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What is the world turning to?

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  • What is the world turning to?

    My sister is a nurse and she enjoys the fragrance of a fine cigar and, of course, a man's man. Some femmes even complain about aftershave or cologne, because they are alergic. Thank goodness I live out of the city on a hundred acres of land. My black & white mongrel, part Border Collie, part hound, enjoys my smell and maduro cigar. As a matter of fact he is named Lucky Maduro (Lucky Black).

    Alas, soon, we might not be abel to enjoy a stogie anywhere.

    It seems they, the list is growing, wish to put us cigar smokers in a cave or hole. My province has turned into a nanny-state and glorify the Gay Pride Parade. I am not homophobic... but I do wonder how many smoke cigars as they send the message of Freedom to express oneself. Likely the paraders puff on Rocky-Mountain-Loco Weed, openly.

    I posted the following story in the introduction part, but here it is again for those who haven't read it yet.

    Fine Cigars, Attractive Women, Decent Aficionados...
    Last edited by Edmund Onward James; 27-03-2010, 06:50 PM.

  • #2
    "A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking." Steven Wright

    Better to keep on enjoying what we can until we can.

    My intention is not to demean... and I will not go into detail about the taxes for the study and manufacturing of drug cocktails so a certain gender can continue to party. Fine. But allow me and others to enjoy a cigar at dedicated areas such as cigar shoppes where the people know there is second hand smoke.

    If the site administrator edits the above I understand...I am blowing off hot air, steam.


    • #3
      An interesting piece, Edmund. The world would be a better place if we could enjoy cigars with fewer restrictions. It would be a better world, also, if homosexuals faced no prejudice, don't you think?


      • #4
        Good article Edmund, shame we cant smoke where we want anymore, but thats the nanny state for you!
        Smoke em if you've got em


        • #5
          Originally posted by Robusto View Post
          An interesting piece, Edmund. The world would be a better place if we could enjoy cigars with fewer restrictions. It would be a better world, also, if homosexuals faced no prejudice, don't you think?
          I second those sentiments.


          • #6
            Well said Bryan.


            • #7
              Nicely put Bryan, you go girl!!
              I'm behind the paraders, if I'm walking the parade and flirting with those big hunky men with black moustaches and small tight leather shorts I need a little more than a maduro, and a Rocky-Mountain-Loco Weed as you say is just the job. At the end of the day there are far greater things to worry about than walking down the street in a costume.
              Free the UKCF one


              • #8
                Enjoyed your article Edmundo - The state is less than even handed with its favours. I note the recent move from smoking to alcohol as the target of their jackboot here in the UK.


                • #9
                  California has to be the most crazy place when it comes to smoking laws. It is basically banned everywhere there including in the open many places!

                  I have also just read today that they want to leagalize marijuana! This is just so crazy when they are completly totalitarian about tobacco!!!!
                  Smoke em if you've got em


                  • #10
                    I was once a major Producer of The Fashion show in Canada, which has been copied around the world for big shows. I turned the blase fashion presentations into a theatrical enterainment with dancers who were taught to model and vice versa. We had a custom built stage and a huge screen with six rear-screen projectors for locations and other things.

                    It was called THE CANADIAN DESIGNERS SHOWCASE sponsored by Smirnoff Vodka with a percentage of the gross for The Kidney Foundation chairity. I thought about Liver but that would have pushed the enevelope.

                    My director was/is Gay and loved me and the freedom I allowed for creativity. Many of the staff were gay. But I am not for Same-Sex Marriage. Call it a union or something.

                    And the point of the above comment was how I and all the cigar smokers in my province are restricted yet special interest groups get what they want and continue something that is unhealthy or questionable. My goodness those who enjoy and work in cigar shoppes know the possibilities... but we once had the freedom to choose. I think I'll go back to cigar stories... and enjoy the gentlemen and perhaps genteel women... perhaps even of different persuasions on this terrific forum, which is open to decent exchanges.
                    Last edited by Edmund Onward James; 30-03-2010, 03:23 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by rollzst View Post
                      California has to be the most crazy place when it comes to smoking laws. It is basically banned everywhere there including in the open many places!

                      I have also just read today that they want to leagalize marijuana! This is just so crazy when they are completly totalitarian about tobacco!!!!
                      True about the smoking tobacco part--I believe we even started that trend in the U.S. On the other hand, the legalization of marijuana will probably not happen (it's just a ballot initiative), and even if it does, it is pretty much out of desperation for the tax dollars.


                      • #12
                        Quite agree Ed, be nice to have a smoke one day and do something about it all. Till then. Enjoy.

