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Deano - New Award Needed

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  • Deano - New Award Needed

    In the most recent Stick-A-Stick, I was paired with newbie El Catador.

    Welp, being relatively certain that he hadn't read the little story that I liked to use when posting packets to BOTL's (which nicwing rudely posted for the whole world to see [click here]), I thought I'd recycle it. However, I had to redo the intro in light of the new little story I'd generated for the Boli GM deal (click here). So instead of the first paragraph where I go ballistic in the post office, I replaced it with:

    "I'm sure you read my post about the issues I have with the US Postal Service and how I found an alternate means of delivery for the Boli split deal. However there was just something fishy about the whole mess that disturbed me so I decided not to use that way for your sticks.

    Really, my only viable alternative was to somehow use the post office. So, I disguised myself. I have this slinky, black dress that form-fits nicely round my fat belly, wore black fishnet hose and a pair of black patent leather pointy 4-inch fuck me heels. My blonde wig had a rodent infestation, so I had to use my green one. But I looked really stunning.

    I swivel-hipped into the post office with your packet, but I didn't even make it to the counter! I think they're using some sophisticated facial recognition software now. Either that, or maybe it was my mustache. In any case I was summarily ejected in a most unladylike fashion."

    The remainder of the tale being unchanged with the raft and the basket, et. al.

    So, I'm expecting some reply like "Haha you're a funny fellow" or "Jayzuz, you've got some fucked up brain, mate" or somesuch. What I did not expect was:


    I am somewhat in awe of the ingenious solution you have concocted in order to circumvent those rogues in the postal service.

    All too often the 'high handed', 'that's the price, take-it-or-leave-it' approach that they adopt when dealing with honest, law abiding customers (or 'varmints' as I believe they refer to us), leaves me puce in the face with impotent rage. It's a colour I'm afraid that doesn't suit my fair skinned complexion, and has, on more than one occasion, led to me being mistaken for a wondering Mongolian herdsman (If I had a pound for every time I'd been asked for a pint of yak's milk...).

    Fortune however, and serendipity have, I am delighted to say, smiled upon me, as I too have discovered a slightly unorthodox but (I am reliably informed), 'sure-fire' method of circumventing these godless heathens.

    As it transpires, I bumed into my uncle (whilst on my way to the 'British' equivalent of your nefarious postal ministry), Squadron Leader Barrington-Smythe, from the sheep worrying side of the family (Although incidentally, he still maintains his innocence and blames the 'unpleasantness' on the lewd behaviour of the ewe in question, and not himself. Sadly, his assertion that it was, in fact, the sheep who instigated 'bodily contact (by backing onto 'him' whilst he was in the process of relieving himself) was thrown out of court. Therefore, his attempt at overturning his conviction and trying to have the sheep 'banged up' instead, was, technically a 'non-starter').

    However, I digress. Monte (that's his first name, we don't stand on ceremony any more) suggested I avail myself of one of his elite, Royal Airforce trained, PSP's (Precision Strike Pigeons), apparently they were recruited and trained in secret during the second world war, the intention being to use them to deliver and drop small, but perfectly functional, stink bombs on German munitions factories, and in so doing, disrupt the production of vital armaments.

    Sadly, they were 'mothballed' in summer of 44 following a regrettable prank involving a hand grenade and tanker full of horse manure that was parked outside 'No. 10'.
    Monte, however tells me that he kept a few on for 'old times sake' (that and they make good eating) and assures me that 'the little blighters are still combat ready'.
    Best of all they work for peanuts (well birdseed if you want to get all technical about it).

    Anyhow, to cut a long story short, he intends to dispatch 'Vlad the Destroyer' (he's a bit of a heavy metal fan our Monte) on Monday, with a map to your address (courtesy of google) and a head torch in case it gets dark.

    Don't worry about sending him back, we promised him a green card.

    Bestest Regards"

    Can you imagine how I felt reading this reply that sounded like it came from a Limey version of ME?! I tell you, it shivered me timbers.

    A tenny rate, the reason I posted all this was to see if Deano could conjure up some kind of Best Reply Award to bestow upon Sir El Catador. I believe him to be truly deserving of some type of accolade owing to his ability to be almost as lunatic as myselves.

  • #2


    I quite agree, an award is needed for that man...

    Cheers, HabanoSy


    • #3
      'banged up'


      • #4
        Wow what an answer i think you got a point here, a new award is in order imo, LOL.


