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The Cigar Men Musicians on UKCF

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  • #16
    True, Monk.

    You get used to the fact that others can play better than you, and that you can play better than others, and you carry on, yes?

    No point in giving up because others can play better than you.

    I noticed this guy has a How To Play DVD for Boogie Woogie technique and I'm buying it.

    I am in awe of great players and this guy is in the great players' club.

    I've badgered Bruce Hornsby online to make one but he won't.


    • #17
      Took me years to decide I could play, never confident about my own sound. I have forgot far more than I know and am now very rusty. There is always someone better but so what, it is not a competition (or is it ....guess how many guitarists that are better than me and win a stale old stick )

      He is a very gifted pianist though with awesome boogie woogie credentials.
      Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
      Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

      Originally posted by Ryan
      I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


      • #18
        Ben is a great boogie woogie guy. Martyn (my guitarist) knows Ben because Ben used to play in Shakin Stevens band with Martyn. Nice fella too.... but nothing you can't do Bryan.

        I'm glad you finally decided you could play Monkey..... It didn't take me long to decide I couldn't play, but I'd give it a go as a career anyhow.... smoke and mirrors baby... smoke and mirrors.


        • #19
          So What

          I used part of this jewel with a number of groups this week.

          To lock the attention of the most ahem needy, I lobbed in an extra Watching and Listening Challenge.

          Tell teacher how many people you can see smoking.

          We learned to appreciate what Miles was doing. Only one "That's crap". Good statistic!

          It worked, and we could chat about cultural shifts like lighting up and not lighting up beyond the Dorian mode lol.


          • #20


            • #21
              any discussion on heroin use/abuse?
              Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
              Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

              Originally posted by Ryan
              I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


              • #22
                Met up with a group of people yesterday for a songwriting/jam session. Had met one guy before. Great bass man. Never played with any of them before.

                I love starting from nowhere and seeing where it leads. It's exciting. It's an experiment.

                Faults and all here. I'm too loud on here.
                I will definitely be going back.

                Two hours!!!


                • #23
                  Nine Below Zero were ASTOUNDINGLY tight and professional last night and it was an absolute privilege to be asked to play with them. All captured on video by my son with the band's blessing so coming to a post here soon...

                  It was like being on a local dep job in one sense. Numbers pulled out of a bag without warning that you just had to chug along to, and numbers you were asked to prepare not played. Sooo used to this. Anyone else?...

                  That is what I like best about playing live with folk you haven't played with or met before. You play to survive. Admittedly the Blues is usually less random than Shostakovich (sp?) but you've still got to be able to hold your end up with dignity.

                  They were so good I'm floating still. Wonderful musicians.

                  What's more, I gained so many lurve points with my missus that I got to pork off a Bolivar Royal Corona and fume out our downstairs. It's only a step away from sex, this.


                  • #24
                    Don't ask.


                    • #25

                      Nine Below Zero
                      Astor Theatre, Deal
                      Saturday 13 February

                      Dennis Greaves - Guitar
                      Gerry McAvoy - Bass
                      Brendan O'Neil - Drums
                      Mark Feltham - Harmonica
                      Bryan Orwell - Guest Piano

                      Nine Below Zero - Wikipedia


                      • #26
                        Some other YouTube clips from this gig on my son's site.



                        • #27
                          Great stuff Brian , you really did yourself proud in some serious company. I thought Dennis looked after you very well and stayed close, no mixed signals. Great standard of musicianship ...and that includes you!
                          Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                          Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                          Originally posted by Ryan
                          I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


                          • #28
                            He's just been in my office here this morning and is knocked out with the clips which we watched over a break. Such a decent bloke. No airy-fairiness, and he asked if I'd do it again. He's 'running' an open mic thing for Glenn Tillbrook (sp?) in SE London this evening but I'm here til late helping with a dance show. Otherwise I'd have dashed up the A2 for that.

                            Thanks for your kind words, Monk.


                            • #29
                              A little late to the's my band

                              My photoblog:
                              Pretty ladies, pretty landscapes and fuzzy animals! Tell your friends!


                              • #30
                                That's cool, Sir!
                                Are you a percussionist in the band?

                                I live 200m from the former Royal Marines School of Music barracks in Deal. I would hear the bands practising on fine afternoons on a seat in my garden and loved it.

                                Then the IRA bomb took out a good number of the musicians, and the Marines facility was closed down in our town.

                                I really miss their music on fine days in the garden and imagine it's very close to what you play in your band.

