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Who Makes You Laugh?

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  • Just been catching up with Michael McIntyre's Roadshow, and just come across this genius... Simon Evans.

    For context, this particular show was in Sunderland:

    For full shows from your favourite comedians, head over to NextUp comedy here - 2 Episode 2 - My good lord I love this guy! I'm ...
    My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
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    Siparium Sporting


    • Great thread guys!

      I'm a massive comedy fan, not many of my favourites mentioned though! I'll stick to the one at a time rule though

      I think Louie CK is the best US, stand-up comedian since Bill Hicks.

      "Achieving life is not the equivalent of avoiding death." Ayn Rand


      • More Bill hicks
        Of course, has to be, and for ever will be, obviously, clearly one of the best stand up comedians of our time. He can hit so many nerves with one big sucker punch to the solar plexus followed by a kick to gonads and then tickling your ribs when your on the deck begging for mercy.

        So, in conclusion, a rather funny fellow :P


        • Firstly I must say that I do love Bill, but TBH I think he was a better ideas man than a stand-up writer.

          He chose amazing topics to pick holes in and and nothing was off limits but when you analyse what's actually happening on stage there are a lot of pauses and a lot of repetition. If he had come up with the ideas and then had a co-writer help him to flesh it out or trim it down then you could have had twice as much material performed in the same amount of time and a lot less annoying microphone noises!

          But I understand that these are probably very unpopular opinions so I'll shut up now adn leave with my favourite Bill clip.

          "Achieving life is not the equivalent of avoiding death." Ayn Rand


          • Im on my phonw here stylar so cant see the video.

            To me, when a stand up has to have things edited and trimmed, and "fleshed out" its obvious to us the audience that its not just "off the cuff" shall I say. However I do umderstand that the majority of stand ups practice their routine but I believe, in the depths of my heart, the centre of my soul and in the parts of my brain that use only 5% of what they are capable of... That bill hicks didnt give a flying intercourse movement about how he performed. I reckon he went out there to give more of a political statement with a funny twist rather to try singuarly, to make people laugh.

            Meh, IMHO of course lol


            • barack obama makes me laugh....because he is sofa king we todd ed!

              i also like andrew dice clay! reminds me lots of myself at times...


              • Originally posted by MarkSDMF View Post
                Im on my phonw here stylar so cant see the video.

                To me, when a stand up has to have things edited and trimmed, and "fleshed out" its obvious to us the audience that its not just "off the cuff" shall I say. However I do umderstand that the majority of stand ups practice their routine but I believe, in the depths of my heart, the centre of my soul and in the parts of my brain that use only 5% of what they are capable of... That bill hicks didnt give a flying intercourse movement about how he performed. I reckon he went out there to give more of a political statement with a funny twist rather to try singuarly, to make people laugh.

                Meh, IMHO of course lol
                Yeah, I totally agree that he cared more for the statement he was making than having a well oiled routine. Most major stand-up comedians practice their routine and have all their major jokes constructed and optimised to within an inch of their lives, it's the links inbetween the jokes that give them a chance to flex their improvisational muscle. I just think that Bill belabours his points a little, but as you say, I guess he wanted you to think more than laugh. I still don't care for all his microphone noises though
                "Achieving life is not the equivalent of avoiding death." Ayn Rand


                • People who sell glass top boxes of "Cohibas" on ebay, with presumably a straight face
                  "The best cigar you'll ever smoke is the one you're smoking at the minute" - Zino Davidoff


                  • Bec Hill, the funniest comedian I have ever seen.


                    • What would I know? I'm just a backwoods roo packin crim from New Holland! LOL. (Thankyou El Cat)


                      • Here's a couple of clips from probably my favourite comedian, Dylan Moran.

                        "Achieving life is not the equivalent of avoiding death." Ayn Rand


                        • Two Radio two Funnys this morning !

                          Well I liked em, and we need a bit of a laugh .....

                          A mate of mine has just started the Whisky Diet...... He's already lost Three Days ..............(I hear the desert winds passing) IYKWIM

                          A Chap goes to the doctor and says " I cant stop singing the Green Green Grass of Home"
                          Doc.. " Ah you've got Tom Jones Syndrome"
                          Chap..." Is that Common"
                          Doc... " It's Not Unusual"
                          Boom Boom


                          Live & Dangerous ;-) ......
                          Twitter @AyeAyeReviews


                          • These from the Interwebz make me laugh.

                            Chuck Norris can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass. At night.

                            Chuck Norris doesn?t breathe, he holds air hostage.

                            They once made a Chuck Norris toilet paper, but it wouldn?t take sh!t from anybody.

                            Chuck Norris once had a street named after him. But the name was removed at once, because nobody crosses Chuck Norris, and lives.

                            Chuck Norris doens?t read books, he stares them down until they tell him what he wants to know.

                            Chuck Norris doesn?t cheat death, he wins fair and square.

                            Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.

                            Some kids piss their name in the snow. Chuck Norris can piss his name into concrete.

                            Chuck Norris? calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd; no one fools Chuck Norris.

                            Chuck Norris got in a fight with a VCR it plays dvds.

                            Chuck Norris doesn?t tea bag the ladies.... he potato sacks them.

                            Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead decided to punch his way out of his mother?s womb. Shortly thereafter he grew a beard.

                            Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship.

                            There is no such thing as evolution, just a list of species that Chuck Norris has allowed to survive.

                            Chuck Norris never wears a motorcycle helmet. The concrete always scoots out of the way.

                            Darkness is not the absence of light. It is the presence of Chuck Norris.

                            Chuck Norris once beat Super Mario Bros 3 without even touching his Nintendo controller. He just yelled at his TV in between bites of his "Filet of Child" sandwich, and the game beat itself out of fear.

                            Chuck Norris invented black. In fact, he invented the entire spectrum of visible light. Except pink. Tom Cruise invented pink.

                            Chuck Norris once ate a Rubric?s Cube, and pooped it out solved.

                            When an episode of Walker Texas Ranger was aired in France, the French surrendered to Chuck Norris just to be on the safe side

                            "Chuck Norris" is a safe word that works for all jungle beasts.

                            For every answer on the SAT test, write in "Chuck Norris". You will automatically score a 1600.

                            Chuck Norris once got a flat tire on the New Jersey Turnpike. That?s why he made the rest of the country hate New Jersey. They?ve been collecting tolls ever since in hopes of raising enough payoff money in case it ever happens again.

                            Chuck Norris talks about Fight Club
                            What would I know? I'm just a backwoods roo packin crim from New Holland! LOL. (Thankyou El Cat)


                            • Originally posted by Styler View Post
                              Here's a couple of clips from probably my favourite comedian, Dylan Moran.
                              ROTFLMAO at the second clip. I always wondered how Conan the BallBearing made it to Governor.
                              What would I know? I'm just a backwoods roo packin crim from New Holland! LOL. (Thankyou El Cat)

