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And Now...A Few Words From TJ, TJCoro

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  • #31
    Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
    But after learning that this once fine forum was in trouble and becoming a yawn, don TJ decided it was time to speak up.
    I present TJ's ?Marshall Plan? to save the forum from total tatters and return it to it's former glory and greatness as the finest puro forum on the planet!.

    Did I miss a post about that? or is that just a perk of being a Mod?

    May I offer another couple of suggestions to your plan.

    1. Lockdown the membership anc cap it at a certain figure. Block all further signups until further notice. Then restrict join ups to say 5 a month until the cap is reached again.
    2. Remove user accounts not signed in over 3 or 6 months.

    That may stop it reaching a critical mass and imploding,
    Free the UKCF one


    • #32
      It may also be worth restricting what guests see, or even not letting them see anything. Keeps the info etc private.


      • #33
        A menage a quinz
        The Holy Trinity with Mary + Joseph
        England's 03 tight forwards
        The Three Musketeers +1 (I know the maths seemingly doesn't work)
        The Jacksons in the 70's
        Endin Blyton's famous troup
        Mrs Palm's daughters (had them all)
        The original Siglo range
        The beats per bar in Dave Brubeck's hit
        The protons of Boron
        "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"

        And now to this list of illustrious pentamers:

        The Coro clan
        Last edited by EugeneSax; 29-01-2010, 03:01 PM. Reason: relevant example added


        • #34
          Originally posted by Boss Hog View Post

          May I offer another couple of suggestions to your plan.

          1. Lockdown the membership anc ....

          etc, etc...
          Worth repeating?

          Originally posted by EugeneSax View Post

          ...Being a relative newbie myself ... but could I perhaps suggest that this [thread] isn't taken 100% seriously?


          • #35
            Originally posted by Boss Hog View Post
            May I offer another couple of suggestions to your plan.

            1. Lockdown the membership anc cap it at a certain figure. Block all further signups until further notice. Then restrict join ups to say 5 a month until the cap is reached again.
            2. Remove user accounts not signed in over 3 or 6 months.

            That may stop it reaching a critical mass and imploding,
            worth considering...


            • #36
              New Rules Cause Controversary!

              Originally posted by Boss Hog View Post
              Did I miss a post about that? or is that just a perk of being a Mod?

              May I offer another couple of suggestions to your plan.

              1. Lockdown the membership anc cap it at a certain figure. Block all further signups until further notice. Then restrict join ups to say 5 a month until the cap is reached again.
              2. Remove user accounts not signed in over 3 or 6 months.

              That may stop it reaching a critical mass and implodin
              Hmmmm! Not bad, not bad at all, senor hog

              Let's throw it against the wall is see if it sticks.

              Names Perro, El Perro Coro, and I'm diggin' the new rule suggestions.

              I'm digging on me blu-balls!

              (Ahem!) Nobody's talking to you, lad.
              sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


              • #37
                Good to have you back TJ! Oh, I mean Dawg...

                Wait a fuckin minute!!!!

                I am the only Dawg in these parts!!!!


                • #38
                  [QUOTE=TJCoro;64222] Hmmmm! Not bad, not bad at all, senor hog

                  Let's throw it against the wall is see if it sticks.

                  Or, you might try heading it!
                  If you want to, you can.
                  And, if you can, you must!


                  • #39
                    A New Wind is Blowin' Thu the Forum!

                    Originally posted by Lee dub View Post
                    It may also be worth restricting what guests see, or even not letting them see anything. Keeps the info etc private.

                    Run it up the flag poll, senor Rub-A-Dub, and let's see who salutes!

                    El Perro

                    I'd give it a salute, but I'm kinda' busy at the mo playin' with me balls!
                    sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                    • #40
                      You Don't Say?

                      Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
                      Hmmmm! Not bad, not bad at all, senor hog

                      Let's throw it against the wall is see if it sticks.

                      Or, you might try heading it!

                      Names Coro, El Perro Coro, and sometimes the best way to communicate with is through emoticons!

                      I see what ye' sayin' Big Dawg!
                      sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                      • #41
                        PG Carrot eh? Nice to meet you Mr Carrot. I heard you were dead!
                        If you want to, you can.
                        And, if you can, you must!


                        • #42
                          No Way, Jose!

                          Originally posted by jdawg View Post
                          Good to have you back TJ! Oh, I mean Dawg...

                          Wait a fuckin minute!!!!

                          I am the only Dawg in these parts!!!!

                          Correction, are the JDAWG around these parts.

                          There can be only one "Dawg," and that would be El Perro Coro.

                          Lo Seinto, amigo....lo seinto!

                          Names Perro, El Perro, and I might consider sharing my handle for a Padron 80th or two 45s.

                          If it will make you feel better, I'll share my blu-balls with you senor JDawg!
                          sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                          • #43
                            Say Engliz this time!

                            Originally posted by tippexx View Post
                            PG Carrot eh? Nice to meet you Mr Carrot. I heard you were dead!

                            You talk funny, senor TripleXXX. Have you met, CIV?

                            Names Perro, El Perro, and we use the Queens Engliz around these parts, matey.

                            Your right, El Perro.... posts are funny just as they are. Good Call!
                            sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                            • #44
                              [QUOTE=TJCoro;64237] we use the Queens Engliz around these parts, matey.

                              We do indeed. God Bless Her.

                              ZeeeeePeeeeeeegin we're not so good at!
                              If you want to, you can.
                              And, if you can, you must!


                              • #45
                                Well Good For You!

                                Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
                                we use the Queens Engliz around these parts, matey.

                                We do indeed. God Bless Her.

                                ZeeeeePeeeeeeegin we're not so good at!
                                Well okay then, Senor X, ( if that's your real name).

                                I'm due back on planet earth now, so I'll smell ya' later.

                                Names Perro, El Perro Coro, and I'm frightened for the children of senor XXX!

                                Me too! Just keep them away from me blu-balls!
                                sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros

