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  • #46
    Originally posted by cj121 View Post
    The children communicating with the ghost type thingy sounds really interesting, I've just gone all goosebumpy. Find out more if you can ay?

    ARE YOU MAD??!!??
    Love Life - Love Cigars


    • #47
      Originally posted by cj121 View Post
      It wasn't you then?
      No this person had a red checked shirt, at that time of the morning im still naked...
      sigpic"Stupid Boy".....


      • #48
        All very interesting stuff, generally a sceptic and find "Most Haunted" on TV a laugh , but open enough to not dismiss all of it as rubbish. For instance a few months back walking my dog Monty around the village one night I saw a shadow seemingly moving ahead of me up the lane (no it wasn't MY shadow! ) but I have not seen it since and can't work out where the shadow could have been cast from. Spooky? perhaps, trick of the light more likely, just can't figure it out.

        But then maybe, one night walking the dog.....
        Enquiring Minds need to Herf!


        • #49
          I think we all have a tendency to want to have an explanation for all that occurs around us. If a simple explanation is not readily available, it can be easy to to ascribe supernatural ones. Just saying


          • #50
            Originally posted by Daize View Post
            I think we all have a tendency to want to have an explanation for all that occurs around us. If a simple explanation is not readily available, it can be easy to to ascribe supernatural ones. Just saying
            I agree, but I would also add the tendency of many of us to provide unproven familiar explanations in the face of the unknown rather than accept the possibility of a supernatural one.


            • #51
              I have had numerous xperiences with things like that. My dog (Lab x English Pointer) will follow something around the room, and gruff at it. When my invisible visitor goes into the kitchen, the dog follows. About 2 seconds later, the dog comes screaming out of the kitchen and hides behind the couch.
              She often is watching the same parts of the house. Usually the louneroom, looking from above the tv, to above the front door.

              Ive had my analogue radio go up and down the frequencies, sliding windows and doors latch shut and open again. Wind cannot do that. I have had my bed rocked hard enough to dent the walls ( no dirty jokes here lads ) and had my pillow yanked out from under my head whilst I was awake, reading a book and flung across the room.

              The house im in at the moment, the spirit that lives here doesnt like me changing the house. Everyone who has worked on the house has been injured. Ive had 2 electric shocks, my girl has had 2 and my dad copped one. I have been knocked off the kitchen bench whilst standing on it with a power drill in operation, had a nail gun misfire into pine, the nail flying around the room to end up belting me in the stomach. Stuff goes missing, tools, equipment etc, and turns up in odd places like under the bed, or in the bathroom.

              My Auntie who is really aware of spirits hates my house. Warned me off buying it. When my family were all over recently, I had the radio on, and we were all having a good time, then we started discussing my future plans on the house. My Auntie said how cold it got right before my digital radio went spastic.

              Sometimes things just cannot be logically explained. Keep an eye on the baby monitor mate. Perhaps you will see it again.
              I sometimes see a figure in my kitchen, and tell it to shut the fridge properly when he is done (as I find it open or ajar some days.) He vanishes quickly. lol.
              sigpicFor Gallantry


              • #52
                That sounds exceedingly creepy. After a while, do you just get used to living in a house like that?


                • #53
                  Yeah I got used to it. Ive had experiences like this since I was a little kid. I see figures running across doorways, or from inside to outside a fair bit.
                  To be honest, it doesnt really bother me. If he was out to dispatch me, it would have been done by now.
                  I still jump when something slides off my bench or I hear my fridge open, but I make a joke out of it and say aloud something like "its ok, I'll shut the fridge" or "dont you damage my new floor tiles, or I'll make you lay new ones"
                  End of the day, I cant be bothered doing something about it, so I live with it.
                  sigpicFor Gallantry


                  • #54
                    I must have upset my house guest tonight. Got in from work, sat on my bed to get my shoes off and found a fine layer of dry dirt under my doona on my sheets. I live by myself, bedroom door was shut, and its been raining for 3 days now. Great.
                    sigpicFor Gallantry


                    • #55
                      Spooky stuff there Leo, I'd feel most uncomfortable if that was me especially while I was having a dump or spanking the monkey. I'd be worried that "it" was watching.
                      Free the UKCF one


                      • #56
                        God knows what goes on in there if he is dreaming of being blown... hope theres a girl sppok too...


                        • #57
                          Personally Leojvs I would've moved ages ago! Brrr


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by eggopp View Post
                            God knows what goes on in there if he is dreaming of being blown... hope theres a girl sppok too...
                            That would get the ectoplasm flowing ay
                            "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


                            • #59
                              leo are you sure your not the ghost like bruce willis in the sixth sense


                              • #60

                                Yeah I seen that film a while ago on Sky Movies! It is quite good actually.

