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And Now...A Few Words From TJ, TJCoro

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  • #76
    well well, the mexican returns. With some brand new guitar scales and a voice to charm his way into any man's humidor:

    ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344">


    • #77
      Originally posted by Robusto View Post
      The homoeroticism of being shown what to do with a cigar... The manly guidance... The choices of girth... The recommendations... The comparisons... The joy of the pre-draw... The dial that measures the moisture... The sharpness of your trusted clipper... How to hold your stick...

      These forums could be thought of as a sort of Camp Guide.

      I sport a pretty butch moustache. I'm not camp. (I don't think so, anyway). I'd be very OUT if I was, and I don't care if anybody else is.

      I'm glad the Mexican is back in such a masterful manner. Guide me, oh Powerful Force.

      For it is you who makes me think this way.
      I am an Englishman, after all.
      Oh my god where have you been Robusto, how can we survive on this forum without god-like posts like this.


      • #78
        Originally posted by cigarsmoke View Post
        If only he was a man of few words, even then they still would not make any sense.
        I cannot believe the amount of fawning and arse kissing going on at the return of someone who not only loves the sound of his own voice but loves to see his words in print as well.

        I,am with you Stevieboy, the blokes a gobshite and now the Forum will be bombarded by yet more of his pointless babble
        Stevieboy's post was with tongue in mouth. Maybe he should've used the smileys supplied.

        TJ adds a little colour to the forum, I for one like it.


        • #79
          OK, for some reason i feel compelled to say something here, not sure why but i will anyway. This has nothing to do with TJ directly, and for the record i dont know the chap and his posts dont bother me either way. I read what is of interest to me and make use of the 'back' button when i come across something that isnt. Its all good.

          However with all the moaning and groaning on here about nonsense posts from new people isnt the huge endorsement of these posts (which dont make a lot of sense and is from someone who certainly isnt a newb) a little hypocritical?


          • #80
            I can't understand his posts!


            • #81
              Hearts on

              O O OON



              • #82
                That, I don't understand.


                • #83
                  Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                  • #84

                    Not about Nic's post btw
                    "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Deano View Post
                      Oh my god where have you been Robusto, how can we survive on this forum without god-like posts like this.
                      I'm so sorry. I apologise.
                      It's just that I majored in French letters.

                      When Madame Bovary dropped petals from her horse-drawn carriage in Rouen in some nineteenth Century novel or other, Gustave Flaubert ACTUALLY meant that she was being serviced by a male cad in riding gear.

                      Life's been tough since those heady days of felching the Faculty for certificates. Everything has had a deeper symbolic meaning since my Professors told me so. Even novelisations of Holby City. Laden with significant suggestion, they are.

                      When I walk the streets of Canterbury in my favourite Stetson and blow a Duke over everyone in the medieval pedestrian walkways, I am happy as a sandboy. And I also know I look quite a twat.

                      But I am happy with that.

                      As I climb onto my shining Harley with a nude babe pressing her goldfish bowls into my back and clutching me, I wonder if I was wrong to give up the sexual experimentation at the age of 14.

                      Does nobody else see the camp in cigar culture?

                      If I've confused you, it's because I had to think of spunk instead of petals. (See top). It flavours the semiology of cigars.

                      And so it came as a surprise and as a relief to see the Coro post yesterday.

                      I don't agree with everything he has written, but I love the way he has done it.

                      I like the way he has prodded. I live my life by prodding. I spend five hours a day prodding on average.

                      I would have drafted something far more sober and it would have read very seriously indeed because I tend to write quite seriously and it all gets whizzed up to another level in the whacky world of confusing expression that is any forum.

                      One man's donut is another man's saveloy. And shit.

                      I, for one, am not being fawning about Coro. He's a silly bloody sod.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Robusto View Post
                        I'm so sorry. I apologise.
                        It's just that I majored in French letters.

                        When Madame Bovary dropped petals from her horse-drawn carriage in Rouen in some nineteenth Century novel or other, Gustave Flaubert ACTUALLY meant that she was being serviced by a male cad in riding gear.
                        Was it her that always used to sport a white camelia in her lapel when she went out, except for a few days a month when she wore a pink one? [Can't recall whether it was a real or fictional French courtesan]


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Deano View Post
                          Stevieboy's post was with tongue in mouth. Maybe he should've used the smileys supplied.
                          It wasn't.....he's a gobshite


                          • #88
                            Who am I kidding......welcome back TEEJ!!!!


                            • #89
                              err.....I was joking mate....oops!!!

                              Originally posted by cigarsmoke View Post
                              If only he was a man of few words, even then they still would not make any sense.
                              I cannot believe the amount of fawning and arse kissing going on at the return of someone who not only loves the sound of his own voice but loves to see his words in print as well.

                              I,am with you Stevieboy, the blokes a gobshite and now the Forum will be bombarded by yet more of his pointless babble


                              • #90
                                This is a cigar forum not a site for sucking up too or putting down our fellow Leafy Brothers.

                                Everyone is entitled to their opinion, some of us enjoy the old git's ranting some don't.

                                There is no doubt he will bring a little additional energy, stir things up and provoke some, should be fun!

                                Buckle up!
                                Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine

