...of the day goes to Robusto! lol
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Coolest avatar...
Don't mock me! lol
I'm enjoying work at the moment because I've had to start wearing a black suit for a new role at work, and this woman who is my age - and who looks after herself - has started rubbing up to me in meetings! Hehehe,,, She says it's because I and the band wear black suits on the website, and she loves it.
We look like rough trade wide-boys. Kray Twin perves. It's a look that comes naturally, and we get lots of work! lol
The honest truth is that a good mate is a busy amateur wedding photographer, and as part of my coming out as a cigar smoker, we agreed over a couple of beers to do a cigar photoshoot. Stop laughing!!! It was very funny to pose around Sandwich with a fat stogie by walls and on benches. I'll put the link up if anyone's interested in photography. There might be some pics left of this walkabout.
I like that one, but unfortunately my eyes make me look like Blanche off Coronation Street in it.
The photos were a bit of a piss-take, Deano. But I have to say I really was UTTERLY self-conscious about smoking in public til about four years ago when I decided to say to myself - Fuck that for a lark. Go for it and enjoy yourself!
I'd be interested if anyone else was crippled with self-consciousness about cigar smoking. When they finally released me from the nut-house, I decided that showing off was the way to go.
Which is where my stogie portfolio comes into it.
We are brothers together, Do not mock, ffs!!! lol
BTW - Drewmidorn wins on the Avatar front for me. Mate - I'd love to hear more about your muso stuff.
Here's my mate's site. In there, somewhere, is a section about countries he's travelled to, and there are some ace pictures of Cuba.
I've put it here for fun - but he is a real tecchie about photography in his Blog. Anyone into taking shots should find it interesting.
Where I make music in my free time, he grabs a camera.
David Fenwick Photography
Thanks for the vote of confidence Robusto, ... but after a bottle of Jack Daniels, little sleep and two flights in as many days I usually look well lived in so its rare to get a good picture...when I do I use it to death! lol
You look like you're being properly productive in your avatar! If you really want to have a listen try www.reverbnation.com/jean or www.myspace.com/abandcalledjean . Its the same guys I do the corporate work with and that www.madhen.net... all of the above with proper ropey pictures!Last edited by Drewmidorn; 14-09-2008, 03:19 AM.
I've listened to the Jean thing and really like it.
You lucky bastard with the world class axeman travel. Last night was an up-market caravan site for us... but we still had an absolute ball.
You wrote about a breakfast cigar with a cup of tea somewhere recently and I couldn't agree with you more on the joy of it.
Circa 0600 on a non-work day out in the garden with a good cigar and a teapot of Assam.
Life-enhancing dreams are made of this.
I'll be honest I think the joys of life are
1) Music (and all its trrappings...guitars etc)
2) A good Cigar
3) A great cup of Bewleys Irish breakfast tea
4) A good book
5) A bottle of Buffalo Trace or Wild Turkey
6) A good bar of dark chocolate
7) The company of a good woman.
...and in that order! lol
however its rare i see 0600 unless its from the wrong side or I'm flying somewhere (off to Vienna tomorrow so set off at 5!)...I'm pretty sure its not healthy to get up before the hour is into double figures.
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