Hi its sunday evening and very wet and windy out side 2night down here in devon,so i thought i would do a new thread and see what you do in your spare time,,apart from going out and smoking cigars as i see monte has an endless supply of cigaros.lucky bugger,lol.so if you have any hobbies or past times you would like to share then lets hear about it.i have many hobbies as we keep horses and one of them is a very large clydedale,she is about 16,2 hands of pure horse flesh but a gentle giant in many ways,she is a one of a kind down here in the s west as she is the only one known to the s west as nearly all of them tend to be in scotland and midlands.I also as some of you know i restore old cars for a living of which i love,i have been doing this for many years on my own now and find it very satisfying to do as i can smoke cigars in my own enviroment and restore the cars all at the same time,brill eh.I also go out on local digs with some freinds of mine as we dig for old bottles which has been buried in the ground for years.sometimes your lucky and other times not so lucky but good fun all the same as the whole family can join in.i also love music as this has always played an inportant part of my life for a very long time,ive played in bands and been a dj in many of the clubs down here,but this is just a small taste of some of my hobies,would like to see what any of you lot come up with if you can spare the time to read this.go on and lets hear about you.
