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And Now...A Few Words From TJ, TJCoro

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  • Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
    ?Saludos, las personas del Foro de REINO UNIDO, que yo entro en paz!

    Damn It! Sorry amigos, it's been awhile since I've been in dawg form and me Engliz no so well.

    (Ahem.) Greetings UK Cigar Forum. I cum in peace.

    They call me El Perro, aka, the Stupid Looking Dawg Smiley, and I represent the late, great TJ, TJ Coro and the Coro Clan.

    For those who don't know who TJ was, go spend a little time in the archives reading his 3000 f 'ing posts, especially TJ' Rules! You just might learn something and save yourself the trouble of posting so many redundant questions

    As many of you know, don TJ and the Coro Clan left their beloved State of Mind, Mexico and this forum shortly after TJ's 3000th post to continue their definitive journey into the unknown - to dart past the Eagle into the dark sea of awareness and to somersault into infinity. He knew that the winds of change were beginning to blow and that his time on this fine forum was up. Sadly, no one listened to his warnings and some even admonished him for his blasphemy. So with a heavy heart, he gave thanks for his time here, said good-bye to the forum, and left in a bust of fire from within. .


    But after learning that this once fine forum was in trouble and becoming a yawn, don TJ decided it was time to speak up. So he sent me back here to post something pity, something shocking, anything to shake up the forum and piss off some of the knewbees. (Personally, I think he just wanted to get rid of me because of my complaining about the lousy food on the other side of midnight (it tastes like shit, which I generally like) and propensity to sniff butts ? HEY! I'm a the stupid looking dawg smiley...that's what I do!

    So for all you fuckin' knewbees who are probably scratching your pointy heads right about now saying ?what the fuck,? tighten up your bung holes and hold onto your's going to get a wee bit bumpy.

    I present TJ's ?Marshall Plan? to save the forum from total tatters and return it to it's former glory and greatness as the finest puro forum on the planet!.

    The following are actual quotes from the late, great don TJ, TJCoro. I hope you enjoy 'em!

    ************************************************** ************************

    New Rule ? The UK Cigar Forum must be locked down immediately! This place is beginning to look like all those other shit-hole forums up north - the Estados Unidos for all you butt-heads who just got here.

    New Rule ? Henceforth, all new member/ knewbees, must spend their first month researching the archives before posting..

    New Rule - Knewbees may not start a thread before achieving 250 posts. Pay your dues lads if you want to play with the UK Cigar Forum big boyz.

    New Rule ? Knewbees must learn how to spell and form complete sentences. Each post must be pithy and logical.

    New Rule - Posts must contain at least two complete sentences or 25 words. No more horse shit like ?agreed? ?me too? ?nice haul,? ?that's for sure,? ?my favorite color is brown...what's yours?? Nobody gives a rat's ass about these types of posts/responses ....well, except maybe you and your jack-ass friends from other forums.

    New Rule ? No bragging about being ?bombed.? Not only is it unseemly, it's a bore. Who the hell cares what you received from another member. All it does is generate more moronic posts like...?well done,? ?fine looking cigars, and ?gotta' get me some of those.? WHO THE FUCK CARES!!! If you receive a gift, send a thank you via PM and stop showing off!.

    New Rule ? Less posting and more reading. Just because you were allowed in this place after ?lurking about? doesn't mean you have to respond to every single thread/post! We ain't hangin' on evey fuckin' word you utter, though you may think so.

    New Rule ? The phrase ?lurking about? is forever banned.

    New Rule ? Young Saggel must consolidate his (Ahem) thoughts into no more than 5 post per day. Non negotiable.

    New Rule ? No more Yanks or Scots. This place is up to its eyeballs with 'em. Besides, the the Scots are too thin-skinned and the Yanks are always right. And while I'm at it, no more members named ?Steve.?

    New Rule ? Senor Paulie must apologize to everyone for no reason in particular.

    New Rule ? No more referring to members by their first name. It's presumptuous and confusing. If you like your fuckin' name so much, make it your User Name.

