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Things that NSFW

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  • Things that NSFW

    Make U GO HUM

  • #2
    I Can't See!!!


    'Nuf Said!

    don TJ
    sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


    • #3


      • #4
        Mustang Sally!

        Originally posted by gss1956 View Post

        sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


        • #5
          TJ has a couch Patato!


          • #6
            You say potato, Dan Quale Sez Potatoe!

            Ahem....French Fried, of course

            sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


            • #7
              Ok, at the risk of being flamed big time....

              Can I just say that I reckon this sort of thread cheapens the forum

              No, I'm not a prude, nor am I gay or narrow-minded, I just don't reckon that it belongs on the 'UK Cigar Forums"

              Sorry if I get hate for this, but I wanted to get that off my chest!

              I wonder how many, secretly or otherwise, perhaps agree?

              (BTW, I'm extremely broad-minded and I've seen it all and, frankly, if I was after seeing threads like this, I'd go to.......

              .....cigar aficianado!!
              "By the cigars they smoke, and the composers they love, ye shall know the texture of men's souls." John Galsworthy
              "A good Cuban cigar closes the door to the vulgarities of the world." Franz Liszt
              "The most futile and disastrous day seems well spent when it is reviewed through the blue, fragrant smoke of a Havana Cigar." Evelyn Waugh
              "Remember, commander, no cigars before launch." a Cuban doctor's orders to an astronaut at Cape Canaveral


              • #8
                All Opinions Welcome....even yours!

                They got this shit at Cigar Aficionado???? Damn! How do I get there?

                Hell yes, all opinions are welcome here, even from someone with "69" in his moniker.

                Names TJ, TJCoro, and if not here, where?
                Last edited by TJCoro; 02-09-2009, 12:23 AM.
                sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                • #9

                  Originally posted by michael69 View Post
                  Ok, at the risk of being flamed big time....

                  Can I just say that I reckon this sort of thread cheapens the forum

                  No, I'm not a prude, nor am I gay or narrow-minded, I just don't reckon that it belongs on the 'UK Cigar Forums"

                  Sorry if I get hate for this, but I wanted to get that off my chest!

                  I wonder how many, secretly or otherwise, perhaps agree?

                  (BTW, I'm extremely broad-minded and I've seen it all and, frankly, if I was after seeing threads like this, I'd go to.......

                  .....cigar aficianado!!
                  If this is bothersome to the majority then lets vote!
                  Vote YES if we should ban these types of pictures
                  Vote NO if you are OK with them!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
                    all opinions are welcome here, even from someone with "69" in his moniker.
                    Taking my name in vain, eh?

                    No need for any bans... (hell, I HATE bans, I'm a libertarian!)

                    Just MY opinion, that's all.

                    Me, I'd prefer to see pictures of cigars if I'm on this site.

                    But, then again, it is in the general off-topic subforum, so who am I to say you shouldn't post pictures of the fairer sex......
                    "By the cigars they smoke, and the composers they love, ye shall know the texture of men's souls." John Galsworthy
                    "A good Cuban cigar closes the door to the vulgarities of the world." Franz Liszt
                    "The most futile and disastrous day seems well spent when it is reviewed through the blue, fragrant smoke of a Havana Cigar." Evelyn Waugh
                    "Remember, commander, no cigars before launch." a Cuban doctor's orders to an astronaut at Cape Canaveral


                    • #11
                      What gets me is how did he get pictures of my girlfriends !


                      • #12
                        Gutter Slut

                        Originally posted by snooky View Post
                        What gets me is how did he get pictures of my girlfriends !
                        Sorry Friend she told me she was still a worgin! And probably told all that came before us the same ! Come guzzling,Gutter slut LMAO!!!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by michael69 View Post
                          Taking my name in vain, eh?

                          No need for any bans... (hell, I HATE bans, I'm a libertarian!)

                          Just MY opinion, that's all.

                          Me, I'd prefer to see pictures of cigars if I'm on this site.

                          But, then again, it is in the general off-topic subforum, so who am I to say you shouldn't post pictures of the fairer sex......

                          Hey 69, this has been the subject of many discussions above and below the line in the forum and the current status is that it can be posted but with the heading NSFW (Not Safe For Work) so that anyone who doesn't like it (and who understands the code) can avoid it.

                          But this place is a democracy and we like a debate (mass or otherwise) and anyone can set up a poll, so if you feel strongly about it set up a vote and we will see what the people say.

                          (I bet I get called Snr Serious Jnr by the windswept Mexican for this post)
                          Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                          • #14
                            GET OUTA' MY HEAD, MAN!

                            Originally posted by nicwing View Post
                            (I bet I get called Snr Serious Jnr by the windswept Mexican for this post)

                            Well HOT DAMN and BY GOLLY !! Your must be psychic, senor cheapo.

                            That is EXACTLY what I was about to post before I read the small print.

                            Ahh! What the Hell!

                            Thanks for keeping us inline on this thread, senor serious, Jr.

                            sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                            • #15
                              An anonymous poll would be interesting Nic. My personal opinion on this one is that, fair enough we're going to get the NSFW pics (I'm not really sure where it fits in the forum, but it does generate blokey comradery). However, and there's always one eh, is that it can be thought of derogatory to women in general and who are we to comment on that as males?

                              I'd like to see that any pictures of a similar ilk have to make reference to cigars, or contain them in the frame (no freaky cutting n pasting GMan) A compromise?

                              And also, if female mebers of the forum, our SOTL, started posting up pictures like below, would we BOTL find it uncomfortable?
                              "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"

