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In praise of the 'Rokkit Man'

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  • In praise of the 'Rokkit Man'


    I prey your indulgence for a moment.
    Since joining this 'happy band' a few months ago, my flabber has oft been gasted by the astounding 'generosity' of the BOTL's who inhabit this cyber paradise we call UKCF.

    However, I believe we have amongst our number a brother of such altruistic, capacious, benevolence (dontcha just love that online 'Thesaurus'?) that he is worthy of special praise and homage.
    I speak, of course, of our dear friend 'rokkitsci' (AKA. George, Rok, Rokkit, the mad scientist, etc, etc) who, despite the handicap of being a United Statesian (in addition to being 'Devilishly Handsome and clearly, somewhat deranged), has demonstrated a dedication to the cause of 'International BOTL-dom' that is above and beyond the call of duty ('way out there' some might say!).

    As many here can testify, the 'Reverend' is both lavishly abundant and profusely prodigious in his use of 'bombs', and, even if the Post Office don't love him, we sure do!

    So, my brothers, I propose a toast, be upstanding and raise your glasses, for I give you: 'Rokkitsci, our 'Most Generous BOTL'!

    All those of in favour of issuing him a new award for 'MGB' say 'Aye.


    Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
    Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.

  • #2
    He makes the most awesome hamster jerky (or Georky) too!

    But in terms of his generosity there is none generouser s'true!
    Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


    • #3
      Aye, Aye Cap'n ..... Mr Rok do fairly deserve 'is bones! Now can we set the mizzun ta 'Ispaniola?
      Last edited by tippexx; 11-02-2010, 12:23 PM. Reason: pirate talk
      If you want to, you can.
      And, if you can, you must!


      • #4
        George is a legend among men, his generosity to me when i started the hobby was breathtaking, and his help and friendship since second to none. I cant wait to meet him later on in the year


        • #5
          You must be new ?My brother to two different farters
          has alway gone into outer space for all he comes into contact with. If 1 looks in the dictionary under generous there is a picture of Sir Rocket Man along side the meaning !

          Welcome to the club ! You have experienced the love from across the pond .
          Many here can tell you we ain't barbarian minutemen who most think we are !
          Where I come from if we like you ,we like you . And if you do something irritating or attack our character then we go to war !
          I've never had anyone irritate me since I've become a BOTL. Piss me off maybe ,but that is better then being pissed on !


          • #6
            I would agree that he is a true BOTL, the way he helped me out on the barber poles was outstanding. (Pay back time will be sweet)


            • #7
              I like the fact that he is a nut writer on here and draws out others' nuts.


              • #8
                Although never a victim of his illicit crimes of Bombing, i have heard and read of his generosity which clearly is abound in kindness and faith of the BOTL newbie and Sweat alike (sweat being a British military term for old hand).. And so without further adoo, i agree on the prestigius award to which you refer.

                Long live the rokkitsci, and may his scientific brain florish under the blue haze of the herf...


                • #9
                  Ah, if only me dear mum were alive to see this.

                  Me very own thread...

                  I am overwhelmed, mates. Really, I am. Not, howmuchsoever so however, that I won't ramble on at great length about my unworthiness whilst furtively soliciting yet more additional praise which I relish like the rain on the rhubarbs.

                  The simple truth of the matter is that I'm not so much generous as I am sympathetic to the plight of you poor blokes.

                  I can still remember the pain and desperation you people suffered during The Blitz and how I had to console all those poor, lonely widows whose husbins had been blowed to bits by the evil Krauts. The memory haunts me and compels me to try to do what little I can to try to alleviate the trauma that has undoubtedly affected every single one of you islanders down to the smallest tyke, puffing on a baby stogie in his or her grass shack cradle.

                  So it is with great humility that I humbly accept this generous award and eagerly await my large monetary compensation along with an expected bulk shipment of rolled tobacco leaves from an unspecified Caribbean country, plus a certified Royal dispatch authorizing me free and unqualified access to all of your wimmenfolk.

                  Thank you to all my loyal adoring fans. I shall remember each and every one of you when I am rich and famous and will do everything in my power to make sure that you are all in contention for my estate when (and if) I should ever die.


                  • #10
                    What can anyone say in reply to that. I'm so underwealmed with sicophantic, hero-worship my tears have put me Bolli out!
                    If you want to, you can.
                    And, if you can, you must!


                    • #11
                      Holey Moley! (part 2).

                      He's done me again!!

                      I log in to check and see if 'Panto' has posted a picture of the loverly sticks I sent him (he promised he would - but then I used to believe in the tooth fairy too ), and what do I find ...?

                      Some rambling sentimental old tripe that was supposed to have been posted by .. me !! Earlier today .

                      I asks ya 'brothers', how much longer are we gonna put up with him using that darn 'Sooper-Sekrit Brain Communicator and combination pedicure kit thingy' to mess with our heads and plant subliminal messages about what a great BOTL he is . . .?

                      Surely a rule violation of the BOTL code.

                      Not to mention this 'unnatural' llama fixation of his. . I know they're cute and cuddly an all, but . . . it's not right I tells ya!

                      Anyhow, s'long as he keeps up the good work, I'll let it slide ... this time!
                      Ye haw, ride 'em rokkit, ride 'em!
                      Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
                      Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by El Catador View Post

                        Ye haw, ride 'em rokkit, ride 'em!
                        Oh No! Please No! Cat, what have you done!
                        If you want to, you can.
                        And, if you can, you must!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by G-man View Post
                          You must be new ?My brother to two different farters
                          has alway gone into outer space for all he comes into contact with.

                          Wow!! two farters!! no wonder he's in outer space.
                          Free the UKCF one


                          • #14
                            Normally a love fest like this would turn my stomach but in this case he deserves it, even if he is certifiable!

                            "In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock!"


                            • #15
                              Rokkitman definitely deserves this appreciation.

                              A very helpful and generous guy...

                              In fact, the most generous on the forum, and much deserving of a Mega UKCF Bomb Award. The guy sent out fucking humidors for goodness sakes!!!!

