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Random Observations

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  • Random Observations

    1. Somehow, word seems to be getting around about UKCF and new B/SOTL's are showing up with increasing rapidity. Getting very hard to keep up with all the new faces...

    2. Regarding recent kudos to some of our more loquacious members celebrating their 1,000th, 2,000th, or 189,362nd post: I must applaud your tenacity. I am no shrinking violet when it comes to exercising the power of the written word; however, I've been around here for over a year and can claim only a couple hundred-ish posties. Props to your profusion, chaps. (Although, I must admit, there are times when I have no idea WTF some of you blokes are talking about.)

    3. UKCF: I've been around the internet for a very long time... back when Mosaic was the only browser and there was no such thing as advertising on a website; when bulletin boards (using ASCII characters only, no GUI back then) were propagating community discussions; and Usenet had only a few hundred categories. In all this time, I've participated in dozens of forums, but none -- I say NONE -- has been more enjoyable than this one. I applaud all of you! You chaps (which includes SOTL's) are intelligent, informative, kind, humorous, honest, and extraordinarily entertaining. I consider it an hono(u)r and a privilege to be considered one of you. Long live UKCF!

  • #2
    rokkitsci's Robusto moment.

    I couldn't agree more though. There are four or five forums that I use now, however, this is the one that I visit first and enjoy the most (and I generally enjoy all the others too).
    My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
    My Company:
    Siparium Sporting


    • #3
      Agreed with on all accounts. I've learned a tonne about all manner of things, not least about keeping and enjoying fine cigars.


      • #4
        Originally posted by simonjgriffithshr View Post
        rokkitsci's Robusto moment.
        Cheeky sod!

        Interesting and heartfelt thoughts there, Rok.


        • #5
          I frequent many forums and none feel as 'homely' as this, I have 2 where Ive been a member since 2002, I only go there because I have 'e-history'. I think it's obviously because cigars are a passion of mine. I don't normally venture into off topic stuff on normal forums, But I check the 'new posts' and read pretty much everything new that's been posted every single day on here.

          Ive only been here a short while too and well...I like to think i've established a fine foothold in this community


          • #6
            I don't want to sound like I'm "sucking up" but I agree with all the posters here.....
            No man has the right to fix the boundary of a nation.
            No man has the right to say to his country, "Thus far shalt thou go and no further."

            CS Parnell


            • #7
              I have only just found out about this place from the H&F cigar club forum which has a post with a link to here (Re: the Bluebird Cigar & Rum evening). And the only reason I visited there was an email saying that I had to re-register my details following recent updates.

              I haven't been particularly active in the field of cigar surfing in recent months or even years, and it was quite a (pleasant) surprise to come across such a well formed and active forum of a year's standing.

              Having once been an avid poster on various cigar forums ("fora"?) I have probably already said most of what I have to say about cigars, but I am sure I will be stirred into adding my odd ha'pence-worth every now & again.


              • #8
                Well said Rokkit-man!!!!! I couldn't agree more.


                • #9
                  This place would not be the same with out you Rokkiski man.....

                  It's not what you post, but the participation....

                  Love Life - Love Cigars


                  • #10
                    could'nt have said it better rokkit.

                    I'm not really into forums. I'v only ever signed up to two forums and this is the only one that I still use...definately something special
                    Lover of fine Cubans since 2006


                    • #11
                      I like the way this forum has lots of different characters and each one brings their own style of post with them, plus there hasnt been one bitch fight yet


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Pantomimehorse View Post
                        I like the way this forum has lots of different characters and each one brings their own style of post with them, plus there hasnt been one bitch fight yet


                        Love Life - Love Cigars


                        • #13
                          Great stuff, glad people find it so rewarding, I know I do.

                          Gonna smoke one at 9am just to celebrate.


                          • #14

                            I certainly hope the variation on my nick is a term of endearment, co-habitVI, elsewise I will be forced to call you out on the field of hono(u)r!

                            Originally posted by cohibaIV View Post
                            This place would not be the same with out you Rokkiski man.....

                            It's not what you post, but the participation....



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by rokkitsci View Post
                              I certainly hope the variation on my nick is a term of endearment, co-habitVI, elsewise I will be forced to call you out on the field of hono(u)r!

                              Love Life - Love Cigars

