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When strangers comment on your cigar...

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  • When strangers comment on your cigar...

    I love it when strangers make random comments - good or bad - when you are smoking your cigar. It might make an interesting thread.

    This just happened to me when I was toking a Juan Lopez No2 on my long dog walk.

    I was walking down an alley with my golden labrador and came face to face with a woman walking her black lab. After the dogs had whiffed each other's parts, this happened:

    Woman: Mmmmmmmmm... That cigar smells sooo good!

    Me: Yeah. It's great! I brought back a lot of Havanas from Cuba recently.

    Woman: I really LOVE the smell of good cigars. I sometimes smoke them at home alone myself!

    Me: Great! I hope we bump into each other again some time with the dogs!

    General titters, and we went off in different directions.

    I felt semi-horny. Cock Of The Walk. I smiled all the way home.

    This sort of Brief Cigar Encounter cheers me up. The last cigar orgy was when three women crowded round me for a sniff outside a wedding marquee when my band was playing a function.

    I'm not going to plough through the whole of my cigar encounter histories and suggest we record our future frissons here.

    The Robusto was sublime, by the way.

  • #2
    All I get are dirty looks and crude comments!!!

    It would be nice to receive a pleasant comment like that. Good for you, Bryan!


    • #3
      I've got a couple that spring to mind:

      First time I smoked a cigar 'out' with friends was last January or some daft time of year to be doing so, outside a posh bar. I still had no idea how long it would last so ended up outside on my own for 45 minutes... Got a couple of guys outside smoking cigarettes; both really appreciated the aroma but the younger guy goes "Aren't Cuban cigars illegal?" and the older bloke proceeds to tell him about how that's just the US and why. Was quite strange these guys discussing cigars across me for ten minutes. The younger one goes in and I carry on chatting with the older bloke for a while...

      The other time was in December just gone (I think!) and I'd been out on the piss with my mate from work on a Friday. We'd done something like nine or more pubs and I was riding her bike back to hers (rather precariously) while smoking a Flor de Cano Selecto like a ponce. I cycled past these two guys and one asked the other if 'that guy on the bike was smoking a cigar'. Of course I heard this and shouted back triumphantly that I was.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Robusto View Post
        The last cigar orgy was when three women crowded round me for a sniff outside a wedding marquee when my band was playing a function.
        Is that some sort of a euphemism for ?

        Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
        Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


        • #5
          I have a wonderful memory of a group of us breaking out of JJ Fox on our way to The Stafford after the first Cigar Walk, a huge cloud of best Cuban smoke billowed out of the door enveloping a little old lady who was walking by. She lifted her nose in the air and exclaimed "oh what a wonderful smell"

          Loved that!
          Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


          • #6
            Originally posted by jdawg View Post
            All I get are dirty looks and crude comments!!!

            It would be nice to receive a pleasant comment like that. Good for you, Bryan!
            Could it have been what you were smoking Jerry?

            I received three nice comments this past summer at the little beach town we go to.
            The wife,my Sons and other assorted family relations were at the ice cream parlor and I sat on bench on the sidewalk outside.
            It was a Partagas as I recall...


            • #7
              great stuff already, men! Hehehe...

              Dave - like a ponce. LMFAO!

              Cat - It does indeed smack of multiple action.

              The typical negative reaction, for me, is if I toke off over a latte outside a Costa Coffee or Starbucks. A woman (sorry - true) starts fanning the air like a Jessie in my direction and makes some pointed comment to the seated Saturday crowd.

              I usually grin back like a nutter and blow harder.

              In Canterbury there is usually another cigar smoker nearby to exchange knowing looks with.

              It's all theatre, isn't it?!

              Nic - I remember that joycloud moment!


              • #8
                Originally posted by 68TriShield View Post
                Could it have been what you were smoking Jerry?
                I wish that was the reason.

                I just haven't ran into the right people, I guess!


                • #9
                  I had a Partagas Lusitania outside the pub in my village a few months ago. The smoke from it over the two hours I had it on the go was so overwhelming that it filled the pub! So much for the f****ing smoking ban.

                  Anyway, some blokes who were inside came out to tell me that the pub stank of it and how lovely it was! They couldn't believe how long I kept it going too. I always get good comments about the cigaros sitting out there.


                  • #10
                    I was pottering about in the garage puffing on something (I can't remember what), when the wife entered to take the washing out of the drying machine thingy.
                    I hadn't realised how much smoke was filling the place.
                    She coughed and spluttered "God that stinks"
                    I will continue her education in the glorious scents of the leaf, but, I feel it will take some time.


                    • #11
                      I've had an old dear moan at me outside my local Costa Coffee before but most people seem to enjoy the smell.
                      Last Summer me and a mate were sitting outside a pub, he had his cigar lit, and we overheard the city boy types on the next table comment on his cigar, well anyway they I whipped out my Monte Sublime and quick as a flash his mate said in true Croc Dundee style " thats not a cigar , thats a bloody cigar!"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Robusto View Post
                        I love it when strangers make random comments - good or bad - when you are smoking your cigar. It might make an interesting thread.

                        This just happened to me when I was toking a Juan Lopez No2 on my long dog walk.

                        I was walking down an alley with my golden labrador and came face to face with a woman walking her black lab. After the dogs had whiffed each other's parts, this happened:

                        Woman: Mmmmmmmmm... That cigar smells sooo good!

                        Me: Yeah. It's great! I brought back a lot of Havanas from Cuba recently.

                        Woman: I really LOVE the smell of good cigars. I sometimes smoke them at home alone myself!

                        Me: Great! I hope we bump into each other again some time without the dogs!

                        General titters, and we went off in different directions.
                        "and after I woke up, I strangely felt the urge to relief myself "
                        Free the UKCF one


                        • #13
                          Always positive when I'm out smoking with my friend.
                          I think the fact we're both young makes people smile as well!

                          We were out in my car with the roof down the other day smoking and people found it very funny!


                          • #14
                            This wasn't a comment, but I was in the beer garden of my lady's local pub last summer and there was this group of sixth formers (by the look of them) and they'd obviously been to a tobacconists earlier in the day as one of them was sitting there with a pipe , and another was fondling a RyJ Short Churchill tubo seemingly wondering whether to light it up or not. I thought it might make them feel a little more comfortable doing so if I lit up my P2. It appeared to have the opposite effect unfortunately, and they left.


                            • #15
                              I was stood outside the office block once smoking a cigar, as i was outside i had removed my ID when after a few mins i was approached by one of the 'offenders' who clearly didnt know who i was and removed from his pocket a few spliffs and offered them in exchange for a cigar as he thought the smell of the cigar would cover up the smell of canabis... 10 mins later he looked really sacked off being taken away in a marked car!! minus more than just a few spliffs!! (and no i didnt have them they were taken as evidence)