    New Rule ? Senor Rockitinhispocket may not drink and type. It frightens the children and causes the knowbees to believe in the puro fairy.

    New Rule ? Young Kingcobra will now be know as ?Flounder? and senor Stevietheboy as senor Steviethescot.

    New Rule ? Knewbees may not attempt comedy. Christ, your posts are funny enough already. Leave the comedy to the professionals, like Ray Jay, Ray Jay Coro, Senor Rockinhispocket, and senor Robusto.

    New Rule ? Senor Gas (aka, G-Man) must post pictures of naked babes no less than once a week.

    New Rule ? Senor Larry must drop his signature quote ?business in front, party in back.? It's kinda' gay, if you ask me.

    New Rule ? If you sign up to participate in the Secrete Santa, you must actually send a gift, you cheap bastards....and it must be received before the Holidays. Sending one out a month later doesn't count.

    New Rule ? All knewbees must give each moderator two of their favorite puros before they can begin posting and another two more before they can initiate a thread. This rule will be retroactive to June 2009.

    New Rule ? New members will be classified as Knewbees for the first 500 posts, after which they can be classified as irregular members, mods willing..

    New Rule ? The first 500 posts must begin and end with a knewbee smiley.

    New Rule - All posts must include at least two smileys.

    New Rule ? don TJ must be promoted from Magical Moderator to Top Administrator.

    New Rule ? senor CIV must learn to speak English.

    New Rule ? senor CJ must learn to smoke a pipe and stop smoking phallic stogies (perfectos for all you dumb-asses) .

    New Rule ? Senor Stogiedawg must return to the forum immediately and be given full cellar privileges. Posting is optional.

    New Rule ? Senor Brokenwing may never again refer to a paradoxical state of affairs as?irony.?

    New Rule ? Senor Serious must learn to breath (or blow, whichever he prefers ).

    And finally...

    New Rule - Senor Robusto, aka, Viceroy of Video, Ruler of the Rotund, King of Kornfusion, must perform a concert with his new band mates, Los Viejo, for the benefit of Mr. Kite and the UK Cigar Forum.

    Well hombres, that's all for now. Give it some thought. Take a poll if you must, but only moderators and members with 500 plus posts may respond. I really don't give two llama dicks what the knewbees think... if they think at all!

    Hello, my name is el Perro, aka, the stupid looking smiley dawg, and it's my job to leather up the knewbees on behalf of the late, great don TJ Coro*

    Hey, senor stupid lookin' dawg I still allowed to play with me balls or is that banned too?

    (Ahem!) Sorry about that last comment gentlemen, but I was forced to to bring back Juggler Boy to assist with the typing and to open my cans - paws don't cum with opposing thumbs as you know...well, maybe not the knewbees

    *This post was edited and translated by the Juggler Boy.

    Jesus christ, how could a post so long be so full of shit. And why so many replies guys? For gods sake dont encourage him, my eyes cant take that amount of smilies in one post.
    Direct from the House of Cigarsmoke
    Smoke em if you got em!


    • LOL!


      • and he missed me out !!
        Free the UKCF one


        • Originally posted by Boss Hog View Post
          and he missed me out !!
          Consider yourself lucky to fly below his radar!
          Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


          • If your going to do a poll, you shuold have an abstain bit too, for those who are not familiar with him.



              (Actually that might exist... eek... I haven't looked...)


              • how about we lock this thread and move on. I'm here for the cigars not who is and who isn't a . . . . :-)


                • Shall we have a poll on that!

                  Trust me you loose!
                  Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                  • Camp WITHOUT the cigar...

                    TJ aka Millie


                    • Your Top 5 New Rules!

                      Muchachos - you've had the weekend to think about don TJ's Marshall Plan (New Rules) to save the forum from imploding under the weight of the seemingly endless supply of Knewbees that keep showing around these parts lately (anyone in particular cum to mind, lads...hmmmm? ).

                      It's now time to pick your Top Five New Rules!

