a few custom body shops in the area, & I plan on looking for the best price, Might even head to the junk yards & see if I can find a good used one..... I just dont know if thats a good idea or not , I will check with a few places before I make up my mind ...... mind , what mind ? hahahaha .......
My yard is an over grown SWAMP , the grass is extra long after a long winter snowcover & wet spring, BUT it is so wet , I doubt if the mower will be able to bag any of the grass as it is so wet, mulching is out of the question , it is just way to thick , it will need cut several times before we can maulch the clippings , so right now or when ever it gets cut it will need raked up & dumped on the compost pile,,,, & the pile needs to be turned ..... not a job I enjoy.... I cant think of any job that involves hard labor that I enjoy hahahaha
I havent had much time with the grandsons this past week, last Monday I took them to there music lessons but that was the last time I saw or talked to them, as teen agers they are busy .... no time for the old farts in the daily activitys ....... & they are with there father today so I dont think I will be seeing them till Monday when its time for the music lessons again...... This will be the first week I have my new car to take them in , they havent seen it yet, the inside is the same as my last sable but the color on the outside is a light brown & not the dark green that I loved on my last one ....... maybe a paint job in its future? who knows ..... since it is all ready Brown, maybe it could get painted to look like the egg shaped cigar ..... . that would be cool to look at but an expencive option I can pass on , just think of all the cigars I can get for the cost of a custom paint job ! ! !
I have been gearing up for the upcomming cigar crawl( for more info, check out ) this will be the 13th time we have braved the on going quest to get the best cigars at the lowest prices & see who can drink the most with out getting sick & all arround having a lot of fun trying to remember if we had a good time or not.... most of it is just a smoke filled hazy snippet of flash backs & drunken stupors .... I had a great time ... I think ! hahaha it is all happening in May , check out the website , a limit of 50 for the bus & we are some place in the mid 30's all ready ,,, hope you can join us ......
I have been practicing my calligraphy again, after the stroke I had a few decades back I lost the touch & had to give it up but lately I have had the pens out & trying it again..... still need a lot of time to get it done but it is getting better, not commerical quality yet ...... dammm I just realized I have typed a few Q's today , there was Dust on that key hahahaha .....
I guess that about all I have this week time for a cigar & getting ready for the rest of the day, the family is showing up later this afternoon & there is nut roll , Paska Bread & cheese cake to go with the coffee & I didnt bake anything this year .... the Church was having a fund raiser so they had a bake sale ........ Instead of me making some thing , I gave them CASH .... I am just getting LAZY in my old age , or would that be lazyier, I have cut way back on the amount of projects I get involved with anymore , I am just sliding down that rope & hope there is a Big knot at the end to help me hold on ! hahaha Enjoy, Vince
Enjoy, Vince
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