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I can't believe it!

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  • #16
    Well slap my thighs and bang out a ditty on the old Joanna. I nip out for a minute or two to bag a couple o? birds for the old ?crimbo? get together, and whaddya know, I come back in to find that the Reverend George has tried to restart that nasty ?Tea Party? business in Boston all over again.

    Firstly, can I just say that I believe I am uniquely qualified to assess the cultural differences between our two societies, having: a) visited Yankieland on numerous occasions, b) watched countless Holywood ballbusters at the ?flicks? (historical inaccuracies be damned!), and c) I?ve sampled what they call ?food? (and found it wanting by God).

    Secondly, at our stately home in Barnsley we have hosted a dozen or so ?shin digs? for our less fortunate, Hawaiian shirt wearing, loud spoken, ill-educated, ?a-mary-can? brethren, and found them to be a mildly entertaining if somewhat delusional race.
    Let us start with geography shall we? Aside from the fact that your average ?yankadoodle? couldn?t find his ass with both hands and a map, their knowledge of the ?rest of the world? seems to be: ?it?s to the right, they speak funny and don?t like us cos we?re so goddam cool?. This, I?m afraid, is only partly true.

    As for History? Let?s not forget that, a) you did NOT win the war, but came in at the end with a fistful of nylons and chewing gum and tried to claim all the glory (and steal our wimin you randy little beggars), and b) You are the colonial equivalent of a ?hand-me-down? jumper, slightly soiled and palmed off to a ?bring and buy? shop.

    In summation, I think Uncle Tarquin said it best, when he suggested that, to us, your average ?damn Yankee? was a little like a favourite spoiled corgi (the runt of the litter), always greedy for food and humping your Aunt?s leg when she came to tea, but essentially amusing and harmless, particularly once you?d had it taken it outside and shot?.

    Bless ?em all.
    El Cat
    7th Earl of Barnsley - Three times removed (once forcibly).
    Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
    Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


    • #17
      Well, well, well...

      A limeyhead with a bit of spunk!

      I like it when the little people think they can compete with the adults.

      So El Gato crawls out of the catbox and fires one across the bows as it were.

      Originally posted by El Catador View Post
      Well slap my thighs and bang out a ditty on the old Joanna.

      Back to speaking proper Inglelish: The fuck is a "Joanna?"

      Originally posted by El Catador View Post
      I nip out for a minute or two to bag a couple o? birds for the old ?crimbo?

      Crimbo? (see above)

      Originally posted by El Catador View Post
      Firstly, can I just say that I believe I am uniquely qualified to assess the cultural differences between our two societies, having: a) visited Yankieland on numerous occasions, b) watched countless Holywood ballbusters at the ?flicks? (historical inaccuracies be damned!), and c) I?ve sampled what they call ?food? (and found it wanting by God).

      Hard to parry this argument. All good references, eck-shew-illy (did I pronounce that right?)

      Originally posted by El Catador View Post
      Aside from the fact that your average ?yankadoodle? couldn?t find his ass with both hands and a map

      I take strong exception to this inciting misinformation. There are a great many honest to by ghodz fearing Americans who have not only found their asses (without the use of one or both hands, I'll have you know, TYVM), but have managed to wedge their heads exceptionally far up the ol' dirt chute (if you catch my meaning).

      Originally posted by El Catador View Post
      their knowledge of the ?rest of the world? seems to be: ?it?s to the right, they speak funny and don?t like us cos we?re so goddam cool?.
      ???? Your point?

      Originally posted by El Catador View Post
      you did NOT win the war, but came in at the end with a fistful of nylons and chewing gum and tried to claim all the glory (and steal our wimin you randy little beggars)

      Hey, Bunky. We came in with the nylons and choongum, but we left without them. Now just where do you suppose all them things went, eh? Someone's got 'em and it ain't us. So look around your house. Betcha yer mum still has a pair or so o' them nylons around, prolly repaired with some of the choongum she got too!

      Originally posted by El Catador View Post
      In summation, I think Uncle Tarquin said it best, when he suggested that, to us, your average ?damn Yankee? was a little like a favourite spoiled corgi, always greedy for food and humping your Aunt?s leg when she came to tea
      Hmmm... Try as I might, I find no compelling argument to counter this notion. But, shit, cut us a little slack, wouldja? I mean, we come over to your cute little part of the world hoping to have a little fun and shag as many of your women as possible and what do we find?

      First off, you foreigners don't fucking speak English! How rude is that? I mean, like here we are in Belgium or something and all these funny little people are running around talking in Belgianese or whatever the fuck language they talk (and why the hell is Belgium a country in the first place? Why isn't it a French or German province like it should be? I mean, who the hell comes from Belgium except for Victor Borge and Hercule Poirot? And Borge's dead now, and if Poirot's not dead, he's really, really old.) And then the food... Don't even get me started. Can't find a fucking decent hamburger, hot dog, or cold beer to save your life. Noooooo.... instead, they serve you this stuff looks like the dog barfed it up and call it something fancy like "Trouffles les Escuadores de Fragrance Mouchard Mort" which loosely translated means "shit we couldn't sell to the locals."


      • #18
        Well, that all comes within the territory of being a stranger in a strange land Rok .... or in your case just strange!
        If you want to, you can.
        And, if you can, you must!


        • #19
          Say what you think. [Rocki]
          We serve Lager cold and Ale close to 20deg,

          We Brits have given culture , history , language, style.............` we given a bit more than a f#ckin hot dog'.
          And we dont shit ourselves when the going gets tough.


          • #20
            Gotta Agree There

            Originally posted by snooky View Post
            And we dont shit ourselves when the going gets tough.
            Like the French.


            • #21
              Je suis d'accord vieil ami, leurs femmes sont tellement .... French!
              If you want to, you can.
              And, if you can, you must!


              • #22
                I like your massive steaks, and your drive-in banks.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Robusto View Post
                  I like your massive steaks, and your drive-in banks.

                  I second that, 24oz last year, i was dying to try the $99 50oz special, but the wife wouldnt let me


                  • #24
                    Don't shoot me down, USA.

                    I am not religious at all, yet at several friends of my US family's homes the family head said Grace before we ate at the table.

                    I found out, either during the meal or afterwards from my US sister, that Grace had only been said in honour of my presence - aka the UK rep presence.

                    I don't get that.

                    Don't worry. I see it as a curiosity. Not a slur.

                    Oh yeah!

                    FOX NEWS is like an overflowing toilet.

                    I seemed to be stuck in front of it wherever I went.

                    Oh yeah!

                    Love those Stetsons!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Robusto View Post
                      Don't shoot me down, USA.

                      FOX NEWS is like an overflowing toilet.

                      I seemed to be stuck in front of it wherever I went.

                      Oh yeah!

                      Love those Stetsons!
                      Dont get me started on those bastards...and whats with all the drug comercials every 10 minutes on your TV stations...
                      Lover of fine Cubans since 2006


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by snooky View Post
                        Say what you think. [Rocki]
                        We serve Lager cold and Ale close to 20deg,

                        We Brits have given culture , history , language, style.............` we given a bit more than a f#ckin hot dog'.
                        And we dont shit ourselves when the going gets tough.
                        I got your f#ckin hot dog'. Right here! LMAO
                        Yes You have added alot to society Snook my man !
                        There is no question about that But(always a But)
                        Just imagine how many French there would be without
                        The invention of the French fry !!!! LOL ROTF
                        You brothers would be up to your necks in um .
                        Have a great Holiday all and this is not a stab at any culture its just Humor


                        • #27
                          That's just it .... humor .... missed a friggin' U out!
                          If you want to, you can.
                          And, if you can, you must!

