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Quit the jibba jabba

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  • #16
    I don't really see it, there's probably one disagreement a month and that's not changed since the inception of the forums.

    Someone said the users have rocketed too. Nope, we're a constant one or two a day and have been since the start, most post once and never come back, we add one to the core group maybe every couple of weeks or so.

    There will be a zero tolerance policy towards people who upset the apple cart, there always has been and always will be, so I'd suggest everyone just chilled out!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Deano View Post
      I don't really see it, there's probably one disagreement a month and that's not changed since the inception of the forums.

      Someone said the users have rocketed too. Nope, we're a constant one or two a day and have been since the start, most post once and never come back, we add one to the core group maybe every couple of weeks or so.

      There will be a zero tolerance policy towards people who upset the apple cart, there always has been and always will be, so I'd suggest everyone just chilled out!


      • #18

        That is brilliant Mr B...

        Cheers, HabanoSy


        • #19
          I think your right Bry I have found similar, the loud mouths who poke the bear constantly online offline tend to be nothing like that, if anything they tend to be the opposite.
          I like to think anything I write on here or anywhere online I would say in real life and in my mind if you wouldnt say it to the person face to face you shouldnt say it when you have a computer to protect you... isnt that a bit like going to the zoo and poking the bear with a stick ?


          • #20
            Yep, I fully agree with Kdot.
            Theres always bound to be the odd dig here and there.
            However this a gentlemans hobby which is what separates us from the unrefined rif-raf.
            For me it all comes down to respect and the fact were all here because we share a common interest and not the constant need to prove that "My dicks bigger than yours"
            Free the UKCF one


            • #21
              As a 'newbie' I feel a little unqualified to hold an opinion on this subject (though that's never stopped me before ), however, I just wanted to add that it was the: friendly, informative and welcoming attitude of the existing membership which prompted me to 'sign-up' to the site in the first place, and bloody delighted I am to be here too!

              Even the closest of families have the odd disagreement now and then, don't mean they all still love each other. (in a manly, punch on the shoulder kind of way of course).

              A toast to peace and harmony!
              Now, ... who wants some?
              Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
              Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


              • #22
                A couple of points to remember about forums (and all text based communication).

                Plain text is a very poor form of communication for anything non-factual (ie when one needs to express any kind of emotional intent). Subsiquently discussing personal issues is very challenging.

                It is almost imposable (without tone of voice, eye contact etc.) to successfully convey subtle meaning and intent to the reader in the way one intended it to be received. When making positive comments there is head-room for variance (because it is all good) and generally no offence is taken. When being critical or negative (even when it is constructional) it will almost certainly be received in a far worse light than the author intended (If this is your desire so be it, but be prepared for the reaction).

                What does this all mean for us (and any happy forum)? ...forums are a really bad medium for expressing subjective negative comments, stick to the facts, filter ones comments with this understanding, consider how you would read the comment if you were on the other side, think twice before pressing the post button on anything that may offend.

                Just MHO.
                Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                Originally posted by Ryan
                I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


                • #23
                  I think that's spot-on, Monk. Especially about the negatives.

                  I try to write a bit obliquely on a forum so it's a bit more interesting to read (I believe) than looking down a Chinese take-away menu list.

                  I do carry on like that in speech as well. Misinterpretation after misinterpretation. I have to discipline myself at formal meetings not to be a verbal twat. I fail, alas, and that is why I have so few friends.

                  I do try to undo my belt and shake my legs on here, but I'm no good with a boxing glove.

                  Better with a Glade plug-in.


                  • #24
                    There's definitely been a few misunderstandings due to what Monk is saying, I think we all need to appreciate that the tone we're reading in a post may be more tongue and cheek than a hidden effort to slag someone off.

