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  • gaming online

    on every forum there are always people who indulge in the art of war online, so just wondering out of the people oh here who does what and on what format.

    i myself have been frequently ,shot ,fragged ,stabbed and had my arse handed to me on a silver platter in many guises. I've been through the delta force series, call of duty and lost count of the mmorpg's i've played. I still have an open account for WOW and i'm interest in the upcoming mmorpg Star Wars the old republic (if my rig can handle it). Everything i play is of PC format as i don't have a ps or xbox.

    So lets see who out there is still a kid at heart wanting to blow things up
    I started out with nothing and i've still got most of it left - Seasick Steve

  • #2
    Aye I dont mind a bit of PC gaming now and then. The delta force series was brilliant. Not currently playing anything atm, things are a bit dry really! Was tempted to play Doom3 but couldn't be assed to install.

    Whatcha playing atm?


    • #3
      I play Urban Terror. It was originally a Quake 3 Arena mod but it's now available standalone. Oh and it's free, and insanely fast. Windows, Linux and Mac versions available.

      I've been playing it for about ten years now, and it amazes me how many people still play such an old game. I dabbled with Enemy Territory for a while, but it was less fun and much slower. Go on, give it a go. Did I mention it's free?


      • #4
        Never heard of that game. I love older games with shitty graphics, well not shit..but just old. To me they are what games should be. Realistic games are great and all, but I find older graphics more immersive, if that sounds crazy?! The mind works more when you have a shittier looking game, where as all these new games the graphics look almost real, the creative mind works far less.

        downloading now


        • #5
          Originally posted by misterbulgarin View Post
          downloading now
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          Siparium Sporting


          • #6
            Originally posted by daverave999 View Post
            I play Urban Terror. It was originally a Quake 3 Arena mod but it's now available standalone. Oh and it's free, and insanely fast. Windows, Linux and Mac versions available.

            I've been playing it for about ten years now, and it amazes me how many people still play such an old game. I dabbled with Enemy Territory for a while, but it was less fun and much slower. Go on, give it a go. Did I mention it's free?
            I used to love this and Quake2, years ago we had it on a server at work which a whole lot of us used to play in the office, god knows how we got away with it. we had all the custom skin jobs it was so cool.

            Like misterb said, old ones are the best, especially ones like carmageddon on a network
            Free the UKCF one


            • #7
              Best game I've ever played was Hidden & Dangerous. First came out about 1999 then H&D 2 was 2005 or 06.
              There are always rumours of H&D3.
              I still play it from time to time, it's becoming something of a collectors item now.



              • #8
                i played ffxi for a good year
                was a massive counter-strike fan
                now im hooked on left 4 dead, has to be the most inventive multiplayer online game i've ever played. team of 4 survivors against team of 4 mutated zombies, plus hordes of normal undead. real teamplay and tactics needed (so public games are normally terrible unless they're with mates/clan)
                left 4 dead 2 is out in november!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by linfield100 View Post
                  Best game I've ever played was Hidden & Dangerous. First came out about 1999 then H&D 2 was 2005 or 06.
                  There are always rumours of H&D3.
                  I still play it from time to time, it's becoming something of a collectors item now.

                  HD2 was a work of art though, was pondering installing it but couldnt be assed with the 3 CD installation, lazy bugger


                  • #10
                    I used to play quite a bit, I have a Wii/360/PS3 DS/PSP....and play plenty on the PC too.

                    I think most of my time has been spent playing the odd FPS, and Civilisation. More hours spent on that than anything else.


                    • #11
                      I used to play Call Of Duty on the PC a lot.

                      Got a wii quite recently and have a blast on that now and again. Anyone fancy a race on Mario Kart?


                      • #12
                        Done plenty of COD on Xbox 360. Mario Kart I've not even picked up on the Wii yet, I really should.


                        • #13
                          I've played a lot of Counter-Strike online over the years and I loved S.T.A.L.K.E.R. from a few years ago but tend to stick to the 360 now....mostly one-player things like Bioshock, HL2 plus the odd Left 4 Dead and Nazi Zombies


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Deano View Post
                            Done plenty of COD on Xbox 360. Mario Kart I've not even picked up on the Wii yet, I really should.
                            It's extremely good fun, get it! You won't regret it.


                            • #15
                              Stalker is the nuts with the Oblivion Lost mod. Replayed it from the start with that and it was great. So many new features and editions it was like someone else re-made the orginal game.

