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The passing of a RN legend.

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  • The passing of a RN legend.

    I have received a couple of PM's about the sad passing of Rick Jolly so I thought I'd post this letter from the Skipper of HMS Penelope, which those who haven't heard of hi may find it informative. He truly was a legend in the Serice, with the RM & RN, I meet him several times & read all his books. RIP Rick.

    'It is with great sadness I have to advise of the death of Rick Jolly - more formally known as Surgeon Captain Rick Jolly RN - who passed away this weekend 13/14 January 2018.... During the Falklands War Rick set up the Ajax Bay Field Hospital, at San Carlos, saving the lives of many who were seriously wounded and indeed the Hospital had the proud boast that not one of the casualties it received, died. At one stage the Hospital was bombed but operations continued despite the presence of an unexploded bomb.
    The story of the Ajax Bay Field Hospital was recorded by Rick in his book The Red and Green Life Machine and he was also instrumental in setting up the South Atlantic Medal Association. Other books followed including JACKSPEAK, the ultimate directory of all naval language - not recommended for the politically correct brigade though thus an immensely good read.
    PENELOPE was always regarded with great favour by Rick and he always referred to the "boost" he and his fellow medics got from the hot bread rolls we sent over and never ceased to express thanks for that simple gesture which meant a lot to him and his medical colleagues.
    After the War Rick was not adequately rewarded in the Honours List; those responsible for the awards seemingly ignored his great gallantry and would have little concept of what he achieved under appalling conditions or of the manner in which he saved so many lives. His award was of an order given to many far from the dangers of actual Conflict. However the Argentinians were more generous, recognised all that he did to save the lives of many of their wounded and gave him a well deserved Argentinian National Award for which Royal approval was given for him to wear it.
    Rick was a great character, a person with a warm personality and someone we can all reflect on as having been a true friend. We mourn his untimely loss.
    Peter Rickard
    Commander RN.
    CO HMS Penelope 1981 -1983.'
    Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.

  • #2
    Well said that man....
    "Dear heart, you're talking to a man- a real man- who drinks straight Tequilla, with lime and salt on the rim, and smokes cigars" (J Zavala)


    • #3
      Sounds like a great man, may he rest in peace.