        • #5


          • #6
            What a fantastic reply. Give him two awards! And bail money for old Barrington-Smythe...

            My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
            My Company:
            Siparium Sporting


            • #7
              Speaking of which...

              Originally posted by simonjgriffithshr View Post
              What a fantastic reply. Give him two awards! And bail money for old Barrington-Smythe...

              Hey! How's come you Limey types have such ordinary names?

              I fully expected all of you to be Barrington-Smythes or Throckmorton-James or Sir Stanley Strutbucket or something similarly distinguished.

              But, nooooooooo. You all seem to have regular names, just like regular people.

              Wuzup wid dat?


              • #8
                Au contraire. It's all a ruse. I'm not really a Griffiths, I'm actually a Cholmondely-Smythe-de la Haye.

                My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
                My Company:
                Siparium Sporting


                • #9

                  Psychiatrist anyone?
                  "Keep your eyes peeled, your arse up, head down, and your ear to the gound" WHISKY77


                  • #10
                    I went to school with a Sarah Gotobed.
                    I'll always have her in my mind.


                    • #11
                      Excuse me, Rokk.

                      Have you copped for the names of the guests on Rikki Lake?
                      Some of you lot play Spin Dryer Bingo with your Christenings over there.
                      Mind you, my class lists of new 11 year olds sound more and more like a Sunday stroll looking at the labels on plastic things in Halfords.

                      I've got a 12 year old girl called Che.
                      Is that allowed?

                      I've also got a 13 year old boy called Klein who cannot sit still despite the presence of an allocated minder. Klein told another boy - in a random interrupting statement - he looked as if he had spunk on his mouth in my class the other day.

                      Sometimes I just have to go off like a like a gas kettle in a caravan. I do it very well - and sometimes I am even a bit annoyed when I do it.

                      What's happening to SOCIETY, eh?...

                      I could write and write about this. Not even scraped the surface.

                      Take it from me that the adverts of stoner UNIVERSE balloon-teaching in the playground, or empathy over mobile phones in class, or the smiling child who doesn't stop drumming in the gym... I don't have to write a concluding sentence.

                      They're even running adverts for TAKE A LANGUAGE AT GCSE when the fuckers stopped compulsory languages at KS4 about four or five years ago. Talk about inconsistent policies!

                      I've got a Shalysse, Rokk.
                      Can I send her over?

                      Oh yeah.
                      You've had posh.

                      Farrah Fawcett-Majors...


                      • #12
                        It is a brilliant reply, I'll see what I can come up with? A 'best retort' award?


                        • #13
                          A Top Post award has been added And been awarded to El Catador


                          • #14
                            Sweet jumping jehova!! I've got me a medal!!
                            Jee thank you soooo much guys! (wipes away a tear).

                            Pushing everyone out of his way in his rush to get to the stage, El Cat Grabs the mike.

                            'Firstly, I'd like to thank my long lost Pappy' Senior George for his generous nomination, I'd still be the 'full ticket' if it wasn't for scraping the bottom of his gene pool Also, I mustn't forget 'the big cheese' himself, Lord Deano of the Academy, without whom, none of this would have been possible.

                            Peering out into the audience, 'Where are you Deano, stand up and take a bow' El Cat waits a moment to allow the applause to die down (well, a moment is perhaps stretching things a bit).

                            'And lastly..' stops for a second to read the inscription on the medal, frowning slightly. 'For your entertaining and unhinged reply' ....'unhinged'!!! ...'ME'???

                            El Cat drops to the floor in abject desperation (think Charlton Heston at the end of 'Planet of the Apes'), 'Once, just once, can I please make it to a 100 posts before someone nominates me for 'The Special Mittens Award'. You know the one I'm talking about, the one that teachers hand out as a 'booby' prize to kids they don't trust with scissors (not even the round ones with the blunt ends) to make them feel ...'special'.

                            Throws his head back and beats the ground with his fists before shouting vainly at the heavens 'Damn it, damn it all to hell'!!

                            Ps. Thank you very much, I shall treasure it forever and wear it with pride. What's it worth?
                            Last edited by El Catador; 07-12-2009, 03:56 PM. Reason: I'm a wild and crazy rebel
                            Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
                            Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


                            • #15
                              And I...

                              Originally posted by Robusto View Post
                              I went to school with a Sarah Gotobed.
                              I'll always have her in my mind.
                              In college, I hung out with Candy Sweet, her honest-to-ghowdz birth certificate name!

