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Science-Fiction and Horror Films

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  • Science-Fiction and Horror Films

    Science-Fiction films and Horror films... I love.

    I am so pleased THIS has won an award because I was well impressed with it.

    In contrast, I was very disappointed with Danny Boyle's SUNSHINE which was on Channel 4 a couple of Sundays ago.

    I love zomble films. I'm not into the SAW type stuff.

    I want to see Paranormal Activity. (Original of me, huh?).

    Any thoughts? Any recommendations, please?

  • #2
    Big fan of 'Moon', so glad to see it get some recognition at last.

    Share your opinion of 'Sunshine', films like 'Silent Running' did the 'Earth in danger' thing so-much-better (Though I guess most kids would probably think it's a rip-off of Wall-e).
    Not sure it was entirely Danny Boyle's fault though, I think it was just a thin idea that got 'hollywood' money thrown at it. Not his genre, but no doubt he was pleased to take the cash. So I can't blame him for that.

    Looking forward to 'Avatar', and am trying to keep an open mind about it's 'high concept/big budget' ambitions. We'll have to swap reviews.
    Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
    Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


    • #3
      Wolf creek is very creepy, although not really in the horror/sci-fi genre.
      Also District 9 is quite good.
      Here is an interesting film to try Bry, I thinks its Dutch, its called
      " The Bothersome Man " it was on sky movies ages ago, good though.
      Totally agree with you on the Saw films.


      • #4
        Been a huge fan of both sci fi and horror since being a youngster watching star wars, last starfighter , a nightmare on elm street (which I'm horrified to see they have remade) etc. Can't get enough of films like this. I'm also looking forward to Avatar,being an avid gamer it appeals to me very much

        My wife on the other hand suffers for it, she can't sleep for days after a good horror lol


        • #5
          I'm sure you will have come across 'Let the Right One In'. It is not as brutal as some of these appalling modern torture films but is atmospheric and very creepy. And clever too.
          I loved the ending - you really must see it

          Stream Let the Right One In for free: fragile, anxious boy, 12-year-old Oskar is regularly bullied by his stronger classmat...


          • #6
            I enjoyed the handycam shot one.... was it Cloverfield? saw the Decent the other day, not bad! ending was weak, I see they made a No.2.... others that I thought where ok, if a bit commercial - I am Legend and Ironman, we don't get many over here so any recomendations, I'll be interested


            • #7
              Looks good Moidoid....


              • #8
                Let the right one in, the special effects were done by a friend of mine. He's also a sculptor or 1/6 scale resin models kits, my other obsession. He's a prominent member on a model forum I've been a member of for a long time. He was a bit disheartened to find out hollywood are planning a big budget version


                • #9
                  used to love the x-files so bought the full set. As for paranormal activity, our lass was crapping it on the night.i was laughing me bollix off at the lasses screaming in the cinema.

                  District 9 i thought was ok.
                  got Star trek still to watch.

                  oh and i loved the Lord of the rings triology.
                  I started out with nothing and i've still got most of it left - Seasick Steve


                  • #10
                    Disrict 9 completely blew me away...loved it to bits.

                    I watched Terminator Salvation and was had none of the urgency of T2....quite humdrum.

                    Star Trek was excellent too and I'm not a fan of the original series at all...first class 'reboot' of the series

                    I've got Moon and Paranormal Activites (original version) in the house but yet to watch them

                    The Mist was very disturbing too Bry...well worth a look

                    Dead Snow (Dod Sno) is a Scandinavian Nazi Zombie comedic horror....well worth a look


                    • #11
                      I agree with you about The Mist Stevie - A very good film for a number of reasons.

                      I won't be too bothered if Hollywood does 'Let the Right One In' - cos' I won't watch it!

                      It really is a very good movie though. Very emotionally sparse and understated - & excellent models I thought ()


                      • #12
                        i looked forward to district 9 because of the hype and was very disappointed. Liked the new star trek though.


                        • #13
                          I must admit I am a sucker for certain older science fiction movies which have a disturbing element in them, even if it is not pure horror (Soylent Green anyone?). Yes the special effects are crap, but the movies focus on a story and not only on big bangsy FX.

                          One movie I really like is the original USSR Solaris version. The 2002 US version from Steven Sodebergh isn't bad, but this one is creepier.
                          My Cigar blog: Cigar Review Rag


                          • #14
                            Nice pointers etc, chaps.

                            Just want to address Cat re Sunshine.

                            Share your opinion of 'Sunshine'

                            I was indifferent to every character on the vessel. I felt something for the astronauts in 2001 and for the crew of the Nostromo in Aliens.

                            I thought Danny Boyle had gone mental with the budget on fire effects (for a start).

                            Ironic when in the commentary for 28 Days Later he explains that most of his budget was blown on using the Frostie The Snowman tune. Times and budgets change when you've had a hit, I guess.

                            I watched this on my Samsung 26" flatscreen. (I didn't want a bigger telly). I had a very hard time to see what was going on. The light effects seemed to jar. The shots of the sun and Uranus were dodgy. The shots when the craft revolved also seemed artificial.

                            The "being" at the end confused me. I had become bored by then...

                            The most memorable aspect of the film, for me, was the use of music. My wife and I reckoned he had used the same groups from 28 Days Later.

                            I loved Trainspotting and Slumdog.

                            Sunshine just didn't press my buttons despite my admiration for the director.

                            Get By In Film Criticism xxxxx


                            • #15

                              I watched it on our projector whilst having a few ales and TBH it has left no impression on me at all...I can't remember a thing about the story at all!?!?! It looked good but....

                              I love Boyle's other work esp. Trainspotting (of course ) and 28 Days Later

