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Let's get theological....

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  • Let's get theological....

    Whilst looking through information for a chaplaincy service today, an odd thought struck me. I'm not religious - I have a lack of faith. My definitions of the three states are:

    Religious - has faith that there is a God(s).

    Agnostic - lacks faith that there is a God(s).

    Atheist - has faith that there isn't a god...

    Despite believing that there is no god, I wouldn't quite put myself in the category of having a 'faith' that there is not one. So I'd probably find myself on the atheistic side of agnostic (with religious tendencies... ).

    What am I wittering on about? Sort of thing that anyone ponders over a wonderful, long cigar?

    I used to enjoy going to chapel in the RN. The chaplains were all a good laugh, we had a sing song, listened to the sermon (always interesting, usually trying to make excuses for a Welsh loss in the 6N ) and had tea and biccies afterwards. It was a nice, relaxing, constant, little bit of down time. I also, occassionally visit my local church and cathedral.

    So, what do I say when people question this, given my non-religious stance? Well...

    I go to the cinema, that doesn't mean I believe in Superman.
    My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
    My Company:
    Siparium Sporting

  • #2
    You sure that wasn't a blunt you were smoking?! :-P

    There's a lot of religious advertising in London at the moment. I find it mildly offensive to be honest, but hey.

    I myself am anti organised religion. Personal beliefs are fine, and the business of the believer. But organisations of power posing to be something nicer offends me. Thats just my opinion though, and am perfectly accepting of anyone who strongly feels i am heavily misguided [so long as they feel that way for themselves, not because an establishment told them to]
    Warning: Smoking cigars may cause a slow and delicious death.


    • #3
      The majority of my day job is teaching Religious Studies to school children. People who know me, and the kids who ask, are often surprised because my views are akin to Simon's: I am an atheistic agnostic. Nonetheless, I find religion fascinating and was lured into the job a mixture of that and enjoying working with children; my academic background is in philosophy and this is what a teach the sixth form and what I really enjoy about religion.

      I teach in a school that is multi-racial but, as someone who grew up in London, mainly white British. We have a weekly chapel service that I confess to enjoy, largely because the chaplain is good and I like the hymns; sermons here tend to focus on morality, rather than God.


      • #4
        I'm very against religion, i see it as a man made control tool. Sometimes I think it'd be nice to have a god and such, but I think for most people it's just a solid platform of false hope.


        • #5
          errr can we have a poll akin to the porn poll to see if religion is something we wish to see on the forum ?


          • #6
            I find religion to be troublesome. Like MisterB, I think of it as a control tool. If it wasn't, why do we teach it to kids of 5 years old and younger?

            I HATE proselytising religious people. My religion, or lack of it, is my affair and mine only. I'm not interested in the slightest in your religion and you will never convert me as I'm a thinking man.

            In Scotland and Ireland there is a historical relious problem although it is not nearly so bad as it was when I was a kid and the first question a prospective employer would ask was, what school did you go to?

            This problem could be cured in a generation if religion was banned at school and all kids went to the same school. If you definitely NEED to have your kids brainwashed, you can do it yourself. I'm very much in favour of the French outlook. Schools are for learning the subjects that will get you through THIS life and metaphysics can wait until you are old enough to understand. I also believe that all outward signs of religion should be banned at schools. No skull caps, headscarves, crucifixes or any of that outward form of proselytisation.

            Kids are kids. They should be brainwashed before they are old enough to decide for themselves.
            No man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation.
            No man has the right to say to his country, "Thus far shalt thou go and no further."

            CS Parnell


            • #7
              Well said Monkey...

              Well said Mr.B...

              Well said Celsis...

              I am very much of the same opinion and you guys have summed it up perfectly so there is no need for me to add anymore...!!!

              Cheers, HabanoSy


              • #8
                Here we go...


                • #9
                  All on the same page here!!!!!!!!!!

                  Originally posted by HabanoSy View Post
                  Well said Monkey...

                  Well said Mr.B...

                  Well said Celsis...

                  I am very much of the same opinion and you guys have summed it up perfectly so there is no need for me to add anymore...!!!

                  Cheers, HabanoSy
                  To me G O D = Good Orderly Direction and if your going in the right direction your carma will follow. My 2 cents worth


                  • #10

                    I've been an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church for a few years now and you might start with the two tenets we follow:

                    1. Respect all religions.

                    2. Do the right thing.

                    Can't go too far wrong with these...

                    Originally posted by simonjgriffithshr View Post
                    wonderful, long cigar?

                    So, what do I say when people question this, given my non-religious stance?


                    • #11
                      I've got to admit that this is by far my favorite Olivia Newton John song of all time, and let me tell you that's pretty high praise!

                      Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                      • #12
                        Own thing.

                        Got to go with Rokkit on this one.I work in a Muslim country and I think as long as nobody is trying to ram it down your throat then as the saying goes "everybody to their own thing".
                        "Keep your eyes peeled, your arse up, head down, and your ear to the gound" WHISKY77


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by nicwing View Post
                          I've got to admit that this is by far my favorite Olivia Newton John song of all time, and let me tell you that's pretty high praise!


                          Good man nic...

                          We can always rely on you to keep the debate light-hearted...

                          Cheers, HabanoSy


                          • #14
                            Muslim country?

                            Originally posted by whisky77 View Post
                            Got to go with Rokkit on this one.I work in a Muslim country and I think as long as nobody is trying to ram it down your throat then as the saying goes "everybody to their own thing".
                            What? Kilmarnock? Any 4x4s for sale?
                            No man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation.
                            No man has the right to say to his country, "Thus far shalt thou go and no further."

                            CS Parnell


                            • #15

                              Originally posted by celsis View Post
                              What? Kilmarnock? Any 4x4s for sale?
                              LOL.That`s only where I live Celsis, and there are certainly plenty of 4x4s around.
                              "Keep your eyes peeled, your arse up, head down, and your ear to the gound" WHISKY77

