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  • #16
    Are you kiddin' me matey?

    Originally posted by celsis View Post
    I tend to disagree. There seems to be a bit of a difference in mindset between Europeans and North Americans. We tend to look at people and think "are they still a threat to society - and if not - what's the point of keeping them in jail?"

    In my experience, the US tends to keep people in jail as a form of revenge. And as the bible says, "Revenge is mine sayeth the Lord."

    Fuck that senor Dude!

    The man killed hundreds of innocent people, many of them Americans!

    But you are right about the different mindset between most of the world and the Scots, apparently. You don't seem to fully comprehend yet that there is a real terrorist threat in the world today that needs to be addressed, PRONTO!

    The Brits get it, the Canadians get it, even the Mexicans understand the seriousness of the threat that exists in the world today and that it must be dealt with in a serious way. And if that includes locking up a terrorist for the rest of his or her life, so be it.

    The fucker is lucky he was tried in Scotland; otherwise, we wouldn?t be having this discussion... And he wouldn't be seen as a hero in good ol' Libya-Smibya for blowing up a plane full of innocents over your homeland, mate.

    This man was shown to have been a terrorist; a key player in the bombing that should be punished, period. And as far as compasion goes...what about a moment of thought for those killed in the bombing and those left behind? Did they receive any compasion from the Scots when you allowed a convicted terrorist to return home because his tummy hurt?

    I'm sorry to hear that the Scots don't seem to fully comprehend the seriousness of the terrorist threat throughout the word. Maybe if you had a few tall buildings knocked over by terrorists and a few thousands killed in the process, you'd feel differently.

    And maybe, juuuuussssst maybe, you wouldn't feel so much "compassion" for a terrorist with a tummy ache.

    But Hey! That's just me, TJ, TJCoro, and I calls 'em like I seez 'em.
    sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


    • #17
      Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
      Fuck that senor Dude!

      But you are right about the different mindset between most of the world and the Scots, apparently.

      The Brits get it,
      We Scottish are also British.

      Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
      I'm sorry to hear that the Scots don't seem to fully comprehend the seriousness of the terrorist threat throughout the word.
      We do, and sadly, many of our soldiers, part of the BRITISH Army, have been injured and killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention Bosnia, Kosovo etc, etc.


      • #18
        No comment....

        Now where is my cigar..
        Love Life - Love Cigars


        • #19
          No Cigar for the Brit

          Originally posted by cohibaIV View Post
          No comment....

          Now where is my cigar..

          Well, since I just learned that the Scots are Brits, you ain't gettin' one!

          sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


          • #20
            I keep it on the down-low, mate!

            Originally posted by Ramon View Post
            We Scottish are also British.

            Not today you ain't!

            sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


            • #21

              I think you are really out of line with some of the things you have posted on this thread. Everybody who has contributed to this thread has stayed calm and not made personal attacks, discussing the topic with a degree of professionalism. That is until you posted your previous comments.

              I am Scottish and proud of it.

              I also take serious offence to some of the things you have said and the language you used in saying them. I think you have behaved despicably and should apologise for some of the statements you have made.
              "Come in here, dear Boy, have a cigar" ....Roger Waters (Pink Floyd)


              • #22
                Cigar anyone....
                Love Life - Love Cigars


                • #23
                  Has anyone tried any of the new ELs? I fancy the RyJ Dukes - our sponsor has them at what looks like the cheapest price by far.
                  Sit back and relax with a fine EL...I will as soon as I can afford them
                  Originally posted by cohibaIV View Post
                  Cigar anyone....


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by cohibaIV View Post
                    Cigar anyone....
                    I would send all parties to this debate a bomb... but it hardly seems appropriate given the subject...
                    My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
                    My Company:
                    Siparium Sporting


                    • #25
                      Apparently, you don't get it!

                      Originally posted by Paulie View Post

                      I think you are really out of line with some of the things you have posted on this thread. Everybody who has contributed to this thread has stayed calm and not made personal attacks, discussing the topic with a degree of professionalism. That is until you posted your previous comments.

                      I am Scottish and proud of it.

                      I also take serious offense to some of the things you have said and the language you used in saying them. I think you have behaved despicably and should apologize for some of the statements you have made.
                      Paulie...take all the offense you like. But try to lighten up a bit, chico.

