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    I am not sure about all of you but this place is very important to me.

    I know it's only been about a year but I like to think I have made some really great friends on the UK Cigar Forum and I love the banter and have learned lots about cigars.

    It is critical to remember that Deano runs the forum out of his own pocket and the recent down time has meant he has had to increase monthly costs due to moving to a bigger server (or something!)

    The cost of this server is paid for out of monthly donations of about ?5 and even in these difficult times that's not a lot for the many happy hours and the information we all get.

    I spoke to Dean this morning and he tells me that only about 12 people regularly donate. This is currently leaving him short based on the new costs. Not much but a bit so if you enjoy the forum make a donation, if not every month then think about it when the forum just saved you ?10 on some smokes due to the great tip off you got, or if you just won a weeks worth of smokes in a competition.

    So in the words of the blessed Bob Geldoff "Give Deano the fecking money". If you haven't already done it press the pretty little 'Donate' button and you will just love the way it quickly and efficiently takes ?5 from you.
    Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine

  • #2

    Well said Nic, we all participate in the forum and it does not run itself financially.
    "Keep your eyes peeled, your arse up, head down, and your ear to the gound" WHISKY77


    • #3
      Couldnt agree more Nic, this place is worth every penny . Im in the position were i can donate every month, and do so. As you said the tip offs save a lot more than that and the friends ive made here are priceless.


      • #4
        I don't post on any other cigar forum these days. I don't need to.

        Compared to the other forums I belong to which have nothing to do with cigars, this space is amusing, grown-up and calm. I have enjoyed making new mates through it. It has been going for about 18 months and is BUSY for a recently established place.

        I don't know about you but I like to post seriously - and I like to post like a complete wanker... because that's what I'm actually like out here. More wanker than serious.

        Suddenly this looks like an OBIT and that isn't supposed to be the case at all!

        It's simply my experience that this is the only site I've ever lobbed the odd small amount of my spare change to because, like many of you guys, I value it as part of my frequent online daily milk-rounds during busy days, and the number of times I've temporarily escaped work fuck-ups with a laugh through these columns cannot be counted... the occasional face-to-face smoke-offs, of course...

        I could go on.

        I don't think I could do without it.

        And Deano's the man who runs this ship efficiently and quietly. It all takes time.
        Last edited by Robusto; 16-01-2010, 12:07 PM.


        • #5

          Well said nic!

          Thanks to some great info (and a lot of hard work from Deano in keeping this place up and running), I've been able to source some excellent smokes and saved myself quite a few quid in the process, seems only fair to show my appreciation.

          Plus, there are some great guys on here: Charming, Witty, Entertaining, Good-looking?, Generous and Funny - O.K. ..maybe that's just me, but some of you (well maybe only one or two) are close-ish.

          Originally posted by nicwing View Post
          think about it when the forum just saved you ?10 on some smokes due to the great tip off you got
          Excellent point, but I've noticed though, that the 'Donate' button only appears when you log in, and therefore is only visible to registered members. Why not have it onscreen permanently?

          There must be many more 'lurkers' about who read, and benefit from the information on the site, but who don't bother to register. Perhaps one or two might be generous enough to also support the forum if there was an easy way of doing so.
          O.K. it might not be many, but every bit little helps, right?
          Last edited by El Catador; 16-01-2010, 01:39 PM.
          Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
          Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


          • #6
            Well said Nic, this site is important to us, many thanks.


            • #7
              i think you guys put it into words better than i ever could i feel we all need a group (manly hug)


              • #8
                What a bunch of ol' softies you are: the comments, the praise, the comraderie, the couldn't do without it et al.

                Actually, all spot on

                In the words of an old miner's mistress, who used to say "Ya don't have to dig deep brother's...but dig"

                Would a small dig, be known as a diggle?
                "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cj121 View Post
                  Would a small dig, be known as a diggle?
                  A 'Diggle' how very appropriate, an old poser, never seen without a bottle of Moet these days. I'd say you have it right on the nosey CJ.
                  Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                  • #10
                    well said Sir Nicholas of Wingshire


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by peanutpete View Post
                      i think you guys put it into words better than i ever could i feel we all need a group (manly hug)

                      I agree entirely in a deep manly voice!
                      Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.


                      • #12
                        Well said Nic!

                        I've visited quite a few forums before finding this and signing up. There is none which has a comparable bunch of nice, funny, helpful and sometimes downright crazy people which I'd rather spend my time talking to so a small donation is the least I can do.

                        I have been wondering though if Deano has ever considered other ads apart our sponsor (AdWords or similar)? Considering the traffic the forum generates that might help keep up with costs too.
                        My Cigar blog: Cigar Review Rag


                        • #13
                          Just Paypalled a fiver to Deano and am quite happy to do this regularly - the forum's facility to provide unbiased expert advice alone is worth it.


                          • #14
                            Here here! *claps* :P

                            I may not be a long standing member, nor a regular poster, but I do enjoy a good bit of lurking and watching what's going on (Bwahahahahaha!)

                            On a less sinister note, I'm more than happy to be a regular contributor, starting this month, if I remember / get reminded!

                            Isn't it possible to setup an optional [EDITED] subscription thing for us forgetful types?


                            • #15
                              Nazsore, my kind of member. Anyone who wants to contribute after 20 posts is OK by me.

                              Welcome welcome WELCOME!!
                              Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine

