Well I?ve managed to pick up some nasty cold which means I can't smell anything, running nose, feeling like
and can't even cheer myself up by enjoying a nice drink or cigar as I just can't taste anything. I tried at the weekend, first cigar (smoke the same brand before so I know what to expect) didn't do anything for me, I could tell that it was lit, my mouth was full of smoke, the nicotine hit me but either someone swapped it out with cardboard or smoking a cigar with a cold is not the best idea. Cigar number two was better having my nose pre blasted with Strepsils and Vicks to clear it although I could tell the medicinal aftertaste drowned out the initial subtle flavours and towards the end of the cigar the nose was bunged up again leading to an overall unsatisfactory smoking event and 2 cigars down.
So has anyone got any tips on how to enjoy a cigar while bunged up? I think I might try one of the cheap NC towards the end of the week but I don't want to waste a cigar and write one off that might be a good smoke simply for the fact I can't appreciate it properly at the moment. Or should I just concentrate on getting rid of the dam cold and make up for lost time when I?m healthy again?

So has anyone got any tips on how to enjoy a cigar while bunged up? I think I might try one of the cheap NC towards the end of the week but I don't want to waste a cigar and write one off that might be a good smoke simply for the fact I can't appreciate it properly at the moment. Or should I just concentrate on getting rid of the dam cold and make up for lost time when I?m healthy again?