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Cigarette smokers anonymous.

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  • #16
    Had a couple of Camels ...

    Balkan Sobranie Black Russians burnt my brains ...

    But the connoisseur will not fear trying a Cohiba cigarette, surely? Nah ... small cigars for me, don't like fully inhaling the stuff.


    • #17
      My name is Tom and I smoke faaaaaaaags. I'm also from Essex ;P

      Drum hand rolling tobacco myself. Wont touch anything else. Also, I keep it stictly to work. I smoked from a young age full time until I met my missus who I quit for. Upon getting dragged into the working world, I slipped back in, but purely on the basis of never having them in my spare time. I utilise cigarettes for their benefits at work, rather than being addicted to them.
      Warning: Smoking cigars may cause a slow and delicious death.


      • #18
        Ex-smoker...stopped about 12 years thing I ever did


        • #19
          i go on and off smokes. on them when im gigging/touring then off when i finish.

          i must say after a month of smoking rollies i feel they mar the taste of cigars. had some great cigars over the month but all were a bit less tasty and i blame the ciggies


          • #20
            Want to quit once and for all

            Anti Smokin Device


            • #21

              Not even posh baccy either; Amber Leaf. I'm even sucking one in my avatar. This will change though...


              • #22
                Clinton Didn't Inhale

                Well, I ain't Clinton. I inhale everything. Even tried catnip once (worked for the cat; just gave me a headache, though). I know the #1 sin of cigar smoking is inhaling, but I look at it differently. Would you go to a fine restaurant, order prime rib which comes out perfectly cooked and fork tender, cut off a slab, chew it thoroughly, and then spit it out? I don't friggin' think so! It's like the wine tasters who slosh a sip around in their gobs and then expectorate. Why bother? "I won't come in your mouth." Yah, sure (apologies to S'sOTL who may be reading; not trying to be crude here, just making a point).

                I've been poisoning my lungs for too long to be able to deny myself that nice nicotine fix, regardless of whether it's my pipe or a lovely stogie (I have not had a ciggie in over 30 years and wouldn't smoke one under any circumstances [do you have any idea of the crap they put in those nasty things?]). Besides which, my palate is so fried that if I don't inhale, every cigar tastes like burning leaves (imagine that!). I only get any flavo(u)r if I suck the smoke down into my scarred and atrophied lungs.

                "But it's not good for you!" they all tell you. True. However, I'm willing to trade some years for some enjoyment. Besides which, anyone can quit smoking (Mark Twain: "It's easy! I've done it hundreds of times"), but it takes a real man to face lung cancer.

                migh too sense

                Originally posted by ACMCC View Post
                All the cigar smokers I know over here inhale, some 100%


                • #23
                  Originally posted by rokkitsci View Post
                  Would you go to a fine restaurant, order prime rib which comes out perfectly cooked and fork tender, cut off a slab, chew it thoroughly, and then spit it out?
                  Yeah but there's no nutritional value in a cigar. You smoke a cigar for the taste and you absorb the nicotine through your cheeks.
                  Originally posted by rokkitsci View Post
                  It's like the wine tasters who slosh a sip around in their gobs and then expectorate.
                  Wine has the alcohol in it which is a bonus for me, but not to wine tasters trying 50 different bottles. They'd be wankered by the tenth so they spit it out.
                  Originally posted by rokkitsci View Post
                  I only get any flavo(u)r if I suck the smoke down into my scarred and atrophied lungs.
                  Where there are loads of tastebuds. Or not.


                  • #24
                    Mr Rokkitsci, I love the post.. I had never thought of inhaling in such a manner before! Goodness...

                    A couple of pipe points, here. (Sorry chaps, this is after all in general off topic..) I've had a couple of cheap clay pipes, and I am breaking in a small briar in preparation for the winter months.

                    Are you telling me that a strong Latakia or other English blend would not make me feel rather ill were I to inhale the stuff fully? Respect if you can do it, sir!