                      (Que music please)

                      But before I begin, let me just say that TJ, TJCoro and I were a little disappointed that my re-entry post netted only only two knewbees. Apparently the old adage is true... the nut really doesn't fall far from the tree .Who knew?

                      Well, that is unless you count senor steviethescot, but senor serious keenly noted that his comments were "tongue in mouth," whatever that means . Maybe it's a play on the old May West line - "Is that your dick in your mouth, or are you just glad to see me?"

                      Right... Sorry!

                      So the question is...if you ruled the forum, what would be the 5 "New Rules" you would implement first? Pick from my massive list or cum up with your own. This could be interesting.

                      Here are don TJ's:

                      New Rule # 1- No more bragging about being “bombed.” Not only is it unseemly, it's a bore. Who the hell cares what you received from another member. All it does is generate more moronic posts like...”well done,” “fine looking cigars, and “gotta' get me some of those.” WHO THE FUCK CARES!!! If you receive a gift, send a thank you via PM and stop showing off!.

                      New Rule # 2 - Knewbees may not start a thread before achieving 250 posts. Pay your dues lads if you want to play with the UK Cigar Forum big boyz.

                      New Rule # 3 – All knewbees must give each moderator two of their favorite puros before posting and another two more before starting a thread. This rule will be retroactive to June 2009.

                      New Rule # 4 - Posts must contain at least two complete sentences or 25 words. No more horse shit like “agreed” “me too” “nice haul,” “that's for sure,” “my favorite color is brown...what's yours? Nobody gives a rat's ass about these types of posts/responses ....well, except maybe you and your jack-ass friends from other forums.

                      And my very favorite of them all....

                      New Rule # 5 – Young Saggel must consolidate his (Ahem) thoughts into no more than 5 post per day. Non negotiable.

                      Okay...I'm including one more New Rule to my "Top 5" list because it's personal to me and other senior members as well...

                      New Rule # 6Senor Stogiedawg must return to the forum immediately and be given full cellar privileges. Posting is optional.

                      Names Coro, El Perro Coro, and if you don't get it
                      ... you don't get it! But I ain't leaving until my work here is done.

                      I suspect those lads need to play with their balls more often.

                      More likely in need of a blow job.

                      (Hurumph!) Allow me to apologize for Ray Jay's (RJ, RJCoro) rude comment. He came back from his definite journey into the dark sea of awareness to pick up some supplies and got access to my computer while Juggler Boy and I were away making a sandwich. He'll be leaving soon. Again, please accept my sincere apology.

                      Last edited by TJCoro; 24-02-2010, 11:19 AM.
                      sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                      • There is some merit in these ramblings.
                        The way forward is not a clear path but it is as fragrant as the downstairs of Selfridges.

                        The newbie can talk sense but he can also talk some serious dogs danglies.

                        Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                        • Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!

                          Originally posted by PoohBore View Post
                          how about we lock this thread and move on. I'm here for the cigars not who is and who isn't a . . . . :-)
                          WARNING! MODERATORS TAKE NOTE!

                          VIOLATION ALERT! VIOLATION ALERT!


                          sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                          • I have arranged to herf with Stogiedawg in about two weeks. Probably in my shack.

                            I shall be twisting his arm SAS style.


                            • You can all vote for as many TJ rules as you like, but from what I've seen of them they're very unlikely to be adhered to!


                              • ma mere dropped a rulebook on my head at birth, since then ive had a phobia of more than two rules in the same place.

                                my votes,
                                ghandi once said "There's more to life than increasing its post-count"

                                New Rule ? Less posting and more reading. Just because you were allowed in this place after ?lurking about? doesn't mean you have to respond to every single thread/post! We ain't hangin' on evey fuckin' word you utter, though you may think so.

                                New Rule - Senor Robusto, aka, Viceroy of Video, Ruler of the Rotund, King of Kornfusion, must perform a concert with his new band mates, Los Viejo, for the benefit of Mr. Kite and the UK Cigar Forum.