                      I suspect, or at least hope, that most of the Scottish members here know that my venom was not directed at them personally or Scots in general, but rather at their representatives.

                      My God Man!!! If everyone I have "insulted" on this forum reacted as you, senor serious would have to procure more server space.

                      But on behalf of my amigos up north and out of just plain decency and common sense, Yes...I take great offense at what your "leaders" did yesterday and their total lack of compassion for those that were harmed by this terrorist that you apparently feel so much compassion for.

                      For that, I offer no apology.

                      But I assume your representatives do not speak for all Scots, but if they do....god help you!

                      sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                      • #26
                        Well I think that just shows what kind of a person you really are.

                        If you took the time to actually read what I have posted you will see I have offered no opinion either way on what happened. I only raised a question which others took the time to read correctly and offer their opinions.

                        At what point did I say I was compassionate towards Megrahi?

                        My point against you is that you decided to lambast all Scots and have now backtracked by saying it was directed at our leaders and representatives and not all Scots.

                        I just wonder if I started to look into your country's recent judicial history, what would I find that I could hold against all Mexicans in the same manner you did towards Scotland!

                        So again, are you going to apologise for insulting Scottish people for your previous comments?

                        Or are you going to try and make light of this and laugh your way out of it with all your smiley icons?
                        Last edited by Paulie; 22-08-2009, 01:08 AM.
                        "Come in here, dear Boy, have a cigar" ....Roger Waters (Pink Floyd)


                        • #27
                          Chill out, chico.

                          Originally posted by Paulie View Post
                          Well I think that just shows what kind of a person you really are.

                          If you took the time to actually read what I have posted you will see I have offered no opinion either way on what happened. I only raised a question which others took the time to read correctly and offer their opinions.

                          At what point did I say I was compassionate towards Megrahi?

                          My point against you is that you decided to lambast all Scots and have now backtracked by saying it was directed at our leaders and representatives and not all Scots.

                          I just wonder if I started to look into your country's recent judicial history, what would I find that I could hold against all Mexicans in the same manner you did towards Scotland!

                          So again, are you going to apologise for insulting Scottish people for your previous comments?

                          Or are you going to try and make light of this and laugh your way out of it with all your smiley icons?
                          Your point is under your hat, chico.

                          I see you are not going to take my advice and lighten up. So the only thing I have to say to you is...If you don't like my posts, don't read 'em. And if you insist on taking yourself soooo seriously, so be it. I don't. I suspect you are the only one who was "insulted" by my comments and took them to mean something they don't. So for the last time, I have absolutely nothing to apologize for, especially to you.

                          To the contrary, it is you who should be apologizing and ashamed for the outlandish actions of your government.

                          And as far as my smilies go...this one is for you

                          sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by TJCoro View Post

                            To the contrary, it is you who should be apologizing and ashamed for the outlandish actions of your government.

                            TJ - Jeez mate....that's going a bit over the line. Poor show old boy


                            • #29
                              Right then. That's this thread cleared up!!

                              Cigar anyone.....I fancy a MC Sublime tonight....what's everyone else planning?


                              • #30
                                I really think Its ok to debate about this, I think it is important to seperate the issues that you are all debating on, for instance, TJ and GSS are rightly argueing on the moral and judical stance of what should be expected of your goverment in regard to sentencing and treatment of people who go out and kill and maim in the name of what-ever, and I for one agree with there stand point to an extent.

                                But some of you are not debating the moral complexities of the treatment of terrorists, but more to the point the validation of the intelligence, evidence and prosecution.

                                I for one question this and so do some of you.
                                I think TJ is debating a seperate issue to be honest.
                                For a start, the question begs to be asked, If he was guilty, why would Gaddafi offer him up on a plate, look at his track record for christ sake, there stands a very good chance Gaddafi was protecting his sources.
                                And with America backed into a corner and in need of a perpertrator to this horrible atrocity, well, do the math.

                                Look into it TJ, it reeks of a stich up and I think there is a chance he is innocent from what I have read and heard, maybe thats why Brown has refused to comment on this affair over the last week or so, I know its a Scottish ruling and Brown can no way intervene, but it does strike me as odd that there has been no official release from Downing street, although I think Mandleson condemed the move to release him.

                                I think he was a pawn in classic game of international politics and I say that with the up-most respect to all the families who lost loved ones.

