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The WORST cigar site

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  • The WORST cigar site

    What's the worst cigar web site you've come across?

    I reckon the one below would take some beating. I have absolutely no problem with the subject matter & no idea or beef about whether or not it might be PC or non-PC, but the garbled language, muddied thinking and plain incorrect information are more likely to put anyone off rather than on to cigar smoking.

    Try this for an example (esp' if you have better things to do with your time than trawl through the site yourself):

    "A new brand of cigar that I am recommending on my site is Romeo y Julieta cigars. A brand of mild cigar that actually have some of the cigars named after world war one leaders Winston Churchill. Talk about getting a dose of history with your smoke!" [Talk about getting a dose of bullsh*t with you cigar info!]

    Anyhow, here's a link to the site (& don't get excited by the title):

    Cigar smoking women now have a blog to smoke with.

  • #2
    I started one on Myspace (WTF?) about five years ago. It was bloody awful so I erased all trace.


    • #3


      • #4
        Cigar smoking women now have a blog to smoke with.

        this sites a fountain of crap, especially the bit about the romeo and juliets and mild cigars

        "If you?re a girl who wants a bit more flavor and a lot less ash in your cigar than you should definitely go for mild cigars. Mild cigars are cheaper and therefore are a better option if you want to practice cutting and lighting your cigars, this being better than screwing up your precious Cuban."

        Last edited by daverave999; 01-02-2010, 09:54 AM. Reason: Inadvertent pay-per-click link removed
        Lover of fine Cubans since 2006


        • #5
          Originally posted by EugeneSax View Post

          Cheers, HabanoSy


          • #6
            Originally posted by EugeneSax View Post

            Anyhow, here's a link to the site (& don't get excited by the title):


            Bloody 'ell Eugene ..... just read every page on this. Where's the porn?
            If you want to, you can.
            And, if you can, you must!


            • #7
              There is a US forum that primarily fill with ads and spam. Puff is what it goes by. Used to be a decent site, then it was bought and turned into an attempt to cynically generate money. It is a black eye on cigar smokers IMO...


              • #8
                Originally posted by tippexx View Post
                Bloody 'ell Eugene ..... just read every page on this. Where's the porn?
                Quite right!! Not even the faintest hint of areola.
                Free the UKCF one


                • #9
                  I think this site is brilliant. Its nothing short of perfect. It is patronising and poorly researched, probably dealing in overheard cigar gossip more than anything else.... which considering it's aimed at women makes it ideal!

                  There you go... that's me struck off the forum! lol


                  • #10
                    I thought you were talking about UKCF to begin with!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Deano View Post
                      I thought you were talking about UKCF to begin with!
                      I thought so too.

                      Patronizing was the first thing I thought of (other than the lack of pics) when reading that Women Smoking Cigars site. High pressure too.


                      • #12
                        Nah...UKCF is about as good as it gets on the internet.... apart from Adult Art interest sites of course! lol


                        • #13
                          Its a circuse

                          Originally posted by tandblov View Post
                          There is a US forum that primarily fill with ads and spam. Puff is what it goes by. Used to be a decent site, then it was bought and turned into an attempt to cynically generate money. It is a black eye on cigar smokers IMO...
                          They have let a great site be consumed by $$$$$$$$$ . Every site should have tasteful sponsorship but never at the cost of its members . If big companies want in or even in the event local B & M where ever they might be located, then deals presented to the website should hold true for all the members on that site. With out the members participation there is no website !


                          • #14
                            Death of a forum

                            Enthusiast driven sites turning into commercial honey-traps is not uncommon.

                            I have seen it happen to two other (non-cigar) forums.

                            The pattern is the initial loyal membership build the atmosphere and content, slowly one or two commercial entities become 'forum favourites' often not being completely upfront about their involvement.

                            Next the forum declares itself 'non-commercial' and starts moderating posts regarding some (but not all) commercial suppliers. A couple of loyal members get banned who smell a rat and the rot sets in.

                            Before you know it the forum has lost it's soul and the original members (who are not getting paid) form a break-away forum (....The pattern is the initial loyal membership build the atmosphere and content, slowly one or two commercial entities become 'forum favourites' often not being completely upfront about their involvement )

                            It is easy to prevent this situation. Be upfront about all sponsorship, be honest to the membership and don't be tainted by the dirty $$$'s.

                            To be clear I am directing none of this here ....I love this place and all the issues we have with commercial suppliers are nothing to do with what I have mentioned above. Indeed I applaud our transparent approach to commercial suppliers, long may it reign.
                            Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                            Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                            Originally posted by Ryan
                            I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes

