When I got back from a client the secretary asked me who was driving one of our vans last month, why said I, she than showed me a letter from Haringey council which stated that one of there ?community enforcement officers? had seen one of my drivers having a cigarette whilst driving. Now I know its against the ?law? to smoke in company vans, vans that by the way I pay for, pay the tax for, pay the insurance for pay all the parking fines diesel and all the other shit involved in running the thing cost, not bloody Haringey council.ok so I said phone the council up and ask them to send a photo, there reply, we have NO photo but if you want to go to court fine with us, can you believe that shit well I couldn?t so I ring up there urban something or other bullshit department that after being past around found out these were the people to talk to, and talk I did in a very loud voice about why the fuck is this community enforcement officer looking at vans to see if someone is having a crafty fag (English version) when there are so many other things he could be doing. ?Like what? was there reply like what like fucking what have you seen the crime rates in Haringey have you seen the graffiti, the dig shit all over the streets, well yes I do see your point he said, do you do you really well do you know how much council tax Haringey council take of us each year I ask him ?no? said he, enough to pay your community enforcement officer said I and is that what he is paid for really?
Any way up shot is no photo, no way am I going to ask my guy to pay, fuck em I?ve had enough of this bull shit, already we thousand in parking fines to go about our business congestion charge and now this, I know he should not smoke and the fine will be down to him but my god big brother is alive and kicking
Ps if I end up behind bars please send cigars
Any way up shot is no photo, no way am I going to ask my guy to pay, fuck em I?ve had enough of this bull shit, already we thousand in parking fines to go about our business congestion charge and now this, I know he should not smoke and the fine will be down to him but my god big brother is alive and kicking
Ps if I end up behind bars please send cigars