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Who here does not have a TV, or is it just me?

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  • Who here does not have a TV, or is it just me?

    I've quite happily gone without a TV since I left home 10yrs ago. Both at University and then moving to my own place I never bothered with a TV. I have found that the internet provided all that I could possibly want since I never watch live sporting events or other live broadcasts.

    Today my landlord is fitting TV aerial and satellite points in all the flats. A temptation to get a TV? I spent 5 seconds thinking about it and decided 'No'. Why bother, it just provides another way to vegetate on the sofa....and cost me ?150 in TV licensing.

    So, who here is like me and sees no need for TV whatsoever? I am merely ahead of everyone else - since it will all be on-demand over the internet/fibre in the near future...

  • #2
    I stopped watching TV regularly when i reached about 17, a child of the digital age i prefered computer games. the last time I watched anything was on christmas day and it was torture,

    i love my american dramas, the wire, lost, dexter etc but I watch all these online.
    i'll never get a TV, any odd program that is actually any good i can always download/stream online.


    • #3
      I watch 2 or 3 hours of telly a week, I'd say.
      I usually have the radio or hifi on.
      If any sport is on I watch it with the sound down.
      I'm quite clever, I can work out a goal or try has been scored without somebody bellowing at me.
      Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.


      • #4
        You realise that if you watch tv online, you are liable for a tv license. I just had the inspectors at work checking I hadn't been watching on my work pc's, daft really

        I couldn't live without one, infact we have 6 in our house, I know there are better things to do but I love a good american drama, or a good trashy hour of jeremy kyle lol


        • #5
          As far as I understand, live streaming of TV on a computer requires a TV license, however any content/episodes on iPlayer that aren't live do not require a TV license. This will undoubtedly change sometime soon.


          • #6
            live TV broadcasts require TV license - not pre-recorded stuff. You don't need a license even for iPlayer as long as you are not watching the 'live' feeds, which I don't.


            • #7
              I quite enjoy not having a TV though. I find that whenever I am sat in front of a TV I hate it. Either that or I get mesmerised (hypnotised!) since I never watch it. I don't know any of the advertisements or anything


              • #8
                Yes I think its changing, I was told even youtube on a personal phone will require a tv license soon, the paperwork I got stated if my mobile phone was capable of streaming video, I had to declare it


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cjlawrie View Post
                  I have found that the internet provided all that I could possibly want
                  I'll bet you do!! Fnar fnar


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      There are two in the house but I don't watch them. I was round my lady's place yesterday and she put Dancing On Ice on in the background. I am truly surprised at this being so popular.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by daverave999 View Post
                        I was round my lady's place yesterday and she put Dancing On Ice on in the background. I am truly surprised at this being so popular.
                        One day, ... one day, ... if I can force myself to keep watching this long enough, ... someone is going to fall on this programme and do themselves a serious 'mischief' .. live on TV (nearly happened last night), ... and, when it does, then I can say 'Hey, I was there ... I saw it happen ... live!'.

                        If it never happens, I will, of course, have wasted a large chunk of my life. Bugger!

                        P.S. I have a cinema projector in 'Casa El Cat', wired up to a multi-media system (DVD, PS3, Internet, etc) and a 'dirty great screen' and surround sound stereo system to go with it.
                        Never mind the quality, look at the f**king size!!!
                        I will be going 3D first chance I get ... mostly for the porn but shush, lets just keep that amongst ourselves shall we .. I'm in enough trouble as it is!!!!
                        Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
                        Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


                        • #13
                          TV is just another of those possessions .... there to use as needs be .... but not used quite as infrequently as the lawnmower.
                          If you want to, you can.
                          And, if you can, you must!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by El Catador View Post

                            P.S. I have a cinema projector in 'Casa El Cat', wired up to a multi-media system (DVD, PS3, Internet, etc) and a 'dirty great screen' and surround sound stereo system to go with it.
                            Never mind the quality, look at the f**king size!!!
                            I will be going 3D first chance I get ... mostly for the porn but shush, lets just keep that amongst ourselves shall we .. I'm in enough trouble as it is!!!!
                            Projector here too Never bothered with a console though - hate games consoles - I'm a proponent of PC gaming [though the last game I played on a PC was Half Life 2 a long time ago so I would not consider myself a gamer at the moment lol!]


                            • #15
                              I got a SurroundSound thing last year. Silly speakers in four corners plus a phat front bloater and bass bin. You know the scene.

                              I was really disappointed that only 5.1 films came out of all five speakers. Then my son fiddled about with the controller for some reason and now EVERYTHING comes out of five speakers.

                              This is wonderful because it makes watching EastEnders sound like Wish You Were Here and I start to fly around the room like a pig.

                              I'm a prat for soaps. Tonight is Coronation Street - EastEnders - Coronation Street. Helpful in the drama lessons I teach. Down wi da kidz.

                              Duffs duffs will keep me going til the end of the year.

                              Quite a lot of 11 - 13 year olds don't watch TV. Mind you, they play Guitar Hero instead. Which is shite.

