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And Now...A Few Words From TJ, TJCoro

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  • Stogie Who

    Originally posted by Robusto View Post
    I have arranged to herf with Stogiedawg in about two weeks. Probably in my shack.

    I shall be twisting his arm SAS style.
    Never heard of him!


    • Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
      It's now time to pick your Top Five New Rules!

      ...if you ruled the forum, what would be the 5 "New Rules" you would implement first?
      Here are
      don TJ's:


      New Rule # 6...

      No one expects the Spanish Inquisition - our chief weapon is surprise, surprise and fear....Our two weapons are surprise and fear...and a fantatical devotion to the Pope....Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as...etc [Python, Testament According to Palin, Chapter 12 verse 13]


      • Originally posted by G-man View Post
        Never heard of him!
        Rule 8
        A minimum of two sentences is required. If my maths are correct this is only one dude!
        Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


        • ?I'm not different for the sake of being different, only for the desperate sake of being myself. I can't join your gang: you'd think I was a phony and I'd know it.?

          The late great Vivian Stanshall
          Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


          • Originally posted by peanutpete View Post
            its true some times tj (dwag) talks complete shit as does rokkitsci
            I am calling you out, sir. You may have your choice of weapons: Silly String at 2 paces; urine-filled balloons at 20 paces; or Uzis at 500 metres.

            I have never, ever, talked shit in this forum. I challenge you to produce a single bit of "shit" that I have talked here. I fart in your general direction.


            • Interesting


              Damned if this wouldn't fit perfectly into Kerouacs' On The Road.

              Originally posted by Robusto View Post
              I'm so sorry. I apologise.
              It's just that I majored in French letters.

              When Madame Bovary dropped petals from her horse-drawn carriage in Rouen in some nineteenth Century novel or other, Gustave Flaubert ACTUALLY meant that she was being serviced by a male cad in riding gear.

              Life's been tough since those heady days of felching the Faculty for certificates. Everything has had a deeper symbolic meaning since my Professors told me so. Even novelisations of Holby City. Laden with significant suggestion, they are.

              When I walk the streets of Canterbury in my favourite Stetson and blow a Duke over everyone in the medieval pedestrian walkways, I am happy as a sandboy. And I also know I look quite a twat.

              But I am happy with that.

              As I climb onto my shining Harley with a nude babe pressing her goldfish bowls into my back and clutching me, I wonder if I was wrong to give up the sexual experimentation at the age of 14.

              Does nobody else see the camp in cigar culture?

              If I've confused you, it's because I had to think of spunk instead of petals. (See top). It flavours the semiology of cigars.

              And so it came as a surprise and as a relief to see the Coro post yesterday.

              I don't agree with everything he has written, but I love the way he has done it.

              I like the way he has prodded. I live my life by prodding. I spend five hours a day prodding on average.

              I would have drafted something far more sober and it would have read very seriously indeed because I tend to write quite seriously and it all gets whizzed up to another level in the whacky world of confusing expression that is any forum.

              One man's donut is another man's saveloy. And shit.

              I, for one, am not being fawning about Coro. He's a silly bloody sod.


              • Sometimes I wish I did actually have a drug habit when I look back at these things. It would explain them away.

                Yesterday I was invited to join a band which will play live to the Internet and never perform live in persons.

                I have to go for my first wig-out next Sunday but I won't tell you where and when and why.

                Whereas my own little YouTube video clips have had a smattering of visits, the main muso's clips have had over ONE MILLION views.

                He has a following, therefore, and I am pleased to be asked.

                My playing in a specially set-up playing room could be seen by more people that have ever caught me in the Bull and Bush.

                I have stopped being shy and have dumped the Mangatar for a blue tinted picture of me working a Cohiba Robusto.

                I am working on the TJ chanson but will expect half a million hits or I'll withdraw into a non-drugged silence for ever.

                I tell you if I had discovered this site, I'd do as I've always done and post for Britain wherever I'm a member.

                The advice to hold back would whip me up to spurt chapters.

                (Soz TJ - )


                • One Thousand Heads Exploding!

                  Originally posted by Robusto View Post
                  I tell you if I had discovered this site, I'd do as I've always done and post for Britain wherever I'm a member.

                  The advice to hold back would whip me up to spurt chapters.

                  (Soz TJ -

                  YEAH! What senor Robusto said!

                  Now let's all learn from this lesson and move

                  Names El Perro, El Perro Coro, and I posts 'em as I seez 'em.

                  You know I love the Big Man, but his posts make my head hurt.
                  Last edited by TJCoro; 02-02-2010, 05:08 PM.
                  sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                  • Thank you, darling.


                    • I didn't hear no stinkin' fat lady sing!

                      Originally posted by Robusto;64815[B
                      ]Thank you, darling.[/B]

                      Are you kiddin' me??? This thing ain't over until we say it's over. ....or until the Fat Lady sings , which ever cums first.

                      The knewbees have launched a new thread! Cum'on boyz....let's go get 'em!!!

                      Names Perro, El Perro, and as me Pappy, Pappy Coro used to say "The only thing we have to fear is....MORE KNEWBEES!!!

                      Not me, El Perro, the only thing I have to fear are me blue balls!
                      sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                      • Thats one big pile of poo the horse has dropped in TJ's sig picture


                        • Eagle Eyes!

                          Originally posted by PoohBore View Post
                          Thats one big pile of poo the horse has dropped in TJ's sig picture
                          Did I once say something to upset you young Poohoo? Or are you just so bored that you find yourself staring horse droppings?

                          sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                          • Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
                            Did I once say something to upset you young Poohoo? Or are you just so bored that you find yourself staring horse droppings?

                            Sharing horse droppings? God's teeth. Where have I landed myself?
                            If you want to, you can.
                            And, if you can, you must!


                            • Originally posted by tippexx View Post
                              Sharing horse droppings? God's teeth. Where have I landed myself?

                              Oh....I thought you knew....

                              Welcome, senor don TJ's Second Ring of Power!

                              [Scary, Evil Laugh HERE!]

                              Don't know about you, El Perro....but I'm frightened for the children (aka )
                              sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                              • [QUOTE=TJCoro;65621]

                                [SIZE=4][I][B]Welcome, senor don TJ's Second Ring of Power![URL="

                                Ring of Fire more like ..... if you carry on with that sharing malarky!

                                If you want to, you can.
                                And, if you can, you must!

