I finally invested my RN pension lump sum in a Stocks & Shares ISA in Jan '20. Made several early errors as you do but despite missing the real bottom prices of mid March, I am nicely in the black now.
Many might think a pension isn't something to gamble with but frankly in my Halifax ISA it would have earned me ?20 p.a., I reckoned I'd at least manage to better that. I understand there's risk involved but it wouldn't be the end of the world if I lost the lot but I set stop losses to avoid that.
I joined Motely Fool for some foolish advice & sure got some! I bought into Eve (mattresses in a box) company at ?1.30 & sold when they dropped to 85p, lower than I would normally take but I really gave it a chance. Not quite enough faith I suppose as 83p is lowest price this year, couldn't have held on & at least got my money back, currently 135p. Similar with M&S, lost money there too but then we all have, if only thorough our pensions.
Shell & BP are breaking even more or less & I bought them for the long term (dividends cut by Shell but paid by BP) really help growth.
Anyway, got really excited last night when a petroleum company I bought last week doubles in value! Big decisions to be made today, as predictably it's sliding down again but I have kept them all, as I am hoping the price will pick up again once spudding in & drilling starts before Christmas.
So that's the background, I guess best not to recommend individual companies on here, in case that leads to problems, i.e. members burning more cash than on cigars ect! But if we stick to general ups & downs & pm anything of note to those who respond to this thread, perhaps it would be OK? If Mods think that unwise then please delete.
So last night my portfolio was up 10%, anyone doing better?
Many might think a pension isn't something to gamble with but frankly in my Halifax ISA it would have earned me ?20 p.a., I reckoned I'd at least manage to better that. I understand there's risk involved but it wouldn't be the end of the world if I lost the lot but I set stop losses to avoid that.
I joined Motely Fool for some foolish advice & sure got some! I bought into Eve (mattresses in a box) company at ?1.30 & sold when they dropped to 85p, lower than I would normally take but I really gave it a chance. Not quite enough faith I suppose as 83p is lowest price this year, couldn't have held on & at least got my money back, currently 135p. Similar with M&S, lost money there too but then we all have, if only thorough our pensions.
Shell & BP are breaking even more or less & I bought them for the long term (dividends cut by Shell but paid by BP) really help growth.
Anyway, got really excited last night when a petroleum company I bought last week doubles in value! Big decisions to be made today, as predictably it's sliding down again but I have kept them all, as I am hoping the price will pick up again once spudding in & drilling starts before Christmas.
So that's the background, I guess best not to recommend individual companies on here, in case that leads to problems, i.e. members burning more cash than on cigars ect! But if we stick to general ups & downs & pm anything of note to those who respond to this thread, perhaps it would be OK? If Mods think that unwise then please delete.
So last night my portfolio was up 10%, anyone doing better?
