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Its not all bad

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  • Its not all bad

    I've copied this from an article in the Mail by Richard Littlejohn with whom I suspect a lot of us often agree, especially those with a few years behind them. I found the comments in bold quite interesting as I didn't start smoking until four years ago at the age of 55. The entire article can be read here

    'They never give up. When the number of people smoking cigarettes fell significantly, the public health police turned their attention to 'passive smoking.Soon we were told that more people were dying of passive smoke than tobacco itself. Now the (admittedly filthy) habit of smoking is dying out, helped by the popularity of vaping, you might think Those Who Know What Is Good For Us would be happy.
    Far from it. Always on the look-out for something else to ban, they've come up with the concept of 'passive vaping' which is going to wipe mankind off the face of the earth — that's if the global warming doesn't kill us first.
    They've found 'experts' who have identified allegedly carcinogenic particles in the vapour given off by e-cigarettes, which they now want banned, too.

    haven't smoked since I was about 19, but until fairly recently I always used to fire up a small cigar on National No Smoking Day, just to get up the noses of the anti-smoking nazis.
    It was said of the puritan that he wanted to ban bear-baiting not because of the pain it caused the bear, but because of the pleasure it gave to people.
    The same goes for the anti-meat, anti-cigarettes, anti-booze, anti-absolutely bloody everything brigade. They just can't bear the thought of people exercising the fundamental freedom to enjoy themselves, even if it puts their own health at risk.
    Occasionally, someone tries to counter the constant drip-drip of abstentionist propaganda with a report attempting to prove that a little bit of what you fancy does you good — for instance, wine in moderation, etc.

    One of my all-time favourite studies 'proved' the best time to take up smoking is when you retire — since nicotine can ward off Alzheimer's disease and the harmful side-effects of tobacco won't have long enough left to kill you.

    I have only the anecdotal evidence of my late grandfather to support this finding.
    A committed smoker of roll-ups all his life, he was persuaded to give up in his 70s. When he died in his mid-90s he had contracted Alzheimer's, but there was nothing else wrong with him, apart from old age. He might just as well have carried on smoking.'

    I had a little dig around on the Internet and found several studies that suggest nicotine can have a slowing down effect on some cognitive effects of dementia but not on others. Experts are divided on whether nicotine in itself is addictive or whether it has to be combined with the other additives in cigarettes. When we smoke cigars we absorb nicotine through the membranes of our mouth and not through our lungs as cigarette smokers and I don't know anyone who is addicted to cigar smoking like cigarette smokers are so maybe there is something to it after all.

    Anyway the thrust of Littlejohn's article is that we should just do what we enjoy, eat what we like and get on with our lives. Happy smoking!

    'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'

  • #2
    I've heard it said that in one Australian study it was found
    that one cuban cigar per day had no adverse affect on life expectancy at all.

    Life is for living. Happy smoking.


    • #3


      • #4
        Now i would normally bathe my eyes in bleach after glancing at any article by the Daily 'hate' Mail - however what he is saying is sound, and sage advice. I often find that happiness/joy is often overlooked for what is considered 'good' for us (though God knows that category changes daily), I know that technically speaking the 1 cigar i have a day may have a small adverse effect on my health (I read somewhere 1-2%) however, i also feel this is negated by the positive effects this has on my health - the de-stressing mindfulness that helps me live a happier, more connected life.

        For me it is about balance
        Only the impossible is worth the effort.



        • #5
          Very much agree with the thrust of the article! If not always with Littlejohn and his views


          • #6
            A work colleague of mine broke his shoulder blade, 2 vertebrae in his neck and 3 ribs whilst cycling. Perhaps that should be banned for health reasons too?


            • #7
              Originally posted by thedame007 View Post
              Now i would normally bathe my eyes in bleach after glancing at any article by the Daily 'hate' Mail -
              Well it could be worse, it could be an article from the Guardian


              • #8
                Originally posted by mcdee View Post
                A work colleague of mine broke his shoulder blade, 2 vertebrae in his neck and 3 ribs whilst cycling. Perhaps that should be banned for health reasons too?
                Especially in London! Unknown-1.jpeg
                'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Shaun View Post
                  Well it could be worse, it could be an article from the Guardian
                  How dare you SIR!!

                  Leave my paper out of this!
                  *Throws flowers in rage*
                  Only the impossible is worth the effort.

                  JEANETTE WINTERSON,


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by lestabantam View Post
                    I've heard it said that in one Australian study it was found
                    that one cuban cigar per day had no adverse affect on life expectancy at all.

                    Life is for living. Happy smoking.
                    Is there reliable data for that claim as I’m really amazed at that.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Specialized_j View Post
                      Is there reliable data for that claim as I’m really amazed at that.
                      If memory serves it was discussed on a certain well known Australian forum a while back. As to the reliability of the data, well that's highly questionable in the best if cases. For example lots of data about cigarette smoking in pregnancy affecting birthweight was banded around as fact in the eighties and nineties. Subsequent studies have shown that when diet, poverty and other factors are properly controlled the average difference in birthweight is far less than originally thought.

                      You can search the Australian forum for the cigar study or Google for the other.

                      To me the point in thus thread is that cigar smoking in moderation will probably have a negligible affect on ones health... So lets enjoy life!


                      • #12
                        I totally agree with the article, the Anti-(Insert the flavor of the day) Nazi's won't be happy until there is nothing left that is pleasureable...Austria is a prime example of their desire to kill anything fun. I was living in Austria about 7 years ago when the smoking ban was brought in. The Anti-Nazi's protested and showed all kinds of studies about passive smoke and how if smoking in the Cafe's and Bar's was banned it would mean more business for the establishments because the "Silent Majority" of normal people who were afraid for health reasons to frequent these establishments would flood through the doors and life would be sooo great and wonderful...Luckily the Austrian Govt. didn't beleive all the bunk and came to a reasonable compromise (except in the eyes of the Anti's). They allowed each establishment (based on size) to choose if they would be Smoking or Non-Smoking if under 70sq.m, those over 70sq.m could be both if they had a seperate closed Smokers room with proper extraction. Once the descision was made it couldn't be changed for 5 years. About 65% of the establishments believed the Anti- hype and chose Non-Smoking. In those first 5 years almost 30% of the Non-Smoking establishments had gone out of business while the Smoking and Mixed establishments had almost doubled their growth. After the initial 5 year period was up, about 20-25% of the Non-Smoking establishments chose to switch to Smoking or Mixed. This naturally infuriated the already displeased Anti-Nazi's. Their next attempt at a total ban then focused on the poor Workers who had to tolerate this deadly work environment but were too scared to complain for fear of being fired...It will never end for them without total surrender. It's sad really, why these people can't understand "Live and let Live" is a mystery to me. They have a clearly marked choice posted on the door....Smoking or Non-Smoking. If it bothers them then they have other choices...I'm using Veinna in my example because that's where I was living.
                        A Cigar is the only phallic shaped object you can put in your mouth and look even manlier.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mcdee View Post
                          A work colleague of mine broke his shoulder blade, 2 vertebrae in his neck and 3 ribs whilst cycling. Perhaps that should be banned for health reasons too?
                          Cycling should be banned for many reasons!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Shaun View Post
                            Well it could be worse, it could be an article from the Guardian
                            Doubt it would have quite the same thrust!


                            • #15
                              To smoke or not to smoke. We all die in the end

