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Keeping pipe tobacco in your humidor

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  • Keeping pipe tobacco in your humidor

    I have 3 or 4 pipes which I smoke sometimes when I am fishing, I have bought tins of tobacco on occasions but like cigars in the old days, I never kept them properly as I smoke only occassionaly and they dreid out, which gets expensive.

    So my questions:
    • Pipe tobacco in the humidor - Yes or No?
    • Lid on a tin or lid off?
    • Finally, if anyone has a recommendation for a new blend, I am tempted by the Dunhill London blend but I am looking for something fairly mild. Any ideas?
    Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine

  • #2
    They have something for that these day.

    Originally posted by nicwing View Post
    I have 3 or 4 pipes which I smoke sometimes when I am fishing, I have bought tins of tobacco on occasions but like cigars in the old days, I never kept them properly as I smoke only occassionaly and they dreid out, which gets expensive.

    So my questions:
    • Pipe tobacco in the humidor - Yes or No?
    • Lid on a tin or lid off?
    • Finally, if anyone has a recommendation for a new blend, I am tempted by the Dunhill London blend but I am looking for something fairly mild. Any ideas?

    Yes, as long as it's in a closed tin so the flavors aren't absorbed by your fine puros, but in your case, I guess is doesn't really matter.

    Listen, senor cheapo, they make very attractive, inexpensive glass jars especially designed to store your pipe tobacco, or whatever it is you smoke in your pipe.

    sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


    • #3
      I kept some pipe tobacco in Big_Ts humi in a bag for a few weeks and was fine, but im not sure about on a longer term?


      • #4
        I've found that keeping my pipe tobacco in the humidor keeps it very nicely moistened almost indefinitely! Thus, I can buy bulk tobacco without it drying out. Works wonderfully well.

        LID ON! Pipe tobacco is VERY aromatic. Although you may actually like the way it influences your stogies, a purist would undoubtedly be aghast.

        Lane's BCA (Black Cavendish Aromatic) is the origin of commercial pipe tobacco such as Captain Black, but infinitely better. I find it to be almost as tasty as it smells, fairly mild, never smokes hot, and makes a most excellent base with which to blend something heavier. The only complaint I have with BCA is that it smokes wet, leaving a disgusting clean-up job in your pipe. But it's a small price to pay for a blend that you can smoke all day long and not tire of.

        Originally posted by nicwing View Post

        So my questions:
        • Pipe tobacco in the humidor - Yes or No?
        • Lid on a tin or lid off?
        • Finally, if anyone has a recommendation for a new blend, I am tempted by the Dunhill London blend but I am looking for something fairly mild. Any ideas?


        • #5
          Originally posted by rokkitsci View Post
          I've found that keeping my pipe tobacco in the humidor keeps it very nicely moistened almost indefinitely! Thus, I can buy bulk tobacco without it drying out. Works wonderfully well.

          LID ON! Pipe tobacco is VERY aromatic. Although you may actually like the way it influences your stogies, a purist would undoubtedly be aghast.

          Lane's BCA (Black Cavendish Aromatic) is the origin of commercial pipe tobacco such as Captain Black, but infinitely better. I find it to be almost as tasty as it smells, fairly mild, never smokes hot, and makes a most excellent base with which to blend something heavier. The only complaint I have with BCA is that it smokes wet, leaving a disgusting clean-up job in your pipe. But it's a small price to pay for a blend that you can smoke all day long and not tire of.
          Thanks Rok
          As ever an informative and knowlegable answer, If I wasn't married.....
          Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


          • #6
            Spooky, I was wondering about this as I kept Jimmeh's trial pipe experience materials (one of my pipes to be used) in my reserve humidor that is well stocked, wonder if I will regret that....balls.

            "In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock!"


            • #7
              I've been experimenting with pipes over the last few months as a cheaper alternative to cigars.
              Although they are a different experience, they are just as relaxing, and it's great trying different blends.
              One of the smoothest tobacco's I've found so far can be found at any corner shop, St Bruno.


              • #8
                I had no idea they still made St Bruno.

                I started looking at different tobacco and found this web site:

                It's mind bogling!!
                Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                • #9
                  Pipes are okay, but....

                  Originally posted by linfield100 View Post
                  I've been experimenting with pipes over the last few months as a cheaper alternative to cigars.
                  Although they are a different experience, they are just as relaxing, and it's great trying different blends.
                  One of the smoothest tobacco's I've found so far can be found at any corner shop, St Bruno.

                  I like a pipe every now and then too. Just too hard to keep lit, I find. And all the shit you have to carry around...OY VEY! :

                  sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                  • #10
                    Nic, about milder blends. I've tried Borkum Riff a few times, and although there are a *lot* of negative views from pipe connoisseurs - dryness, overpowering aroma etc - I have not had a problem with it. I can recommend the BR Cherry Cavendish, just leave it out for a while before packing, or else it will clog a little bit.

                    I would also suggest some of the loose blends for a milder smoke. Vanilla Supermild is available in the jar from some specialist shops, and it is a Gawith Hoggarth bulk variety. Last winter when I was in a pipe frame of mind for a couple of months, it was a good 'cold weather' blend, but I had a few ignition problems.

                    Regards, delta


                    • #11
                      Is there a good online guide for pipe smoking anyone would recommend? I've tried in the past and had serious trouble keeping it lit...


                      • #12
                        Beginning to get worried

                        If you weren't married... what?

                        Please tell me this wasn't going where I think it was going.

                        Not that there's anything wrong with that... just that I only play for the one team.

                        Originally posted by nicwing View Post
                        Thanks Rok
                        As ever an informative and knowlegable answer, If I wasn't married.....


                        • #13
                          Ah yes, do take a look at - it's practically got every last blend available. And I would also recommend taking a look at pipefriendchs on youtube - his channel has a lot of interesting and often amusing pipular material!


                          • #14
                            [My first post on a cigar forum & it's about pipe tobacco - oh well]

                            I too have a couple of pipes, bought especially to accompany me on fishing trips as a more practical alternative to cigars, but I never fully appreciated the twin joys of (fly) casting & puffing.

                            With both dwindling cigar stocks and the means to replennish them, I have recently dug out my pipes from the back of the smoking accessories drawer as a relatively painless way to eek out the remaining cgars. After 2 or more years storage the tobacco was of course not in a fit state for smoking but a week or two in my walk-in humidor has retuned all samples to fuming fitness and as a side benefit - my humidor is smelling a bit sweeter than before.

                            I am now enjoying the pipes far more than before and am still using up my old supplies of backy. My favourite fills have been 2 sachets from John Holliongsworth in Birmingham whose contents I imagine (I don't recall) came from those glass jars. My very favourite has just discernably "black cherry" written in biro (very aromatic), but the other is unlabelled. The Cherry is now finished but I think the ideal would be a 2:1 mix of that with the other which has a bit more body. I'm also enjoying some "Amphora".

                            I will definitely be following the links above to help choose new supplies. Just wish my old man was still around - as a pipe smoker of nearly 60 years standing he'd have been able to point me towards some of his preferred blends that provided the some of best smells as I grew up.

                            However being a Friday, I think it'll be a cigar when the wife's toddled off to bed tonight.


                            • #15

                              First off, a warm welcome to the forum. I hope you have a good time on here.

                              Secondly, funny you mention John Hollingsworth! I've tried JH English mixture - yes, loose in the pack, with biro on the packaging - and had very serious trouble lighting it. I mean, perhaps it was my matches, but the stuff would just not stay alive. The virtue of cigars, they actually stay lit (most of the time).

                              Regards, deltawhisky

