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Quit the jibba jabba

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  • Quit the jibba jabba

    Ive not been actively posting as much as i usually do due to the increased amounts of mud, digs, shots or whatever you want to call it being tossed about. Unlike anything I have ever seen before on here. Although it can be entertaining at times it should not happen.

    This issue was recently addressed on a thread about the growing popularity of the forum and would this ultimately lead to its demise.

    I always though this place was better than that but it seems to be heading in that direction. Everyones entitled to their opinion but have we forgotton about manners? Lets show some respect.

    Come on guys, lets stop all this snideyness and get a long like good ole days.
    Lover of fine Cubans since 2006

  • #2
    Agree with what your saying Kdot, although I don't know the specific threads/posts your talking about, the only thing I can relate it too is I'm also a member of the Cigar Aficionado forum (although rarely post), and for quite a while it was constantly a slanging match between people (or so it seemed to me), and was especially bad against new members if they'd ask a question before doing a search for an already existing thread/topic.

    Anyway, it got that bad that different members left for a while and I myself gave the whole place a wide birth for long enough and only visit on occassions.

    I've also noticed the number of new members rocketing recently, and really hope a similar scenario doesn't materialise on here, it would be a real shame because this is a great place to chat about our hobby, share experiences and new purchases as well as learn new stuff, all with a great bunch of guys (and girls of course )
    "The best cigar you'll ever smoke is the one you're smoking at the minute" - Zino Davidoff


    • #3
      Kam - I couldn't have put things better myself!! 100% agree. The mods are in agreement too.....we have a ZP (Zero Pish) policy!!!

      Originally posted by Kdot View Post
      Ive not been actively posting as much as i usually do due to the increased amounts of mud, digs, shots or whatever you want to call it being tossed about. Unlike anything I have ever seen before on here. Although it can be entertaining at times it should not happen.

      This issue was recently addressed on a thread about the growing popularity of the forum and would this ultimately lead to its demise.

      I always though this place was better than that but it seems to be heading in that direction. Everyones entitled to their opinion but have we forgotton about manners? Lets show some respect.

      Come on guys, lets stop all this snideyness and get a long like good ole days.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Stevieboy View Post
        Kam - I couldn't have put things better myself!! 100% agree. The mods are in agreement too.....we have a ZP (Zero Pish) policy!!!

        Cheers, HabanoSy


        • #5
          totally agree with you Kdot


          • #6
            Oh, and I thought this was going to be about Mr. T / B. A. Baracas, how dissapointing.

            "In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock!"


            • #7
              Fair point KDot.
              'Nuff said.
              "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


              • #8
                This kind of thing happened on a forum I used to help run. We had to close down applications and only open them once a year for a month


                • #9
                  I let my mind meander quite a bit on here because I like to do that. If all we talked about was cigars, I'd fall asleep for good.

                  If I ever offend anyone here, it will never be intentionally personal or deliberate. (CigarMistress can read between lines... I, and she, know that...).

                  And I would expect anyone who thought I'd 'targeted' them publicly to point my faults out to me, too. We're grown up men (almost exclusively men here, I believe) with a shared gentlemanly pleasure. Opt for love, possums.

                  This is by far the most comfortable forum I know. Let's continue to prattle on in brotherhood.

                  The Preacherman.


                  • #10
                    PS Like Gary, I've steered clear of certain big cigar forums for exactly the same reasons. I didn't like the personalised crap.


                    • #11
                      Um, what happened? I go on here everyday and I didn't see any........pish?


                      • #12
                        Me either, i'm a bit surprised.. it all seems rather civilised to me.. I echo the thoughts of the others though, we’re all here because we enjoy our hobby and sharing in the experience with others.

                        Come on lets all be friends


                        • #13
                          I think people's on-screen styles and personas/personae on a forum such as this can be quite different to how people are in the flesh. Sometimes very deliberately.

                          I got to meet a guy on a local music forum who was/is an absolute bastard to everyone on the site. Insults galore. Calls everyone a c*nt in a totally threatening and insulting way. He turned out to be very small, very quiet and looks after the boilers at our local University. A softly-spoken and unassuming man who admitted to playing games with all the members of that forum to whip them up. Not a musician at all, by the way.

                          Posts are like being asked to get up and sing a number with a band as a guest in a way. You've got to impress immediately or the audience thinks you are rubbish. I'm frequently flat.

                          Battles and challenges always look heavier on forums, too.

                          Humour can be a worry, also.

                          I chirrup better after a Bolivar. I've just topped off a Royal Corona after an earlier P2 and it makes me fucking verbose. Just look at it spilling out!

                          I post silent thoughts. Do you? I wouldn't say half of this stuff to anyone bar you guys. I feel like an elective mute slipping out a procession of silent ones.

                          I have more decorum, and say far less, in real life. I'm a depressive so I come here to try to be jolly.
                          Last edited by Robusto; 05-12-2009, 02:01 AM. Reason: Too shy to write cunt in full.


                          • #14
                            K U got that right

                            This place use to be and as far as I'm concerned will stay the way the senior members (Power that be) should keep it. As far as intimidation goes K M A . Though I walk through the valley of death I fear no one!
                            We are all made of flesh and bone and bleed and feel the same things.
                            So lets all play nice and work to keep the house that we built intact with out all the Bullshit.


                            • #15

                              Well said Kdot.
                              "Keep your eyes peeled, your arse up, head down, and your ear to the gound" WHISKY77

