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Free Lobster

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  • Free Lobster

    Just got back having had a lobster (grilled with truffle butter, served with salad & rosemary roast potatoes) courtesy of a big pub group. All stemmed from my curiosity about a closed pub I noted some 10 minutes down the road from here. Scouring the web I discovered it was being re-modeled/branded/furbished & succesfully applied for one of their two "soft-opening" free meal nights. Had to pay for drinks, but can't complain when the wife had a lobster starter & I the main and both our other courses were excellent AND they serve T Taylors Landlord (nearest thing to God's Ambrosia containing hops & barley IMO).

    They are also doing a free champagne & canape evening on Thursday. If anyone is interested in going & prepared to travel to the Ascot area, send me a PM & I'll reply with details as I have an open invitation & they are relaxed about how many people I take along.

    Such a superb meal fulfilled the "exceptional circumstance" condition of my otherwise strictly enforced no mid-week cigar rule so I scoured the humidors for something suitable. I think the ideal would have been a well aged R&J Short Churchill if such existed & I had any (it being a bit late in the day for the full version). I did briefly think about a Celestiale Fino (craving the mild creaminess RJ character that vitola exhibits in spades) but I've only 4 left & as they're effectively irreplaceable went for an 80's Petit Prince instead. Not a great cigar when I "won" them at Christies 5 or so years ago, they've not improved. I have found buying aged cigars can be more miss than hit.

    The only other time I've had a lobster on the house in a resturant was at a cigar event at Floridiata in early 05. Was anyone else there -it was one of the best events I've ever been to?

    [BTW I do like small cigars, but I've nearly finished the PP whilst typing this. Wish I'd gone for something a bit bigger]

  • #2
    Ive been to these soft openings of pubs a few times the last one was a few months ago, can't beat a free meal and like you I was impressed with the place and will go back and actually pay for sure

